Playtest - Master of the Fallen Fortress

Playtest Feedback

This playtest includes a Slayer, Swashbuckler, Arcanist, Skald, and Shaman, all at level 1. This information is based on our play session, which took us up to the second last floor. We’ll be finishing this game December 15th.

Below I’ve included the build and feedback of each player (the players all range from newer to experienced). Note that I’m not the GM of this group, but I’m posting this on behalf of the GM in the group.
The Feedback is directly from each player, and hasn’t been edited at all.

Human Swashbuckler 1


Ability Scores: Str 12 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 7 Cha 16
Race features: Standard Human
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting
Traits: Heirloom Weapon (Rapier), Reckless


1. What do you not want changed about your class (or like about your class)?
I enjoyed all the defensive options I had, and I never felt helpless during an enemy's turn. Even when the burning skeleton had me down to 1 or 2 hp (I forget exactly how low I was), I was ready to use my Recovery deed when it attacked me, hoping the bonus AC would block its attack, while the 5 foot step would move me out of range of his fire aura, allowing me to heal up or even just re-engage instead of simply dying on the beginning of my turn.

2. What do you think should be changed about your class?
I kind of wish Riposte didn't require an additional attack of opportunity on top of Parry, or that the Swashbuckler could get extra attacks of opportunity without needing to take the Combat Reflexes feat, since without that feat you will never be able to Riposte.

3. Is there anything about the other classes you were playing with that you thought should be changed (overpowered, underpowered, should work a different way, etc)?
The Skald's raging song seems rather lackluster, or at least extremely situational. As a melee character I thought I'd be among the first to accept it, but losing AC as a relatively squishy character just isn't worth it for the small damage boost. Maybe if instead of giving bonus CON, and therefore bonus hp at the back end of your health, the song gave temp HP as a buffer at the front end of your health. It could make the tradeoff more worthwhile and encourage more reckless, rage-like play while under the song's effect. To balance that out they could possibly increase the rounds spent fatigued afterward?

Human Slayer 1


Ability Scores Str 12 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10
Race features: Standard Human
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits: Alkenstar Defender, Black Powder Bravado


1. What do you not want changed about your class (or like about your class)?
Favoured Target. I like the versatility and guarantees I can be of use in almost every fight (as opposed to favoured enemy), and I also like the fact that it isn’t limited in daily uses. I like that unlike a Rogue, I feel like I can be a valuable party member even as a ranged character.

2. What do you think should be changed about your class?
Favoured Target definitely needs to be easier to use. I was constantly struggling with my action economy, and there was more than one fight where I didn’t even pop favoured target once, and instead just simply chose to attack & move (and this is coming from a ranged based slayer, too). I also agree that the skills per level needs to be increased from 4+Int to 6+int.

3. Is there anything about the other classes you were playing with that you thought should be changed (overpowered, underpowered, should work a different way, etc)?
I shared the Skald’s disappointment when no one accepted his rage song throughout the entire module. As a primarily ranged character, I couldn’t benefit at all from the bonuses it provided. Hoping the skald can increase his versatility in the performance department.
I found that both the Shaman and the Arcanist had very little to contribute in regards to ‘little things’. It seemed like both classes had little to offer at first level. Once the channels had been busted out, and the three Arcanist’s spells had been cast, they were both left empty handed.

Human Arcanist 1


Ability Scores Str 9 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 16
Race features: Standard Human
Class Features - Arcanist Exploit (Potent Magic)
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits: Bliss Bee Harvester, Freed Slave


1.What do you not want changed about your class (or like about your class)?
I like the exploits and the core mechanics of the class very much though to be honest they feel almost more like an archetype for a wizard than a new class.

2.What do you think should be changed about your class?
I think there needs to be more ways to gain points to my arcane reservoir or it should fill up a bit more. At low levels it works to be small but as you level consuming magic items isn't exactly something you want to be doing everyday.

3.Is there anything about the other classes you were playing with that you thought should be changed (overpowered, underpowered, should work a different way, etc)?
As it was first level its hard to say what seemed off about other classes but the Skalds rage song thing seems like it could be a bit more versatile.

Aasimar Shaman 1


Ability Scores Str 9 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 16
Race features - Incorruptable
Class Features - Familiar (Fox) Spirit (Life)
Feats: Great Fortitude
Traits: none (didn’t select any)


1.What do you not want changed about your class (or like about your class)?
The shaman overall feels like a decent class. I feel that with how every part of the class works it is an overall well put together package. With the exception of what I will be pointing out below, everything else of the Shaman seems quite well thought out and implemented.

2.What do you think should be changed about your class?
On the other hand, the few things I dislike about the Shaman are as follow: The spirit abilities I feel need a little bit of work. For example, the BATTLE Spirit's first ability makes you a better healer as opposed to a better fighter. Additionally the Greater Spirit ability of the Life spirit is nothing more than being able to cast 6 Stabilize effects at once, 3 + Cha mod per day. So at level 10 I get an ability equivalent to 6 orisons? Which I can use an infinite number of times per day anyway? Most of the other spirit abilities aren't terrible, but there are a few (like the ones I have mentioned) that I feel definitely need work. Additionally, if you are trying to be a healer as a Shaman, you are useless in almost every other regard. Since you don't have the ability to spontaneously change any spell to a cure spell of the same level, then it is imperative that almost all the spells you take every day be healing spells. I think an easy fix would be something simple like making the Life Spirit's starting power be the spontaneous casting, while changing the Greater Spirit power to channeling (but up to uses to 3+ Cha mod instead of 1 + Cha mod)

3. Is there anything about the other classes you were playing with that you thought should be changed (overpowered, underpowered, should work a different way, etc)?
The other classes seemed interesting, but I noticed two things: a) Our Skald's songs were basically useless in the adventure, where every time they went to us it I only accepted to buffs for shits and giggles, while the Skald was the only other person making use of it. In this instance he probably would have been better off just rolling a Bloodrager. b) The arcanist basically seemed to be a one trick pony. Honestly, he only really cast one spell through everything we played, but afterwards it was a kind of "well that's all I can do" feel I seemed to get off of the character. The revision was nice and flavourful, but still needs some tinkering with in my honest opinion

Half-Orc Skald 1


Ability Scores Str 14 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 18
Race features: Standard Half-Orc
Feats: Extra Performance
Traits: Reactionary, Armor Expert

Feedback: The skald wasn’t able to provide feedback in time, and since the playtest is moving so quickly, I wanted to post these before their feedback became obsolete.

So, just to be clear, the Slayer is asking for Favored Target to be changed.

Slayer wrote:
Favoured Target definitely needs to be easier to use.

I'd say from that, it's a yes.

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