overrun and strike


I was curious if it is possible at all to have a character overrun a person and then strike that person. Having looked through a ton of feats, I'm not seeing a way to do this, but I'm holding on to a small sliver of hope that I might have missed something.

Basically, I'm trying to make a barbarian who sets up the flank for the rogue by running over the top of the baddies, and then smacking them on the head.

It's in the advanced player guide or ultimate combat. The feat called charge through. Have a look and see if it works for you.

Charge through lets me overrun one person, and attack another. I was hoping for a way to charge through a person and then attack them, essentially allowing a way for me (as a barbarian) to easily set up a flank for the rogues, since I can't take a far worse beating then them.

Granted I could just overrun them and wait to attack the next turn, but I'm looking for a way to accomplish that without hampering my damage output so severely.

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