101 interesting items

Homebrew and House Rules

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47. Nocturnal Stones: Glow with starlight and moonlight if there is no sun currently in the sky above. Will glow constantly if on the lower planes or in a sunless world. Can be used like a lantern only if by someone with low light vision.

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48. The Black Box (overpowering universal, CL a billion)

The Black Box is activated by pressing a button on the top. Roll 1d8 to determine the table to roll on. No power on earth can influence these rolls.

1. Random Encounter Table
2. Rod of Wonder Table (Caster and Target randomly determined)
3. Deck of Many Things Table (1d6 cards, each effect targets a random creature present).
4. Contact Other Plane. A random creature present must ask one question. What degree of plane is contacted is determined randomly.
5. Roll on the Tiefling fiendish heritage table 1d6 times and take each ability.
6. As Summon Monster IX with both Superior and Augment Summons. Monster is summons for 2d6 days and is perfectly loyal to a random creature present.
7. Roll on Servitor table (see below).
8. Roll on the Codex of the Planes' Catastrophe Table.

Servitor Subtable - permanently loyal creatures:
1. 15d6+15 lemures with an infinite-distance psychic connection to the activator.
2. 10d6+10 dretches with an infinite-distance psychic connection to the activator.
3. Two exciteable nymphs.
4. A human rogue 1/druid 1/fighter 1/sorcerer 1/wizard 1/monk 1/cleric 1/barbarian 1/bard 1/ranger 1/paladin 1 with a 12 in all ability scores.
5. A baby barghest that has no limit on the amount of corpses it can consume to gain hit dice. Must be cared for and hand-fed at first.
6. A 3rd-level conjurer.
7. A 20th-level 15-point-buy commoner who can completely rebuild all feats, skills, stats, and similar choices choices with 10 minutes of meditation. He remains a 20th-level commoner. All hit dice are treated as if he had rolled a 1.
8. A tarn linnorm.
9. Two tarrasques.
10. A harem of succubi and incubi.
11. The Beatdown Krew: Four T-Rexes with the Half-Dragon, Giant, and Advanced (applied last - they get the boost to int) templates. Determine dragon type randomly.
12. A random great wyrm dragon.
13. Six froghemoths.
14. A bat swarm.
15. Cthulhu.
16. 2d100 dire bats with an infinite-distance psychic connection to the activator.
17. 6d100 battle-trained heavy horses . They possess a hive mind and an infinite-distance psychic connection to the activator. They are asexual and reproduce by splitting into 1d2+1 foals. Each foal matures into another loyal, hive-minded, battle-trained heavy horse in 1d6 days, at which point it may split again.
18. A colossal adamantine golem.
19. A 20th-level sorcerer with 10 charisma. No power in the multiverse can raise his charisma score.
20. Three thugs (Fighter 2/Rogue 2).

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49. Parchment of Bloodied Names (moderate divination)
When a few droplets of blood are dripped on this oily parchment the blood will slowly flow leaving bloody letters that spell out the blood-owners true birth-name (if he has any) in his native tongue. One piece of parchment is usually enough to write down up to 50 names on each side.

50. The Interior Re-decorator
This +1 object-bane adamantine bastard sword earned it's name and reputation in the hands of Commander Himes of the Arch-Mordork city watch, frequently put to use sundering the arms and armor of criminals and troublemakers to bring them in alive.

Its infamous name comes from a particularly memorable raid into the well defended (read: trapped) mansion of a crime lord. After almost falling into a pit trap and then getting trapped in a hall pumped full of poisonous gas, the stubborn Commander Himes started hacking through walls in a straight line toward the saferoom reported by his scouts, bypassing most of the crime lord's traps with his unconventional assault. This assault was so effective that it became standard operating procedure when raiding those with a nasty reputation of leaving traps for unwelcome guests.

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51. Gauntlets of the necromancer (moderate necromancy). These lether gauntlets are reinforced with dark steel plates, which in turn are engraved with various necromantic symbols, arcane circles and texts.
Wearer of the gloves, as a standard action, can make a touch attack, that deals 1d6 plus his charisma modifier negative energy damage, plus additional 1d6 per every 4 HD he has.
Alternatively, the wearer can send out a 15ft cone of black lightning that deal 1d6 plus his charisma modifier negative energy damage, plus additional 1d6 per every 4 HD he has. DC 10+ wearer Charisma modifier + 1/2 wearers HD reflex save for half. When used this way the wearer takes strain damage to his body, equal to gauntlets minimal damage (if the gauntlets deal 3d6+2 damage, the wearer takes 5 damage).

52. Hand of the Necromancer (varied, necromancy). This mummified hand has its fingers jutting out in rigor mortis, a name is inscribed deep on the back of the hand. A stiff chain around the wrist area suggests tat it's an amulet.
When worn, as a full-round action, the wearer can call out to the dead necromancer and duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of the necromancy school up to level 5, using the wearer HD as the caster level. Each use of the hand sees one finger stiffly bend down. When all 5 spells are cast, the hand turns into ash.

53. Grasp-hopper (moderate conjuration). This gold and silver band is decorated by an unusual gemstone, that faintly radiates a yellowing glow. As a full-round action designate a container by touching it with the ring. 3 times per day, as a swift action, teleport any item stored in the container into your hand. The container must be no more than 100ft away from the ring or the daily use is wasted. The user must imagine the called item, if no such item exists in the container - the daily use is wasted.


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While not an item exactly I recently introduced these to my campaign.

54. Waystone Constructed by a long lost civilization these large magical pillars can be found along the old kings road every 50 miles or so. Sought out by travelers these pillars give off an aura of warmth (20 ft), Can create water (10 gallons a day), and can cast daylight.

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55. Vampire's mirror A beautiful hand mirror made for an accursed bloodsucker. While holding the mirror, a vampire can see their own reflection in it. Anyone else who holds the mirror will not see their own reflection, but will see those of others around them, excluding vampires of course.

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56. Shovel of Digdug this ignominous cold-iron shovel has a long handle and radiates a faint aura of conjuration magic. It has the constant effect of giving the user 10' Burrowing speed though only through standard earth, not stone. 1/Day it can be commanded to Create Pit as the spell (CL 3).

57. Icebane Salt alchemically enhanced rocksalt that instantly neutralizes any ice or snow to a 1" depth in a 5' square. Has no effect on cold nor does it negate damage of any kind but it can be used to clear a path or reveal items below.

58. Arcstones coveted by halfling slingers these magically infused stones possess a curious power only accessible by height and distance. The wielder must have at least 10' distance to the target and also have enough space for the bullet to achieve a height twice their own (a Small slinger must be standing in a space large enough for a Medium creature, etc). If these conditions are met the bullets hurl upward in a lazy arc, coming to a full stop at the apex even if this defies natural laws; it then streaks down at the target with unearthly speed and power. If it hits treat the damage dice as 1 size category larger +1 Size bonus to damage (so a halfling sling-staff using this ammunition would deal 1d8 +1[Size bonus] damage).

59. Wet Stones these simple runestones are small enough to fit comfortably in the cheek of a mouth. Once placed in a creature's mouth they continue producing drinkable water all day enabling the creature to merely suck upon the stone and gain the fluid needed. Once activated these stones continue working unless removed from the user's mouth at which point they become inert. Alternately they can be placed in a receptacle and smashed at which point they unleash 10 gallons of clean, potable water. A frightening means of execution in the Withered Wastes of Karnoss is to tie a noose on a victim with one of these stones in their mouth. The rope is bound only to constrict the mouth and throat, not to break the neck. Once the victim is dropped the sudden impact breaks the Wet Stone and the victim drowns at the end of the rope.

60. Brutehaul Sack these bizarre magical sacks are overlarge, enabling the carriage of hundreds of pounds worth of material. The true magic of the device however only works under a specific condition. If the sack is borne on the shoulder of the user and held with 2 hands the user's carrying capacity is doubled as if under the influence of an Ant Haul spell. In this manner dwarves all through the Bonefrost Mountains have hauled waste stone from their mines on the shoulders of the apprentices rather than going to the expense of training goats to haul out carts for them.

Sovereign Court

61. Change purse drop 10 coins in this ordinary looking pouch say the command word and pour out 1 coin of the next higher denomination, a different command has the reverse effect.
62. Sword of stupidity gives a to-hit and damage bonus equal to the inverse of the possessor’s intelligence score. Wizard with an 18 intelligence identifies it as a -3 cursed sword, fighter with 7 intelligence +3 sword woohoo!

63. Frosttouch Crossbow although this device costs as much as a standard +2 Light Crossbow many wielders seek these weapons. At close range their speed and accuracy is well worth the investment.

The weapon fires an eldritch bolt coated in arcane frost. This energy targets the Touch AC of the enemy and has a maximum range of 30'. The accuracy is further enhanced by a crystaline targeting array on the weapon made of pure ice maintained by the power the weapon houses. If the bolt hits it deals 1d3 +7 damage regardless of the size of the wielder.

The secrets of creating this weapon are a closely guarded secret. Requirements are known to include the feats Arcane Strike and Point Blank Shot, 50 vials of Liquid Ice, the cantrip Ray of Frost, and finally drops of vitae comingled from the Orcish and Draconic (white/silver) sorcerer bloodlines.

Mark Hoover wrote:
31. The Fatigue-u-lator worn for centuries by the rage-meisters of Yaunek, these crude stone amulets have a curious rune etched upon them combining elements of Chaos and Enervation. The device, once attuned to the wearer (requires constant use for 10 minutes before working) is capable of absorbing one instance of Fatigue. However the chaotic nature of the device inflicts the Fatigue back randomly upon the wearer for a duration double that which would normally have affected them.

The greater Fatigue-u-lator absorbs 2 instances of fatigue and then puts the wearer to sleep the next time characters have to wait for someone to finish speaking in game.


64.Cursed Rings of Bwor-Guruhk
These rings appear to be normal rings f protection +1 until worn. In fact, they offer the wearer no protection, but instead offer a +2 profane bonus to STR and DEX. Additionally, a character can wear as many of these rings as he or she has fingers or even toes. The bonuses from multiple rings stack with each other (but not with any other profane bonus). However, each ring also imposes a -4 penalty on Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks, and a -2 penalty to Will saves against divination effects. Additionally, the rings can not be removed by choice. The only way the ring can be removed is if another would-be owner takes the ring by violent force, either chopping off the appendage the ring is on, prying the ring off with enough force to break the bones in said appendage, or killing the wearer for the explicit purpose of claiming the ring.

65. Blades of Bwor-Gurhk
These +1 longswords are actually intelligent items, servants of the demon lord Bwor-Guruhk. They seek out evil or easily corrupted wielders, and will attempt to convince their wielders to seek out as many of the cursed rings of Bwor-Guruhk as they can and claim their power. They are capable of casting locate object once per week to find these rings. They also seem willing to lead their wielders to an unowned ring, then find a new wielder to lead to their previous owner with the intent of provoking the two to fight to the death.

It is said that if a sinngle person obtains enough of the rings, Bwor-Guruhk himself will attempt to possess the person. It is unknown how many rings a person can wear before Bwor-Guruhk deems them "ready".

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66: Bag of Loot
This large sack blocks all magic to scry on or locate the contents or the bag itself. It was used by criminals in a heist. It currently contains The Klotman diamond(Large clear diamond), 50 platinum coins, and an antique abmantium butter knife. All these items will be sought by the authorities as soon as taken out of the bag. The next time this bag is rolled, put a severed head or a gun in there.

67: Blood of chaos
This liquid is ever changing to blood, acid, and other horable susbstances. The effcts of this is random with a huge range of effects.

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Mark Hoover wrote:

63. Frosttouch Crossbow although this device costs as much as a standard +2 Light Crossbow many wielders seek these weapons. At close range their speed and accuracy is well worth the investment.

The weapon fires an eldritch bolt coated in arcane frost. This energy targets the Touch AC of the enemy and has a maximum range of 30'. The accuracy is further enhanced by a crystaline targeting array on the weapon made of pure ice maintained by the power the weapon houses. If the bolt hits it deals 1d3 +7 damage regardless of the size of the wielder.

The secrets of creating this weapon are a closely guarded secret. Requirements are known to include the feats Arcane Strike and Point Blank Shot, 50 vials of Liquid Ice, the cantrip Ray of Frost, and finally drops of vitae comingled from the Orcish and Draconic (white/silver) sorcerer bloodlines.

Note: Frosttouch Crossbows fire eldritch rays so there is never a need to load them (no Move action to load) and can be fired with 1 hand. The aiming of the device requires an extra half-second of the wielder's attention (uses wielder's Swift action).

A variant of this device is called the Iceneedle Crossbow. It costs an additional 400 GP but when fired the bolt solidifies into a piercing bolt of pure arcane ice. This variant deals 1d4+8 Piercing damage. Again like its sister the Frosttouch the Iceneedle never needs loading but requires a moment's concentration to aim.

Liberty's Edge

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68. Coffeepot of Endless Coffee

This coffeepot looks to be made from a strange transparent glasslike material, and is always filled with strong black Ankhesi coffee. Once per day, when you drink straight from the coffeepot, you can stay awake for an additional twelve hours without sleepiness or any of its deleterious effects. During this time, you gain a +2 bonus on saves against effects that would put you to sleep (such as the Sleep spell or drow poison.)

Once the effect ends, you are just as tired as you normally would be had you not drank the coffee.

Goth Guru wrote:

66: Bag of Loot

This large sack blocks all magic to scry on or locate the contents or the bag itself. It was used by criminals in a heist. It currently contains The Klotman diamond(Large clear diamond), 50 platinum coins, and an antique adamantine butter knife. All these items will be sought by the authorities as soon as taken out of the bag. The next time this bag is rolled, put a severed head or a gun in there.

Had to correct a spelling.

69. Shoes of immortality
These hideous toe crocs halt the aging process of any who wear them, but only while wearing them. However, the natural healing process is also halted while wearing them and thus the wearer does not regain any hit points when resting. In addition, the sight of the crocs impose a -1 penalty to most charisma based checks the wearer attempts.

Scud422 wrote:

69. Shoes of immortality

These hideous toe crocs halt the aging process of any who wear them, but only while wearing them. However, the natural healing process is also halted while wearing them and thus the wearer does not regain any hit points when resting. In addition, the sight of the crocs impose a -1 penalty to most charisma based checks the wearer attempts.

They add +1 to a bardic performance if they sing a comedy song such as Tacky..


70. Fetch Pebble
A pebble that when thrown, starts returning to the thrower after one turn at a speed of 20 ft. per round.

71. Gloves of Hairy Palms
When you wear them, the gloves seem to disappear and your palms become hairy

72. Tome of Uselesness
When you open this Tome, it immediately closes (as per Open/Close Spell)

73. Staff of Desintegration
When the command word is said, this Staff Desintegrates itself

74. Stone of Magical Aura
This Stone has a magical aura, but isn't actually magical

75. Goggles of Colour Changes
When wearing these Goggles, Blue will be Yellow, Yellow will be Red and Red will be Blue. You'll see Orange as Purple, Purple as Green and Green as Orange. Furthermore, you'll see Pink as Brown and Brown as Pink

76. Crystal Ball of Self Reflection
A Crystal Ball that lets you scry, but only on yourself in the present moment

77. Majestic Cloak of Winds
A Cloak that when worn, waves like there is a mild breeze

78. Button of Chance
When someone touches this Button, he'll sometimes see the Button randomly appear somewhere. This will happen not more than once every 24 hours. The Button disappears whenever the person tries to interact with it in any way

79. Druid Figurine
A Figurine in the shape of a dead rabbit. Whenever a Druid is holding it and speaks the command word (In Druidic), the figurine transforms into a Light Steel Shield. The Druid needs to do this voluntarily to work and the Shield transforms back into the Figurine as soon as it leaves the possession of a Druid.

80. Fyodor’s Sword of Fairness
Whenever this +3 Greatsword hits an enemy, that enemy can choose to duplicate the damage on the wielder of the Sword. This damage is always the same as the enemy took, and cannot be reduced by the Wielder.

81. Ring of Narcistic Charisma
You gain a +10 on Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff, but only when using those skills on yourself

82. Wand of Wand Summoning
This Wand summons an exact duplicate of this Wand, including powers. Immediately after it's power is used, it crumbles into nothingness.

83. Bag of Smoke Pellets
When a pellet is thrown at the ground, floor, or whatever, they emit a a flash and puff of smoke. There are 50 inside when found, and will refill only if discarded and found by someone else. In any case, they give +4 to surprise, initiative, hiding, of other actions that involve appearing or disappearing. The pellets are an alchemicle item and can be duplicated as such.

Scarab Sages

One I came up with for a game some years back, details sadly are a little fuzzy particularly since that campaigns notes were lost in a computer crash.

84. Dwarf Throwing Axe
Often confused with Dwarven throwing axes these two handed weapons (stay as a battle axe) were invented by a small clan of Dwarves to offset their small stature compared to their usual foes. Although the clan has since passed into the mists of time along with their crafting techniques some axes still crop up from time to time.

Normally functioning as a +1 axe these weapons hurl the wielder at the nearest enemy between 30 and 120 feet away if none are closer than 30 feet before casting cure critical wounds on them. The wielder not the enemy that is. The Dwarven clan had developed a fighting style involving heavy armour and spiked helmets that combined the intimidation factor of a wave of sturdy dwarves flying through the air head first before driving a spike backed by over a hundred kilos of rapidly moving dwarf and armour into their foes body with the convenience of knocking their enemy down to their height or giving them a handy grip point higher up their body. However most modern users do not seem inclined to take advantage of this feature of the axe after they first discover it. Although this can be somewhat excused by the fact many of them didn't expect it to happen and tended to land rather badly the first time.

Makeitstop wrote:

I was actually just thinking about posting something like this, and with the other 101 threads,

2. The Blind Candle, a candle which when lit, gives off no light, and whose flame is invisible. However, anyone looking in the direction of the candle with their eyes closed can see the flame, even if it's on the other side of an obstacle, so long as it's within range (120ft).

I got the idea from this item. Of a candle with an invisible flame that gives off a defuse glow:

85: blinds anyone looking into the flame as if they were looking into a flash bulb.
86. reveals all invisible and or non-corporal lifeforms in a room.
87. shows everything in 60ft sphere as if its being x-rayed. All things hidden can be seen, up and down, traps, trap mechanisms, secreted weapons on personnel, any one with a broken bone. the candle only lasts 6d6 seconds you better pay attention, get good mental (memory) image, and don't get freaked out when all your friends look like a skeleton because you do too.

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