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Good plan

Perfect. Thanks so much

Outstanding then. Just wanted to be sure we were playing it correctly. Thanks for fast response.

I'm assuming all we do to begin the offerings set is add the cards. Do not believe anything comes out as of yet. Correct?

Till he stops drawing them? Just trying to clarify. That's big stuff

Also....can you immediately play a card you get during exploration if you acquire it? Like a blessing of the gods card to explore the location again?

Thanks much! Loooooove this game. Great to play with the family!

TClifford wrote:
Remember that even if you don't complete the scenario, as long as a character doesn't get killed, you still get to keep the cards you found to rebuild you decks with for another run. I just want to make sure you aren't resetting your decks to the defaults after a failed run.

Thats exactly what I did so will alter this now. Thanks again for the info

We have actually played several times....just not won enough to get stocked up with stuff for offerings. Will go ahead and play the coast though. Sounds like a solid plan. Thanks for the info guys

GreyMaus wrote:

I suppose one way to do it is look at the rewards for the scenarios and the adventure and give just give each character those things. This would mean +1 skill advancement and a couple of random cards that I don't remember offhand.

The other way is just construct your character decks with basic cards and go forth.


Ah good idea. Can just look at the rewards...yes. TOOOOO many games right now and my common sense radar is off but thanks...will do!

Have played a few scenarios with the family...lost a few.... and would like to start the burnt offerings. Have not advanced these characters yet but want to just move on and play the path. What do I give the core characters to make them formidable enough to begin the path? Any ideas?

thanks much


Fromper wrote:
ern2112 wrote:
Soft sleeves are not made to play with.....deck sleeves are. The stiffness of the sleave will make it much easier to shuffle and deal where the soft ones are rather worthless for this.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I don't remember what kind of sleeves I have - they were cheapies that I bought more than 10 years ago when I was into a CCG. But they're just cheap, soft sleeves, and I find they're much easier to shuffle than unsleeved or hard sleeved cards, because they just slide past each other very easily.

I have had the cheap 100 per pack at .79 cents.....and had them in the ones mentioned above. The difference is hands down....the soft ones want to not stack as they tend to slide well as not having nearly the shuffling ability. The "soft" ones I am speaking of are just for collecting cards and looking at for that they are wonderful. For gaming....I much prefer the ones above.

Soft sleeves are not made to play with.....deck sleeves are. The stiffness of the sleave will make it much easier to shuffle and deal where the soft ones are rather worthless for this.

I haven't seen them cheaper than that...and found them after I bought them at a higher price....still worth it too. These are excellent sleeves C-GoogleMKP&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-_-pla-_-Games-_-9SIA02L0003DG4

These^^^^ are excellent. Would go this way...I have and its worth it

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Its clear how much passion you have for the game. I think as gamers we get a little too demanding at times and expect perfection. I mean....can you imagine what it would have been like if Gygax and Arneson had a forum like this when AD&D came out? It was plagued with loose ends! Anyway....I play with the family and its all been a blast.....and I we just have made a ruling and went on when something was ambiguous.

Anyway....the fact you are in here talking to the actual trenches so to speak is awesome. Thanks for caring about getting the bugs worked out and for delivering a great game.....bugs and all. We love it

Hawkbit wrote:

I would pay for an errata deck. However, I would really appreciate the .pdf, FAQ and rulebook being updated as rules change.

I would also pay for a promo card collection set, because I don't really have the time to go to conventions and resellers have them at $25/per.

Regardless, the game is awesome. Thanks to your team for putting together a super-fun experience.


Yeah me too. I think that's just detecting whats there....and not exploring it at all

And im not. I want it now!! Lol

I WANT these...will help keep stuff straight!

So we played tonight and everyone enjoyed it! Ran out of time but they got the jist of the game and like the speed at which it moves. Was playing with my wife and daughter who is nine....the daughter gets it all the way and easily. The wife is soaking it in somewhat more slowly but will have it pretty quick. Funny how the kids get it right off and the adults have to think more about it. Looking forward to not having to run the game for a while too. Will be nice break and Will for sure tie the rpg with the card game....

Im running this with my kids too...(and wife). Having a great time. I would suggest you look into the card game as well.....we will be playing that for the first time tonight. It parallels the basic box very well.

Will be using the "from hand" on this until someone says different.

I think this comes from your hand unless otherwise noted...but there is some grey area here for sure because in the rules it also notes that if no specific deck is comes from the players "Deck"...not the hand or the discards. So...there is the grey area.

Unless a card says otherwise, drawing means taking a card from
the specified source and putting it in your hand. If no source is
specified, draw it from your character deck.

I still think that this will come from your hand though.....maybe im wrong

Kittyburger wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Yes. Every transcendent ideology that forbids religion is atheist, we've heard it all before. Communism is atheist yadda yadda. Thing is, if you have FAITH in SOMETHING HIGHER, whether that is a personal power or not, you're doing religion. are doing spiritualism at this point if it's personnel. Religion is an organized group....spiritualism is far different from this. If you believe in nothing higher than yourself......well then I guess you are the master in your own eyes. Good luck with that.

SOunds reasonable

TClifford wrote:
Akasma wrote:

Only if the card says so explicitly on it. As an example: Potion of Ruggedness says "Banish this card and choose a character at your location to succeed at a survival check."

Good gaming!

I wouldn't put it that way because it comes off too limiting. Instead I would say that you can help in anyway you want, as long as the card doesn't say you can't. So if the card doesn't specify a location, you can use it from any location.

One thing you can't do is change the combat check. So say the active PC is using a Longsword for a combat check based on Strength: Melee. Someone else can't also use a weapons card to help on that check, unless the card says otherwise [i.e. Ally Dart +1].

BUT....A blessing card could be used to add a die to the

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification

That's powerful. Thank you. Can other players use other types of cards while in the same location to help combat, defense or otherwise? ?

Mundane61 wrote:
Every player may play a blessing on the same check. This rule applies to other card types if the card affects the check.

But must the other players be in the same location to help out?

Sounds like a blast and no electronics required. Rare these days for kids and important. Will start the rune lords campaign in pathfinder rpg when we start the rune lords on the card game. Great to hear there are other dads hooking the kids up with the right kind of creative outlet.

Yep and to be able to play a killer game of solo play is outstanding! 46 myself....well my transport unit is. Feeling California in my head but looking Minnesota on the body!

I'm an old guy....played Ad&d in the 70's and 80' I of course introduced it to my kids and wife. We play some Pathfinder beginner set now here and there...but I think this card game will really be fun along with pathfinder. My family will be playing the same characters as they do in the beginner set. I think I will be trying to devise a plan to integrate the two over the next couple weeks....just a way to tie them together so the adventure can continue growing the same characters. No real idea yet on how to pull this off but as I get into the runelords will see if there is a way. Prolly will be more important to me to pull the stuff from the card game and get it into the RPG some way. Nooo ideas yet. Ill prolly make the card game some kind of a alter universe or dream..and give the characters in the RPG some experience for it...who knows.

My hats off to Mike, Vic and they're team on this game. I played solo to learn it and its really cool. Moves fast and I do not have to come up with a unfolds automatically. I'm NOT a card gamer this is the first one. Excellent work and worth the friggin expensive price tag....I choked a little when I paid for it. The value of the game is not understood until its played....and then its worth every penny. I will be playing this one with the fam for a while for sure. Thank you!!

Will be doing the same on miniatures ...have them ordered

I like the concept....however for me I would want this more similar to the illustration in the a table of people can have a little section of the map. Really would like to have the game pads for the characters and the map like what you have only for the rest and in a circular config. great idea you have

Turning iPad off and back on allows it to work. Thanks

App not working on iPad at all. Just hangs up on loading. Any suggestions?

Helaman wrote:

What a pity... oh well, as long as they had fun.

@Ern2112 - do a search of the forums here for both the Carrion Crown active and archive threads - some AMAZING stuff there.

Also search Obsidian Portal for Carrion Crown campaigns, many of the DMs have done the handouts in E-formats that could use for your own games if you don't find what you want here.


Am curious if anyone really has a pretty good list of things I should just plan to modify....form the start. Like the journal....instead of being in the box...Kendra having keep players out of the prison too early. Just want to make this seamless and come off well.

Anyone really got a handle on this?


Thanks guys

Hey guys. Quick question. Does the 30 days the professor asks the chracters to stay in ravegro include the time they go to the prison or do they have to wait 30 days to go to the prison?

It looks like the majority of you let them go to the prison IN the 30 days rather than after.
Thanks much

ern2112 wrote:
the David wrote:
Don't copy the images into Fantasy Ground?
Um...why not? That's why I bought the PDF. I guess I could just scan it all but that's crazy since I have the PDF.

Figured this out

the David wrote:
Don't copy the images into Fantasy Ground?

Um...why not? That's why I bought the PDF. I guess I could just scan it all but that's crazy since I have the PDF.

I bought the Basic box as well as the PDFs and need to copy the images into FG. I have Acrobat Pro...and since the file has security on it....I cannot do this. Specifically....the flip map.

When I try to remove security, it asks for a password.


ciretose wrote:
ern2112 wrote:

I am going to be running a game on Fantasy Grounds and need advice on what the best one to start with would be. Inner sea? Don't know.....I am an old 1st ed guy.....and like that feel...but want you guys to chime up and tell me what you think the coolest way to go would be. Thanks very much

Oh...and if I started with the basic box....will that let me tie into Inner Sea or another campaign?

Rise of the Runelords. No question.

They will be doing an anniversary edition soon, but converting the early books should be easy enough to hold you over until it comes out.

So I am clear....does this take place in the Inner Sea setting? Is the inner sea basically like the old Greyhawk gazetteer? Just a setting....and the modules like Rise of rune lords take place in it?

Would this be something I could transition into from the Basic set?

I am going to be running a game on Fantasy Grounds and need advice on what the best one to start with would be. Inner sea? Don't know.....I am an old 1st ed guy.....and like that feel...but want you guys to chime up and tell me what you think the coolest way to go would be. Thanks very much

Oh...and if I started with the basic box....will that let me tie into Inner Sea or another campaign?

magnuskn wrote:
concerro wrote:
You can only destroy one figment at time whether it is a hit or near miss. That spells was made to annoy people who depend on attacks rolls, and to keep low level casters alive.

Believe me, it works exceedingly well for high level casters, too. It is, bar none, the best defense spell. Both because it is available at a very low level, works on the vast majority of opponents, is compatible with other defense spells and has a decent duration. Also, it gets better at higher levels.

And, yeah, the spell doesn't end when you hit the real target. That is a reading of the text which I've never heard before since D&D 3.0 came out.

Used the mi spell this am and it worked very well. I will be using this again soon. Thanks for the help guys

Taeblewalker wrote:

I had the pleasure of having Dave Gross DM the basic box for me and a friend, with some other cool people, at a store on Long Island. Here is a link to my writeup of the experience.

Nice write up. Looks like you guys had a blast!

Lincoln Hills wrote:
Yeah, just keep saying "possibly" and "perhaps" when they pull out the crackpot theories. Sooner or later you'll hear one that you like so much that it becomes the truth. (This is not a good way to GM all the time, but it's hilarious if you do it sparingly.)

I DO THIS!! Sometimes the players make up the story quite well!!

Lvl 12 Procrastinator wrote:

The gloves are definitely off.

I believe the outer planes should be so alien that even the GM doesn't fully comprehend them. They are the domain of gods, after all, and the GM is but a mere mortal. The fact that they are infinite in scope yet have "borders" and can be numbered should be enough to cure anyone of the notion that the planes can or even should be understood.

I used to toil to create rules and laws for the outer planes, but once I simply let go and stopped worrying about all the inconsistencies and discontinuities, they really came to life. Just let your imagination soar, and certainly take every opportunity to mess with the players' minds.

If the characters come to the Abyss of their own accord, they deserve it. Surviving the Abyss should be the most challenging adventure imaginable.

Cool to hear....kinda what I thought too. Really makes it fun to do with them what you will....and then they scratch they're heads and wonder what just happened.

Lincoln Hills wrote:
You may want to check out the old 3.0 Manual of the Planes. Toward the back they describe planar bleeds, planar outpocketing and other very neat ways to interfere with the "rules" of your Prime Plane. A minor planar bleed from the Positive Energy Plane is a MMORPG-style "healing fountain": an outpocket of the Abyss is a region of nightmare in an otherwise sane world. (Well, 'sane' for a given epic-fantasy value of the word 'sane'.)

You know....I have the 1st ed manual of the planes....maybe it has some info on this too. I will look at this when I get home....great idea. Cant believe I did not think of it. I have not looked at that book in a very long time

The thing is....I have some really WEIRD things im doing in my campaign and do not really want to play by the rules all the time in the way things work. It makes it more fun and I do not have to get bogged down with what spell or power could actually do what I am wanting to do...the abyss really sorta covers that for me in my opinion....and was curious what you guys thought about it too.

Would you agree that pretty much anything is possible when you bring the abyss into things? Couldn't you sorta bend a world to exist between where the players "think" they are....and some layer in the abyss? Maybe having portals and there...and are they really even going anywhere with the portals...or is the reality simple altered when they get through the well as complete control over the players having dreams and visions of things and places??

Do you think it sorta gives you a certain amount of Carte Blanche to do what ever is entertaining and fair with the players? Just curious if any of you have done or are doing this....and how its working for you. Maybe get some more ideas about things



Keith the Thief wrote:

Now, with the BB, I can see my kids and I actually playing the game.


I agree with this 100%. I can now play the game with the family..while they learn..instead of teach them all of the dynamics before we play.

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