Web Fiction - Missing Posts / Errors


Liberty's Edge

Hello, I hope this is the correct place to post this. I've been going through the web fiction and have come across a few missing items and errors that should be an easy fix.

1. Best Served Cold
-The 1st part doesn't have the author's name.
-The fourth chapter is missing from the above link.

2. The Fencing Master
-The second chapter is missing from the above link.

If I find any more I'll add those to the list.

Thank you!

Senior Editor/Fiction Editor

Thanks, Monkey! I've notified the tech team to make those fixes.

Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant



I just noticed that on the Serial page for Pathfinder fiction, my name isn't listed under Bells for the Dead. Alternatively, you could list Bruce Wayne, which might draw more traffic.


Liberty's Edge

Best Served Cold chapter four is now on The Fencing Master link.

Other than that, and the above post, I didn't notice any other errors in the other web fiction.

Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant


Liberty's Edge

Perfect! You're awesome, thanks!

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