Personally, I would allow this as a swift action and require at least one free hand.
Goggles, smoked would be great to have at all times versus Glitterdust, especially for casters who aren't about to use spells that require to-hit rolls. This would include most control spells.
Without any action specified in the rules for that particular thing, you would default to the umbrella rule of "manipulate an object", which is defined in the Core Rulebook as a move action.
When In Doubt, Move It Out!
So that doesn't really work, but move action is the default.
I just checked with myself, and it could possibly be a swift if your GM is nice.
Move action or part of movement (as per drawing weapons) maybe quicker if you have "quick draw"? But that requires a nice DM.
I'd allow swift. It's a flick of a finger, really. If you time it out to how long it takes to walk 30 feet and compare that to how many times you can raise and lower some goggles, you'll find you can mess with those goggles many, many times. It might even be a free action since those, in fact, are limited per round.
Jiggy wrote: "manipulate an object", which is defined in the Core Rulebook as a move action. +1
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Don't try to assign actions based on how many seconds something takes in real life. That way lies madness.
I think a move action makes perfect sense.
I can do it pretty quickly, but...
- I cannot do it in an instant, while being 100 % sure it isn't going to obstruct my vision.
- I cannot do it, without it affect my ability to fight in a few seconds.
- I cannot do it, while running as fast as I can.
Jiggy wrote: Don't try to assign actions based on how many seconds something takes in real life. That way lies madness. Madness? THIS. IS. PATHFINDER!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
It's clearly a move action. Under manipulate an object.
Remember that the entire combat round is six seconds.
Yeah, move action or combined with a move.
If one of my players asked, I'd say a move action as it is a similar action to retrieving something from a backpack. If in doubt, try it in real life with some snow goggles. If you 'swiftly' move the goggles, they will not be properly adjusted over your eyes.
It's definitely a move action, in my opinion as well
After reading several of the comments (round is six seconds, adjusting goggles to swiftly might obscure vision, etc.), I agree that using the goggles should be a move action.
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