camping fire inside a tent

Rules Questions

is it possible to have our camping fire inside a tent? like the top would be vented for smoke, but would it be like super dangerous.

and are tents thick enough to hide the light from the fire?

Larger teepees and yurts typically have fire pits in the middle. It's really just a matter of size and proper setup.

Or use a Dakota fire pit.

Dakota fire pit, very cool...thank you for that

Tents you travel with are generally made to be light and portable, simply canvas and poles, not thick enough to hide the light of a torch or lantern, let alone a campfire. More permanent tents are thick enough, such as the kind of tent you set up one time and then live there for months or years - usually made up of animal hides layered over a heavy, solid frame.

But, with all the special materials in Golarion, I suppose somebody could have made a "blackout tent", designed to be light and portable but impermeable to light. I don't know of one in the equipment guide, but it would be easy enough for a GM to take a normal tent, double the price, and give it this quality.

A minor, Pathfinder-related note: the tents available in Ultimate Equipment actually state which one a fire can be safely built inside (the pavilion size, specifically)

ah, ok thank you

There are also Braziers, which are designed to small contained fires.

Liberty's Edge

Even with a shelter half style of tent (basically a single piece of canvas or hide supported by two poles, sticks or ropes at an angle like a lean to) can have a fire built safely under it's cover if there is sufficient space and care taken.

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In the SCA we have large tents, open on two ends, and yes a firepit is often placed inside.

But you can't do it if the tent has a floor or is closed off. If you have a closed tent with a fire, you can die from Carbon Monoxide.

If you want concealment of the firelight, work with your GM. In my game my PCs have used their Survival skill to incorporate tent canvas into a survival shelter of branches and leaves. While the smoke was still a problem (could be detected by smelling/seeing it in the air at times) this camouflage helped hide the glare.

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