GreyMaus's page

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We have one more scenario to go before we finish Adventure Pack 2 and the boys are already starting to look at he next character they want to play for the next run through.

The one restriction I put on them is that we cannot play any of the 3 characters we are currently playing to ensure we all play and see something different.

I asked them if they felt the game was tough/challenging enough and they said it was. I know that there are threads going on about upping the challenges, but for a dad and his 2 kids, I think this is right were it needs to be for us.

With this in mind, I can tell them the opinions on this thread to see if they want more difficult characters, like the 3 person team in kysmartman's post, or if they just want to pick someone interesting.

Thanks for all the responses so far, this has been a really good discussion.


With #4, if the timer runs out, can you try to temp close any open locations at the end of the game to reduce the penalty or is that it, you're out of luck?

I know my youngest son would ask me that question if I proposed these variants.

These do look like something we'll try after our first play through. Thanks for posting them.

h4ppy, that's an interesting statement. My youngest, 12, is playing Valeros and feels he needs to do all the "heavy lifting" for the party. He loves saying something like "just find that villian and I'll take care of him/her."

When we get to a point where we've run out of scenarios, I'll have to have him run a non-fighter type and see how that feels.


But wouldn't specific ally cards at specific locations create more setup time?

I suppose the Mike, Vic and the team could have put Ally names on all the locations like the Villains and Henchmen on the scenario cards. But I like that all I have to do is shuffle, deal, shuffle locations and go. Maybe an unofficial supplement could be made to accommodate those RPGish additions. After our first play through of the scenarios, we might even give it a shot.


I believe the Wand of Shield is Arcane (and we found one, luckily) which is one of the reasons I bit the bullet and put the check in the auto recharge an Arcane item box.

So my items are the Medallion, Wand of Shield, and Staff of Minor Healing for 2 auto recharge and one check to recharge. I feel the more auto-anything, the better.


I'll talk to the boys and get a video posted on YouTube as soon as I can.

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We have such bad luck with the Bunyip, it's in almost every scenario we have played so far. The boys actually have a "Do the Bunyip!" song/dance that they do when it shows up.

I'm quickly understanding that each character is good in his/her own way. I think Remi might have hit things on the head by stating that there might not be one hardest hero. Maybe even more so when our band of misfits has experience in the game.


I suppose one way to do it is look at the rewards for the scenarios and the adventure and give just give each character those things. This would mean +1 skill advancement and a couple of random cards that I don't remember offhand.

The other way is just construct your character decks with basic cards and go forth.


From my understanding, Harsk could have used the spell at some point in time but banish it after he used it because he does not have the Divine skill or he could have discarded the spell so Kyra could get it after the scenario. If he kept the spell in his hand, he could have moved to Kyra's location and on a future turn, give the spell to Kyra.


Good points.

So, if I were to refine my question a bit, then maybe "hardest" would be both the most difficult to win scenarios AND keep alive, if I can have both. We will always play as a 3 character group, so I know that we'll always have someone else to help back us up, but when I play, I want that expectation that all the monster challenges are not a cake-walk for example.

To be fair, I've had that feeling using Seoni so far in our games, but we're new to the game. We've had quite a few games where there are less than 5 cards in the blessing deck. In Black Fangs Dungeon, my oldest had to either defeat Black Fang or die because of the pre-combat acid damage and only 1 card left in the timer. Other times I've been down to just a couple of cards left in my draw deck.

When I first looked at the base set characters, we don't have the character add-on yet but it's in the mail, it seemed like either Ezren or Seoni would be the best challenge. Both characters filled the magic using roles when my sons chose the fighter and thief characters and in my past RPG experience, it seemed like those kinds of characters died often. I picked Seoni because she had Blessings and definately wanted to use that aspect of game play where I wouldn't have been able to do that with Ezren.

So, in long winded conclusion, so far Ezren is definately a challenge in a small group setting.

Thanks so far for the replies!


Hi all!

We've been having a blast playing and are currently going through Burnt Offerings. My boys are looking forward to all the adventures coming up and have been wondering if there will be more adventures after this series to continue with their current characters. I tell them that a new set or new adventures is still off in the future, so don't worry about it yet but it's good to see such excitement.

After our almost nightly game, my thoughts wander towards which character I'd like to play next. Right now we have my oldest son playing Meriseil, my youngest playing Valeros and me with Seoni. I choose Seoni because I thought keeping a magic using character alive and well would be difficult and as we gained experience with the system, has provided challenges.

My question to the masses is which character do you find the most difficult to play and why? Maybe which 3 characters would be a challenge as a team? Everything seems so well balanced that there might not be an "answer", but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I've been reading the forums for a while and would like to say thanks to all those answering questions.
