When does a half orc look human?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hi all. Had a discussion with a gamer that we couldn't resolve so I turn to u for help. If a half orc takes traits that make em mechanically similar to humans, can one say that they look human but has half orc traits? For example, if u took the racial subtype of arena bred, it clearly states that u r more human like as you are more like a quarter orc and the game mechanics are adjusted accordingly. But how human did u look if u took that?

Furthermore, u could take away dark vision for skilled, another human trait, to make u both mechanically and really more human. So if I took all these traits what can I say I look like COSMETICALLY? In game mechanics I'm still a half orc but do I still have to be green or gray skin? Do I still have canine teeth?

If u say I can make mild changes to the character then what's the point of pass for human feat?

My opinion is I could make the guy LOOK how I want but everyone would recognize something to identify him as a half orc. But that's my two cents.

Anyone got anything.

It looks human when you describe him as looking human. Game doesn't really have many rules for that sort of thing.

The only 'rule' I know of about this is looking like another race has a -2 penalty to disguise checks.

Arena Bred doesn't have anything mechanically that changes this, but I would rule that it removes this penalty if desired, meaning that baring any specific feature the player wanted that looked orcish, I would allow the character to look human to the casual observer. A knowledge(local) role could still identify him as half orc.

If you're asking from a mechanical standpoint, unless you have a trait or feat that says you can pass for human without making some kind of roll (I think Aasimar have something like this), then you never "look human", even if mechanically you're closer to a human than an orc.

Cosmetically speaking, even with the above listed traits, you'd still have the half-orc bone structure, and quite possibly pronounced lower canines (thought less visible than a non-arena bred hOrc, and even less than a hOrc with "toothy"). If your setting has hOrcs as having a different skin tone, than you'd have those skin tones as well.

That's really what the pass for human feat does, is it makes it easier for you to "blend in" with humans, whereas the traits are just mechanically making you closer to a human. If you really wanted to be the "orc in human's clothing" you'd want to take all of the above, feat included. In a sense, it'd be a neat concept for an Orc Blooded Half Orc Sorcerer who wasn't really aware why he "didn't quite fit in" until his bloodline emerged.

What I'd say is that he has a slight green or grey tint to his skin naturally, maybe his ears are a little bit pointed and he's got a bigger build than a normal human. The reason to take the feat is to DISGUISE himself as a full human by using make-up, hats, and clothing to hide that he's a half-orc. Otherwise there is definitely something that others recognize in him that tips them off to his mixed heritage.

Pass for Human is a weird feat. Its one you take to be something you should've been the whole time and really gives a cosmetic bonus in most games/situations at the cost of a feat slot, and those things are valuable. Worst part is when someone says you actually have to take it to be a human looking half-orc, despite it being a cosmetic.

And pass for human is so big a bonus to disguise that it would be easy enough to fool even ur ex girlfriend by the numbers. So y not just say u look human at that point? This problem is extends to all the half breeds really. Aasimars, tieflings, halforc, half elf, and mayb e more all have u defined characteristics (to varying degrees) and could all pass as human given the right traits. Why was the aasimar alone given the option to look human?

When they take the Veiled Vileness feat (from Orcs of Golarion, I think).

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Renegadeshepherd wrote:

When does a half orc look human?

When the tavern is closing, and you've had a few tankards of grog...

Fergie wrote:
Renegadeshepherd wrote:
When does a half orc look human?
When the tavern is closing, and you've had a few tankards of grog...

Dude, I know what your thinking, but I swear she must've had at least 18 charisma last night. Maybe 19... *hic*

Kidding aside, half-orcs don't look all that bad, and they can change pretty wildly between author/artist/setting.

Even when a half orc looks nearly human all the signs he is not fully human is in full view. In rl my dog is 3/4 lab 1/4 collie. She looks like a smallish lab. Yet I run into dog owners all the time who identify she is mixed breed. Becsuse all the signs she's mixed breed are there. Additionally when humans and presumably fantasy equivalents subconciously pick up when people are different.

As far as the game is concerned he is a half orc and can be identified as such if he doesnt use disguise.

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