Seven Days to the Grave... seriously???

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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I've purchased all of the AP volumes except the second of which Paizo is officially out of stock... I've looked into secondary markets like ebay and Amazon and have found only this:

$1,295 for an 'acceptable' condition copy

Somebody tell me that there are options out there better than this...

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah, print'n'bind the PDF!

Other than that, obviously. I own the other five in original format already...

If there was ever an argument to be made for reprinting the 3.5 AP's the way they did RotRL, seeing individual out-of-date volumes going for over a thousand dollars on the secondary market would have to be a good one.

I believe this is related to amazon not having anything in stock for an extended period of time. The price is probably automatically set to inflate in such situations, and can reach humongous levels.

Likely, as soon as an amazon-vendor does get one in stock, the price will drop to a much more reasonable level.

(Right now, for instance, the price on the linked page is $15.71, which is considerably better! And going into the used list, the book can be bought for as low as $6)

this one should be the next aniversary edition!!
i know they say that never gonna happen but i prefer to keep dreaming

Are wrote:
(Right now, for instance, the price on the linked page is $15.71, which is considerably better! And going into the used list, the book can be bought for as low as $6)

I'm sorry - on the page I linked? I don't see that anywhere...

I clicked that link, and it takes me to a page showing the book at 15.71, with used copies for as low as 6, and new copies for as low as just below 10.

Here's a screenshot of what I see.

Are wrote:
Here's a screenshot of what I see.

Wow - that is absolutely not what I see.

Check out this link and tell me what comes up for you:

page link.

For me it shows only two used items for sale, one in 'Acceptable' conditions for $1,711 and one in 'Very Good' condition for $1,753.

I'd love to find a link where I can buy it for $20 or less...

Amazon seems to have got mixed up.
There's a 'see all 6 formats and editions' button. However, if you try to look at the $6 version, it links to 'A History of Ashes' instead.

Matthew Downie wrote:

Amazon seems to have got mixed up.

There's a 'see all 6 formats and editions' button. However, if you try to look at the $6 version, it links to 'A History of Ashes' instead.

Yeah, that's what it was looking like to me. Unfortunately.

Well, I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes open for a copy to surface and pray Paizo lifts their moratorium on producing certain products that thier fans are clamoring for.

Wiggz wrote:

Check out this link and tell me what comes up for you:

page link.

For me it shows only two used items for sale, one in 'Acceptable' conditions for $1,711 and one in 'Very Good' condition for $1,753.

That link shows the same for me as it does for you..

Hm. Hold on. When I actually click those links for "used from 6.01" and "new from 9.48", as well as the "paperback 15.71" button, that takes me to a page for "A History of Ashes" with the same prices listed.

Probably the page is broken in some way, unfortunately.. appears to have "Seven Days to the Grave" starting at £30.90 (which is currently equal to $49.71).

That's still pretty expensive, but at least not unattainably so.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, if it's not resellers with hilariously grandiose expectations of profit, it's Amazon being broken here and there in extraordinarily frustrating ways.

(has been trying to buy an album whose title and image lead to a cookbook)

While they currently don't have any in stock, Noble Knight Games deals in used and out-of-print books, and I think you can ask for a notification when items are back in stock.

I suspect there's actually quite a few copies around, but since Amazon doesn't know the difference between the two books, no-one can buy or sell them safely. And seeing it on Amazon for $1500 isn't going to make people eager to sell it cheap.

Matthew: Yeah, the link I listed above even has the cheapest book shipping from New York, suggesting that the seller didn't want to post it on :)

I think there might be one for sale at my local hobby store, but I live in Alaska and shipping here is murder.

try as well it also have it.

I wanted an excuse to swing by Games of Berkeley anyway, so let me see what I can do for you... they're surprisingly resourceful in keeping a full set of back copies, but I filled out my set about a year ago...

NobodysHome wrote:
I wanted an excuse to swing by Games of Berkeley anyway, so let me see what I can do for you... they're surprisingly resourceful in keeping a full set of back copies, but I filled out my set about a year ago...

If you have success please let me know. I'd be happy to make it worth your time - and thanks.

Sorry -- Games of Berkeley is out of stock. But a fun trip nonetheless! Thanks!

Wow, I actually own something of value!

(Or, so it would seem.)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A vendor on RPG Geek is selling the book for $18 Canadian; says that's about $17 US. The vendors typically ask you to purchase them an Amazon gift card that covers the cost of the book plus shipping.

I've only ordered one thing this way, but I was very happy with it. Good luck!!

The price I see on RPG Geek is in Euros.

I picked it up yesterday from a site called Chamber of Champions for cover price - of course it's not actually in my hands yet, but there was no indication that it was being back-ordered or anything of the sort.

Ebay normally has good deals, and sometimes on sites such as enworld people will sell things. They use to have a section for it, but I have not been to enworld in a while.

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Just got off the phone with Chamber of Champions, checking that my book wasn't back ordered - the guy I spoke with says there are 2 more copies sitting on the shelf if anyone's still chasing it down.

With the other five being available through the Great Golem Sale, i figured I'd let you guys know where there are a few copies of the sixth.

Sovereign Court

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the deal with the prices you are seeing on Amazon are most likely tied in with an algorithm to increase the price slightly in response to other priced listings for the item. At this time, I see three listed ... and the "Acceptable" copy is currently at $2309.15 ... give it another week and it may hit $5k. ;)

Or you could contact one of the sellers and let them know their prices are going wonky and you may be able to get it for a reasonable price.

Check out this instance from 2011.

zylphryx wrote:

the deal with the prices you are seeing on Amazon are most likely tied in with an algorithm to increase the price slightly in response to other priced listings for the item. At this time, I see three listed ... and the "Acceptable" copy is currently at $2309.15 ... give it another week and it may hit $5k. ;)

Or you could contact one of the sellers and let them know their prices are going wonky and you may be able to get it for a reasonable price.

Check out this instance from 2011.

That is just... awesome!

shiiktan wrote:

Just got off the phone with Chamber of Champions, checking that my book wasn't back ordered - the guy I spoke with says there are 2 more copies sitting on the shelf if anyone's still chasing it down.

With the other five being available through the Great Golem Sale, i figured I'd let you guys know where there are a few copies of the sixth.

Looks like your post was very helpful - just not to me. He sold both copied within the last 24 hours and was out by the time I got an email response. Nobody ever did pick up the phone or respond to my voice mail.

Le sigh. The search continues.

What about e-bay or kijiji?

This was the third AP I ran to completion and I loved it so much I would buy a ROTRL style edition just to have it. I will echo the suggestion of others - print the PDF. I actually do this when running any of the AP. I print all 6 pdf (adventure only) and bind them. That way my players never really know what chapter they're in, though they're all good a figuring it out based on level and other clues.

One of my friends ran this AP for some other friends, and he bought all the other books and tried to find a copy of Seven Days to the grave he could afford. Never found one.

I managed to find a copy being sold by someone in France on Ebay. I got them to ship it internationally to the US so for about 20 Euros I scored a perfect condition copy of the book. My buddy was pissed.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Somewhere in France, a wine cellar full of Seven Days to the Grave copies ...

Is anyone still looking for this? I was at Games of Berkeley the other day looking for "A History of Ashes" (someone 'borrowed' my original copy and it's gone) and I recall all 6 volumes being there...

My aforementioned friend still is. Unfortunately we are in Michigan, not California.

Yeah, but I'll keep my eye out and I can mail it to you if it pops up. It's not like I'm not at Games of Berkeley every week or two anyway.

Now I know to grab it!

That would be Sweet. Thank you.

If anyone gets this ill buy it for a reasonable price if its in NM condition or better. :)

Looks like the used book pricing algorithms have pushed this to the $120 level or so. This is a serious downside for internet sales of out-of-print books. Everyone pegs their prices to other sellers' prices. Honestly, I don't see how that isn't monopolistic price-collusion, but I guess if someone is willing to pay an over-inflated price, then they'll keep doing it.

I've seen this before with out-of-print titles. Heck, I've taken advantage of that once, when I sold my copy of Cheliax: Empire of Devils for $75 last year.

Honestly, if someone wants to pay me $120 for my copy of Seven Days to the Grave, I'd happily sell. I bought it from some guy on these boards a year ago for $6!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you're actually curious, the reason it doesn't count as price-collusion is that they don't control the supply, and they can't actually force the price to be that high. If you or I wanted to sell our copies for $20, they couldn't stop us. They're also probably not actually colluding. So in this case it's just regular old market forces making prices silly.

But yeah, if anyone wants my copy for $120, I'd be happy to sell.

Scarab Sages

about 18 months ago I bought two extra sets of this AP. I love it by the way... but I gave them away as Christmas presents to some friends. (this was when they were on cheap sale at paizo for about 6.00 each.

Maybe I should have kept an extra set for myself...

Arg! hehe.

Dark Archive

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There are currently two sets of the Adventure Path available on Ebay. One currently at $61.00 and another at $74.99 for all 6 books plus the Player's guide. You could keep Seven Days to the Grave and attempt to resell the rest.


Swung by GoB twice now and both times they had all of the other 5 but not this one. Must be popular!

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