I GM and I think it should be fun =)


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I thought I would share the "After Action Report" from the first session of my new campaign. It's a PF game but not PFS and in a custom world.

We have been gaming together for far to long (10+ years) but I like to keep people on their toes, especially bitter players =)

It was a lot of fun and my player had a blast. It gets mroe interesting as we move along over the next few sessions:


"Being heroes is EASY!!!!!

Complete first assignment destroying kobolds - CHECK

Get next job from the boss - CHECK

Gather minions - CHECK

Casual stroll through the forest - CH..... hey wait.... is that a frog. WHAT THE F&%K.... that frog is 12' tall..... and Blue..... it's breathing Ice.... ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Our brave heroes did get an assignment to check out the abandon dwarf town of Ironforge (tm) in the old mining valley. They did get some vague warning about a curse but NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION.... or 12' tall, ice breathing mutant frogs. Come to think of it the 14' tall black frog breathing darkness was not on the menu either.

Still, it was nothing they could not handle. It is still only frogs after all, well, and mutant goats walking on two legs and throwing gemstones like sling stones at the group. The big clubs were well below average also.

Yeah, that did make it a little more complicated. Still, no one died.

It was enough the group decided to return to the gate, lock it behind them, rest and consider their options. What comes next? My bet is they go back to looking for more kobolds.

Your guess is as good as mine!"

Sounds fun to me so far and ironforge? Lol are they gonna run into loch modan? Lots of fun beasties there that can be messed with lol

Silver Crusade

When I ask for sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads, I expect sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads! What do we have?

The name os the place is not supposed to be Ironforge but it slipped out and stuck. Too late to backtrack at that point =)

Liberty's Edge

Hehe I love the suprise moments. Reminds me of a higher level game where a new player wanted to come in with a good aligned charactor who used chaos magic. chaos magic is usually practiced by dark and evil persons. And this charactor had chaos magic runes all over his robes. So I ambushed the party with a hound archon.

The lengthy double take and protestations about archons not attacking good charactors was amusing.

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