Looking for gunslinger (musket master) advice


Silver Crusade

All righty, I'm currently playing in Skull and Shackles with my table-top group. My character is a Tiefling Gungslinger (Musket Master) and just recently hit level 5. As it stands right now I'm already pretty strong. The barbarian is the only one who reliably outdamages me in the group, and I can do it at range, so not too concerned, but I've begun to have issues with misfires. A standard part of the gunslinger, but thought I'd look to find out what advice and abilities are out there that I haven't found.

Str 10
Dex 19
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 10

Rapid Reload (musket) - Free from archetype
Point Blank Shot - Level 1
Precise Shot - Level 3
Deadly Aim - Level 4 bonus feat
Rapid Shot - Level 5

Right now I'm using a +1 musket, +1 chain shirt, Tidewater Cutlass, Bracers of archery (since I'm the only range, he's letting those apply to my firearms, lucky!), and Besmara's Tricorne.

So right now at the future I'm looking at getting a reliable enchantment added onto my gun as soon as I can afford it which will reduce the misfire down to 2 when I use paper cartridges for quick reloading or 1 for 1 shot. I'm trying to decide on feats though otherwise. I thought about doing the Vital Strike chain so I could get off one good shot (less chance of misfire that way), but the reduced damage is hard to argue for. There is the Dead Shot deed at level 7, but not sure if that combines with Vital Strike or not. If I did go that I'd pick up signature deed at level 11 probably. I do plan to pick up distance on the gun as well, and greater reliable depending on when I can afford it (the level 13 musket master ability might make it moot).

Any advice would be appreciated.

EDIT: Correct level 5 feat from rapid reload to rapid shot. Doh!

I wouldn't waste my time on Vital Strike. It's a trap.

This article might help. In our game, the Musket Master Player was already building his character like this anyway.

you have rapid reload twice? is the level 5 feat supposed to be rapid shot?
I suggest you focus on getting as many shots in the air as possible 2 now and 3 from level 6. vital strike is not gonna be total waste but you really want to move tovards deft shootist so you want dodge and mobility.
Bleeding shot may be a good deed to make signature i havent tryed it that far.

Silver Crusade

@ darkwarriorkarg: Nice article, it definitely reaffirms the choices I've made up to level 5. Doesn't help much past level 5 though aside from suggesting Snap Shot (which I will be looking into now!)

@ Cap. Darling: DOH! Yes, rapid shot. Corrected above. Thanks for pointing that out! I haven't had too much issue with AoOs yet, but I'll keep that in mind. The GM has tried to surround me a couple times but me and the other players do a decent job of working together in combat thus far. Only a matter of time though.

Our gunsligner intends on getting Bleeding Shot with Signature Deed. 6 Bleed damage/round. Sure, doesn't help much against regenerating creatures (although they take the initial damage), but we're in Rise of The Runelords.

He reserves his grit points for the occasional "really need to hit at more than short range" and quick-clearing his musket.

How's teh rest of the party for support? I play a support cleric, so I'm ready to Mend the musket if necessary.

Silver Crusade

I'll definitely have to keep bleeding shot in mind as well it seems.

There's a bard and a cleric in the party. The bard does have mending, but I don't believe the cleric keeps it memorized. I'll mention it to both just in case. I usually end up near the bard. He's the captain and sorta ranged, so I kinda act as his bodyguard while taking shots at the enemy. There's been a couple times when he could've mended my gun that might have been a better option. Thanks for that tip!!

Keep 1 point of grit for quick clear/reloading. With 1 grit and the rapid reload feat you can quick clear as a standard action and reload with ball & powder as a move action, it doesn't expend the grit point and the next round you are ready to fire again with a first shot that doesn't have the alchemical cartidge penalty (although it does have the -2 from a misfire).

Misfire does not mean you have to stop shooting, having a gun explode is not nice but in many cases it is better to risk an explosion than stop in the middle of a full attack. Explosions do not do enough damage to be avoided at the cost of becoming a melee character.

Consider picking up an unenchanted musket as a back-up weapon. It is not cheap, but you are at the point where it is not impossibly expensive.

Start combat with musket loaded with ball & powder instead of a paper cartridge.

mending is a 10 minute cast time, as is make whole so they are not practical in combat.

---- edit--- I forgot this, but a musket master needs to keep one point of grit to get free action reloading. that's the reason I recommend the standard action quick clear and move action reload with paper and ball, so automatic to keep the one grit that I forgot why.

Silver Crusade

@ cnetarian: Good advice. I didn't realize the 10 minute casting on Mending, so that's a no go. As far as keeping it loaded, that's one area the GM and I work with each other on. While there are no rules preventing this, I generally don't keep it loaded at night while sleeping or when traveling in town. Basically when it would make sense to not have it loaded. The GM doesn't argue if I keep it loaded in situations where it makes sense. And ball and powder in those situations. My ammo table takes up half a page itself, lol.

A question on the misfire though. I thought the -2 went away when you quick cleared. Am I missing something from that?

Xzaral wrote:

A question on the misfire though. I thought the -2 went away when you quick cleared. Am I missing something from that?

You're right, too much dealing with $%^#ing double barreled firearms.

BTW with that build I'd look at arcane strike (using tiefling SLA: darkness) for your next feat. It might not be the best choice but it does give considerable flexibility - enchants like reliable, distance, nimble & designating are much more attractive if arcane strike can effectively give you the +1 (or higher) magic weapon quality.

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