Advanced Class Guide playtest conclusion and PFS

Pathfinder Society

So, the ACG playtest is done. In closing dev comments, some of the classes had "these changes are planned as we finalize the book" notes.

The Additional Resources list states, "players using these playtest options are expected to frequently monitor the Pathfinder Society messageboards for changes while playing these classes during the playtest."

(Edit: I'm pretty sure the playtest messageboards was meant, not the PFS messageboards, since the playtest wasn't being discussed on the PFS boards)

Do we apply the planned changes to ACG playtest PFS characters? The earlier Arcanist revision was pretty clearly labeled as "this is the official new rule", but in contrast some of the closing changes were kinda vague general statements rather than actual rules mechanics.


Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Jason Wu wrote:

So, the ACG playtest is done. In closing dev comments, some of the classes had "these changes are planned as we finalize the book" notes.

The Additional Resources list states, "players using these playtest options are expected to frequently monitor the Pathfinder Society messageboards for changes while playing these classes during the playtest."

Do we apply the planned changes to ACG playtest PFS characters? The earlier Arcanist revision was pretty clearly labeled as "this is the official new rule", but in contrast some of the closing changes were kinda vague general statements rather than actual rules mechanics.


I've been trying to figure this out as well.

Some of the designer comments have been vague, while others have been very specific (like "Brawlers count as having INT 13 for combat feat prereqs" and "Slayers don't need to meet prereqs for Combat Style talents").

Should we be enforcing the clear/specific ones or not?


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My understanding is that you only apply the "**OFFICIAL UPDATES**" found in the first post of the individual class threads here. Any other planned changes are not yet official and won't be until the final product drops.

5/5 *

redward wrote:
My understanding is that you only apply the "**OFFICIAL UPDATES**" found in the first post of the individual class threads here. Any other planned changes are not yet official and won't be until the final product drops.

This is my understanding as well. Nothing else the Devs said was official, and I think it would be a logistical nightmare to treat it any different.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

redward wrote:
My understanding is that you only apply the "**OFFICIAL UPDATES**" found in the first post of the individual class threads here. Any other planned changes are not yet official and won't be until the final product drops.


Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Can we get this stickied please? I was looking for those threads this morning, and I couldn't find them because when the playtest closed, you guys moved the whole subforum.

5/5 *

I think the right place for it would be as an update to Additional Resources. It needs an update as it is, as it was never updated after the original release of the playtest and includes some obsolete items.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Michael Brock wrote:
redward wrote:
My understanding is that you only apply the "**OFFICIAL UPDATES**" found in the first post of the individual class threads here. Any other planned changes are not yet official and won't be until the final product drops.

Thanks for the clarification, Mike.

Does make me a little uncomfortable, though. I can just imagine a player getting a few levels in, then being told that the archery feats they took with Combat Style are illegal, and suddenly having an archer without any archery feats for the next several months. That doesn't sound very fun.

Oh! Idea! If I were to sort through the threads and compile a list of the handful of clear/unambiguous updates from among designer comments, would you be willing to put those into Additional Resources as temporary "PFS Houserules" until the book comes out? Seems like that would be minimal work on your end with lots of potential upside. Would that be reasonable?


Jiggy wrote:
Does make me a little uncomfortable, though. I can just imagine a player getting a few levels in, then being told that the archery feats they took with Combat Style are illegal, and suddenly having an archer without any archery feats for the next several months. That doesn't sound very fun.

"Link," as the kids say.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Jiggy wrote:

Oh! Idea! If I were to sort through the threads and compile a list of the handful of clear/unambiguous updates from among designer comments, would you be willing to put those into Additional Resources as temporary "PFS Houserules" until the book comes out? Seems like that would be minimal work on your end with lots of potential upside. Would that be reasonable?

That would be greatly appreciated.

4/5 5/5 **

I just went to review the last comments on the ACG playtest classes but the messageboards have been moved to the "Older Products" section and the posts won't show up! How are PFS players supposed to prove some of the "official" changes from the developers that are on the messageboards but not in the playtest doc? I don't mind if they lock the threads, but to move them to a completely inaccessible area is not going to work for us.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Michael Brock wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Oh! Idea! If I were to sort through the threads and compile a list of the handful of clear/unambiguous updates from among designer comments, would you be willing to put those into Additional Resources as temporary "PFS Houserules" until the book comes out? Seems like that would be minimal work on your end with lots of potential upside. Would that be reasonable?
That would be greatly appreciated.

Not counting things already listed as **OFFICIAL UPDATES** in the OP of each discussion thread, since those are already considered binding; also leaving out unclear (i.e., "We'll find a way to accomplish X") or undecided (i.e., "Leaning toward doing X") updates:

That's all I could find in a search of the three design team members' posts for the last 7 days (that is, since the revised playtest doc dropped). Hopefully that covers all the solid, definitive updates outside of the **OFFICIAL UPDATES** from the discussion threads' OPs.

4/5 5/5 **

Interesting, if you go directly to the Class Discussion page you can see the revised classes playtest comments, but not from the general Advanced Class Guide section.

5/5 *

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I would suggest, since we are taking the time to compile them, that we also include the **OFFICIAL UPDATES** as well, so that PFS players dont have to go hunting some now crazy hard to find boards:

* In Table 1–1, in the Spells per Day columns, the 4th and 5th level spell tags are swapped. The spells on the table are correct, but their titles at the top of the table should be reversed.
* In that same table, at 14th level, all of the spells per day should be moved to the right one position, and a new "4" should be added at 1st level. This level should read 1st-4, 2nd-4, 3rd-4, 4th-4, 5th-4, 6th-4, 7th-2.
* Brawler counts as having Int 13 for the purpose of meeting combat feat prerequisites.
* Brawler strike is Ex instead of Su.
* Instead of precise companion, just give Precise Shot as a bonus feat.
* Snake focus should be a typeless attack bonus.
* Studied Combat: the insight bonus to attack rolls against the target of your studied strike lasts for a number of rounds equal to the investigator's Intelligence modifier, or until he chooses to make a studied strike, whichever happens first.
* I'll clarify when you can accept raging song: you played it as intended, that you can accept when the skald starts, then get the free yes/no on your turn as well.
* Ranger combat style talent should say you can ignore the selected feat's prereqs, just as a ranger can.
* Add a couple more appropriate rogue talents to the list, like powerful sneak and unwitting ally.
* Replace Cha-based ninja assassinate talent with Int-based talent that does the same thing.
* The warpriest gains proficiency with his deity's favored weapon

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Yeah, but first I wanted to have the other list separately, in case Mike wanted to veto anything and didn't want to sort out what was OFFICIAL versus merely official. ;)

Digital Products Assistant

Dan Simons wrote:
I just went to review the last comments on the ACG playtest classes but the messageboards have been moved to the "Older Products" section and the posts won't show up! How are PFS players supposed to prove some of the "official" changes from the developers that are on the messageboards but not in the playtest doc? I don't mind if they lock the threads, but to move them to a completely inaccessible area is not going to work for us.

You need to have the forum expanded in order to see the contents of the main forum. You can see the Advanced Class Guide subforums here.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Thanks Mike and Chris! :)

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Ran into a problem today.

Warpriest get proficiency on their deity favored weapon.

So I've got a player asserting this means EWP (Bastard Sword) and he can use it one handed. I say it is a Martial Weapon for him and he doesn't take -4 non-proficiency on attacks.

Has anyone else ran into this?

5/5 5/55/55/5

James Risner wrote:

Ran into a problem today.

Warpriest get proficiency on their deity favored weapon.

So I've got a player asserting this means EWP (Bastard Sword) and he can use it one handed. I say it is a Martial Weapon for him and he doesn't take -4 non-proficiency on attacks.

Has anyone else ran into this?

Cleric: Does a cleric, whose deity's favored weapon is the bastard sword, receive free martial or exotic weapon proficiency with the sword?

Since the bastard sword is listed as an exotic weapon, he receives the Exotic Weapon proficiency with the weapon, allowing him to use it one-handed.

—Jason Bulmahn, 07/08/11 Linky

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Mh this should go after similar things. Some deities give EWP. Calistria has a whip.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Risner wrote:

Ran into a problem today.

Warpriest get proficiency on their deity favored weapon.

So I've got a player asserting this means EWP (Bastard Sword) and he can use it one handed. I say it is a Martial Weapon for him and he doesn't take -4 non-proficiency on attacks.

Has anyone else ran into this?

One would presume it works exactly like clerics.

Seriously, what kind of lame-ass god would give his warpriests sorta-proficiency-but-not-really with his favored weapon?

Jiggy wrote:
Seriously, what kind of lame-ass god would give his warpriests sorta-proficiency-but-not-really with his favored weapon?

The beta gods didn't even give them proficiency or a way out of using the favored weapon. Heck, my family taught me to use the family greatsword and gave it to me(okay not really, they made me pay for it) but somehow I never learned how to use use every other greatsword(how hard can it be to stick em' with the pointy end, eh?). Pathfinder is weird like that sometimes.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

BigNorseWolf wrote:
—Jason Bulmahn, 07/08/11 Linky


Also, note, the Additional Resources list was updated with some changes to ACG classes. HeroLab has already been updated to reflect these changes.



Could it be specified in Additional Resources that Bard Song feats can be applied to the Skald's Raging Song, based upon the clarification mentioned in this note?

There will be skald equivalents of that and similar bard feats, yes (or clarification that a skald could apply such things to his raging song).

5/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Don't expect any PFS specific rulings made for the ACG classes until the book is released.

Mike and John have said they are reluctant to issue rulings on the playtest versions of the hybrids. Because they don't want to have to alter those rulings if the classes are drastically changed from their current versions in the final book.

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