Ragathiel Empyreal Lord

Rules Questions

a bit confused how this works, most gods show domains, alignment and the lore but this also has boons and an obedience buff

Obedience: slay a proven wrongdoer in Ragathiel's name. It is not enough for the sacrifice to have an evil heart or evil intentions, the sacrafice must have commited evil or unlawful deeds. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to saving throws against spells and effects cast by evil creatures.

1: Virtuous Combat (sp) bless weapon 3/day, litany of righteousness 2/day or magic vestment 1/day
2: Retribution (su) you gain a sacred bonus equal to hald your HS on damage rolls made with slashing weapons against the last creature to have physically wounded you within the last 24 hours
3: pure soul (sp) you can cast holy aura on yourself once per day. In addition to the effects of the spell, yo gain dr 10/good and cold iron and you treat your weapon in hand as a +5 holy weapon for the duration of the effect.

my question is do i get all the boons or choose one?
is obedience always active after slaying the first evildoer?
can a paladin choose him to be his deity in an adventurer path? atm I am playing in the new one Wrath of the Righteous.
can I use the spells even if i took the archtype: Warrior of the holy light, which gives up spell casting for other stuff.

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In order to gain the benefits of the obedience and the boons, you need the "Celestial Obedience" feat and (for the boons) a certain number of HD (= class levels for most regular characters). The "Mystery cultist" prestige class also grants access to these benefits.

The feat is on page 5 of the "Chronicle of the Righteous" book, while the prestige class is on page 48 of the same book.

To answer the specific questions:

1: You get all the boons you qualify for based on having the feat and an appropriate number of HD/levels (12 for the first boon, 16 for the second boon, 20 for the third boon).

2: The obedience must be performed daily; on any day you don't perform the obedience, you don't gain the benefits of either the obedience or the boons.

3: Yes, but you should check with your GM. He/she may not use the empyreal lords in his/her game.

4: Yes; the spell-like abilities don't require any spellcasting ability.

wow having to kill one person each day in order to have the obedience sounds kinda evil to me. where will I find a supply of bad guys to kill each day sheesh, the boons are really high level too it seems, you mean 12 as in character level 12?

so all in all kinda hard to get the boons and obedience abilities.

Yes, 12 as in character level 12. The prestige class I mentioned can grant the boons at an earlier level, though. Entering the class as early as possible will lead to the boons being granted at character level 10, 13, and 16 rather than 12, 16, and 20.

And yes, it's pretty hard to get those abilities. One thing to consider is that while Ragathiel's obedience is rather harsh, most of the obediences for the other empyreal lords are far easier to accomplish.

The Exchange

Read through Chronicle of the Righteous. It will make all this much easier to understand.

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