Heartseeking Weapon vs Mirror Image

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

The question came up in a pfs game recently, and I was hoping to get a specific ruling. Does a heartseeking weapon ignore the duplicates created by a mirror image spell. I ruled that since the weapon is pulled to a beating heart and the images do not possess those, the weapon ignored them. Any thoughts?

Shadow Lodge

Heartseeker wrote:
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A heartseeker weapon is drawn unerringly toward beating hearts. A heartseeker weapon ignores the miss chance for concealment against most living targets, though the attack must still target the proper square. This special ability does not apply against aberrations, oozes, plants, outsiders with the elemental subtype, or any creature specifically noted to lack a heart.

emphasis mine I would say yes personally, because I doubt the image has a heart. Mirror Image is a figment, and thus I don't think is real enough to count as having a beating heart. Not official, but its my thought.

though the attack must still target the proper square.

This seems to indicate you must still find the copy to attack

pfsrd wrote:
"This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you."

Finding the right square to attack shouldn't be a problem.

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