Time / Space Caster


So, I've been thinking about some sort of character that is based around controlling time and space, and nothing else. Jus some sort of caster or whatever would work well that focuses on things like Haste, Dimension Door and Reverse Gravity; space/time spells. Any ideas on how this could be accomplished? I don't want any spells that aren't time/space related. So no fireball guys. XD

If you can find a copy of the manual for Bards Tale III from around 1990ish, there's a class called the Chronomancer that might give you some ideas.

(At least, from memory, it's been a loooong time since I played it)

Just play a wizard or sorcerer and only select those spells.

Scarab Sages

You could go Oracle of Time. You don't get the juicy arcane spells, but you can get some pretty cool tricks in return.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Reinhardt wrote:
So, I've been thinking about some sort of character that is based around controlling time and space, and nothing else. Jus some sort of caster or whatever would work well that focuses on things like Haste, Dimension Door and Reverse Gravity; space/time spells. Any ideas on how this could be accomplished? I don't want any spells that aren't time/space related. So no fireball guys. XD

Here's the question... What do you expect to be able to DO with this character? That's an extremely narrow and esoteric focus you're putting on yourself. It's simply not supported all the way from level 1.

There are some obvious spells, Rope Trick, Haste, Slow, the Create Pit tree, dimension door, teleport, Mage's Mansion, and of course Time Stop

There's little enough to work with that you could be a Sorcerer and still be looking for things to fill out your spells known list.

Giving some more thought to this... you may be looking at a good way to get arcane healing here. After all, accelerating time around the wound is pretty much the same abstract effect.

As you're looking at gravity, there's the option of creating a localized gravity field to crush opponents.

Possibly spells to predict enemy movements, which could be abstracted into giving the caster various combat bonuses.

Locking an opponent in space for a split second, just long enough for the planet's rotation to slam them into a wall.

At higher levels, you're probably looking at things like the ability to reroll dice, given the ability to look forward in time and choose the right action.

We literally wrote the "Time Traveler" class in Champions of Magic.

It is a mage that uses a "roll back" mechanic, augments haste/slow spells, progresses spellcasting, etc.

Thanks for the advice everyone; I think I have enough to go off of now. ^_^

Oracle of Time with Ancient Lorekeeper to grab whatever time/space spells you might miss from the wizard list.

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