Ranged Touch Modifier

Rules Questions

A ranged touch spell uses the caster's BAB, Dex mod and I assume a range modifier of some sort v.s. the target's Touch AC.

What is the range modifier for ranged touch?

Liberty's Edge

That depends, a firearm has the same range modifiers as anything else. Spells, however, don't have a range modifier, they simply have a set range and can't go past it(barring special circumstances).

hmm, ok so no range modifier then, as long as the target is in 'range'. Just the BAB and Dex mod.

Sorry Im new, can anyone throw out a spell that is range touch based?

Scorching ray is a popular one :)


Liberty's Edge

Every "Ray" spell and several "thrown" spells... Acid Orb, Snowball, etc.

Ah, I see the connection then... thanks

Just throwing it out there: keep in mind that firearm attacks are not touch attacks, although they do hit touch AC.

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