That random item you always buy

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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5 hunks of hard yellow cheese, 5 loaves of travel bread, and 5 days of jerky.

I have used those 3 things to stay alive and fed, bribed, distracted animals, made friends with a werewolf, and successfully nauseated another because it was stinky cheese.

For me it's the shovel, and when I get enough spare funds, an Adamantine Shovel. You can literally dig your way out of most situations.

For magical item, I personally love the Decanter of Endless Water. I have yet to actually use the item in any way productive, but it'll come up some time!

Mundane - Paper/parchment, ink/quill, several changes of clothes, and a disguise kit; coupled with the Bluff, Disguise, and Linguistics skill, you've got all the forgeries and mock-personalities you need to worm your way into any social situation.

Magical - Hat of disguise (or as it's more commonly known among my people, the cloak of disguise).

Dark Archive

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Feather token (tree) is a must have item for my characters almost as soon as I can afford it. It has so many uses, that it just can not be underestimated.

I handed one to my players in Jade Regent and in the first book:

** spoiler omitted **

As it's an instantaneous effect, that tree can be used for other things too. Why take a feather token swan boat when you can just ride the tree over the water?

Need firewood? Feather token tree.

Druid need something to tree stride through? Feather token tree.

Need a ladder? Feather token tree!

Obligatory Link

A Tent.
Nothing is better then traveling around and when it starts to rain, to sit in your warm tent :D (While the other sitting outside in the rain with the bedroll^^)

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