does wrecking wrath work with unarmed strike?

Rules Questions

I am referring to the rovagug trait that allows you add your strength again on a melee weapon with a 25% chance of it gaining the broken condition.

Technically, yes, I believe (the RAW doesn't seem to preclude it).

I don't think it was the intention for unbreakable weapons to be eligible though. Then again, 1/day extra damage is hardly game breaking, so maybe I'm wrong.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

christos gurd wrote:
I am referring to the rovagug trait that allows you add your strength again on a melee weapon with a 25% chance of it gaining the broken condition.

This is an instance of "Ask your GM"

Unarmed Strike weapon can not gain the broken condition, so anything that uses the "treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons" will ignore this effect. At least it should, as it is clearly not what should happen.

Shadow Lodge

RAW yes. Nothing says that you can't do this with a weapon that can't be broken. You could also do this with a black blade or anything else you can't break. It isn't a broken ability, because its 1/day.

RAI I don't think so. I'd rule like this if you rolled the 25%:You get a painful scrape on your whatever you punched with and now are sub-consciously holding back on your attacks, thus have a 20/x2 critical, and take a -2 on attack rolls.

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