Can you add a template to a character?

Rules Questions

This seems to be a popular question with no concrete answer. Searching through this forum most people don't seem to know whether it's allowed or not or how to implement it. So, simple question, has there been any clarification on this yet?

Monster Advancement wrote:
A template is a set of rules that you apply to a monster to transform it into a different monster. It gives precise directions on how to change the original monster's statistics to transform it into the new monster.

I don't believe by RAW templates are intended to be applied to player characters; it refers to them consistently as applying to 'monsters', a term that generally refers to a foe of a PC. That said, with GM approval you can play monstrous races as PCs, and could apply a template to such a character (or even a non-monstrous character, I suppose).

I'm not certain that this is something that needs to be clarified beyond the typical, "It's up to your GM", personally.

Dark Archive

Templates are a tool for GMs to modify the power level of an encounter. If your GM says you can take a template, you can. Otherwise they default to off-limits.

Well, there are inherent and acquired templates: some you're born with, others you...well, acquire. Having half-celestial/dragon/fiend templates implies ancestry (although some extenuating circumstances let you acquire these as well- think Dragon Disciple). Undead and lycanthropic templates are acquired upon infection/reanimation, but most GMs rule such a PC unplayable at that point. Is there a template in specific you have your eye on?

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You have to ask me if I'll allow it in my game.

Ask your GM. Generally rules are no, templates are not for player use. Some GMs will allow them depending on the campaign and power level.

The first part of the core rule book tells us how to create a character.
Other parts of the various books allow additional options, such as archetypes.

Nowhere does a rule allow us to choose templates for our characters (Apart from rule 0).

As such it doesn't really need more clarification. The rules aren't built around specifically disallowing non-availiable options.

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