"Burnt Offerings" Path Starting Decks

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Have played a few scenarios with the family...lost a few.... and would like to start the burnt offerings. Have not advanced these characters yet but want to just move on and play the path. What do I give the core characters to make them formidable enough to begin the path? Any ideas?

thanks much


I suppose one way to do it is look at the rewards for the scenarios and the adventure and give just give each character those things. This would mean +1 skill advancement and a couple of random cards that I don't remember offhand.

The other way is just construct your character decks with basic cards and go forth.


GreyMaus wrote:

I suppose one way to do it is look at the rewards for the scenarios and the adventure and give just give each character those things. This would mean +1 skill advancement and a couple of random cards that I don't remember offhand.

The other way is just construct your character decks with basic cards and go forth.


Ah good idea. Can just look at the rewards...yes. TOOOOO many games right now and my common sense radar is off but thanks...will do!

Before Burnt offerings, you "should" have a skill feat.
Also, as mentionned by Maus, any time you create a character, you can build your deck with any card that has the "basic" trait, respecting card limits. So with your experience, and knowing the different characters in the game, pick what fits best to optimize your cards, even if those cards are relatively weak.
The right combos can be very effective, even with basic cards.

Also, if you need help choosing cards, post here the team you're prepping, and I'm sure you'll get a ton of suggestions

Silver Crusade

Have you played Perils of the Lost Coast with these characters? Usually, you start with just basic items at the start of that, but playing those 3 scenarios, and getting the rewards, gets you some upgrades to use heading into Burnt Offerings.

One argument for actually playing through the Perils of the Lost Coast first is that you can learn how to play each character before moving into the more difficult scenarios.

Having the feats/cards is one thing, but understanding how to use them effectively takes practice.

I'd certainly echo Flat here. Of course, it isn't just the rewards you get either, as you can acquire boons during exploration that you can retain in your deck if you prefer them to your starting cards.

The rules don't let you power up by taking the rewards for the 3 Lost Coast scenarios, but, if you got into the game late and wanted to catch up by skipping the first 3 scenarios, I think it is a very reasonable house rule to invoke.

That said, Flat is right. Don't skip the first 3 if it's your first play-through.

We have actually played several times....just not won enough to get stocked up with stuff for offerings. Will go ahead and play the coast though. Sounds like a solid plan. Thanks for the info guys

Liberty's Edge

Remember that even if you don't complete the scenario, as long as a character doesn't get killed, you still get to keep the cards you found to rebuild you decks with for another run. I just want to make sure you aren't resetting your decks to the defaults after a failed run.

TClifford wrote:
Remember that even if you don't complete the scenario, as long as a character doesn't get killed, you still get to keep the cards you found to rebuild you decks with for another run. I just want to make sure you aren't resetting your decks to the defaults after a failed run.

Thats exactly what I did so will alter this now. Thanks again for the info

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