Help me build my holy wizard


Shadow Lodge

I am starting a Wrath of the Righteous game in a few weeks and I want to make a Holy Wizard.

I have seen so many wizards who rely on their own strength and believe only in their power, I want to make one who relies on the power of something more then himself. One who, like a paladin, may use his own strength and body to fight but has the power of his god behind him.

This idea appeared to me after I read the Mystery Cultist. So I would really like to use it. That can be found here: ltist

I know it is non-optimal but I love the flavor. I was leaning towards the counter spell school but any other recommendations would be awesome.

Any ideas, recommendations, or pointers?

fixed your linked

The PrC is not really bad. I would build it like almost any other wizard. It just depends on what you want to do. I dont know how your group plays, but the discovery that lets you ignore one prohibited school is nice. So is the one that lets you prepare open spells slots in one minute instead of 15 minutes.

Shadow Lodge

My thought is to be a follower of Solaryon, Irez or Korada. A wizard who uses magic to protect. That is why I was leaning towards the counterspell school. But the Void wizard seems very powerful as well and somewhat inline with the idea (spiritualism, faith, etc.).

I have never played a full spell caster and while I understand the basics (been board stalking for years) I don't necessarily know how one should look.

So is waiting until level 10 to take the Prestige class worth it to get the prohibited school discovery or should I go into it at level 8?

I do like the 1 minute slot fill though, will add that to the list.

The PrC has some Charisma related features. Would a Sorcerer appeal to you as the base class?

Taking the "divine source" universal mythic path ability will allow you to cast a number of divine spells per day.

Shadow Lodge

As to sorcerer, with their spells being a level behind already would loosing a caster level be hugely detrimental? If not than I am open, though I might need even more help with that as I have never even seen one played.

Divine source is a great idea. But I have a question about it: "If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others." Does this mean I don't have to choose the good domain first?

Edit: nevermind on the question, it means I can changes the domains I use, which in this case would be none.

I think you could make it work with the sorcerer if you go with false priest (probably misnamed in this case) you could have a lot of fun too. If you keep several divine scrolls on you then you could use them as a 'divine spellbook' of sorts.

Shadow Lodge

Take this feat from Champions of Purity.

Detect Magic wrote:
Taking the "divine source" universal mythic path ability will allow you to cast a number of divine spells per day.

I recommend a divination wizard with this divine source mythic path ability. Oh wait, that is my character for WotR campaign starting in two days! This ascended character will have the domains of Good and Healing, and become a neutral good herald deity under Sarenrae.

This mythic path ability is epic^2.

Holy Wizard coming right up.

The first level in it also allows you to take Sacred Summons, which is bongdiggity awesome.

Scavion wrote:

Holy Wizard coming right up.

The first level in it also allows you to take Sacred Summons, which is bongdiggity awesome.

I was also going to suggest the Magaambyan Arcanist from the Paths of Prestige. It really is a good class and yes it allows you to take Sacred Summons which works well with summon good monsters.

Summoning can be a very strong tactic but it requires quite a bit of bookkeeping. So not for everyone. However, The Arcanist pclas is pretty decent. Getting some druid spells and the good domain to an arcane caster is nice.


All you need man are celestial lions heh.

I know summoning is generally a good tactic, but from what I am hearing it falls quite behind in mythic play, especially at higher levels. They will become extra bodies that cannot hit anything with DCs that can always be saved by mythic foes. I am by no means an expert on this topic having not played mythic yet, however I am disappointed at the lack of mythic scaling options for summon spells and feats.

Shadow Lodge

I am not really looking to do summoning. It really takes to much time and I don't want to go that way. I may use it sometimes but not enough to make it worth the feat investments. Though I may take summon good monster because it is awesome.

The Magaambyan Arcanist is awesome, and I will add it to my list of possibilities.

I don't think I am going to go false priest or sorcerer, just not what I am looking for.

Finally I love the diviner but we already have a Seer Time Oracle so I don't what to step on toes.

Thanks for all the help. If you have any other neet ideas for a holy wizard or wizard ideas in general (or for WotR specifically) I am all ears. I may post a build or two here this weekend to see what everyone thinks.

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