Soridor's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Could you guys look this up? It's been in my sidecart for a month now.

Its fine if its due to ship with my next subscription delivery, but since its a month ago i want to get it confirmed that its not a technical problem that is hindering my order to being processed. :)

In short, could you double check this order and make sure it gets shipped together with my next shipment?


Ok. The tshirts can be sent next time.

Please send the rest :)

My order status is pending. Its been 14 days since i submitted my order. Sent three emails about it, no answer.

Can you fix this asap please.


If anyone gets this ill buy it for a reasonable price if its in NM condition or better. :)

Sharaya wrote:
Soridor wrote:
Sharaya wrote:
Soridor wrote:

Same problem for me!

Shopping cart -> checkout -> Please sign in -> site front page ->

I am also unsure where to put my discount code.

Could anyone help me out here?

To enter the promo code, try these steps:

After clicking the "Proceed to Checkout" button in the shopping cart-
Click on the "Step 3 - Payment Method" button
There is a section labeled "Promotions and Gift Certificates"
Enter the appropriate promo card in the box and click "Apply"

If you having problems checking out, please let us know, and we can try to submit the order from our side of the system, if you would like.


Thats the problem. After i click proceed to checkout i get thrown back to main page.

If you can see my shopping cart, it should contain 62 items. I would like you to submit my order from your side so i can secure these items before they go out of stock! :) And if possible add they may discount code since i cant do it from my end.

I have submitted the order with the May promo code. You should soon get an email confirming the order information. I currently have it suspended so that it won't ship until you have a chance to double check things. Let me know if everything looks good, or if you see any changes that need to be made. Also, let me know if you want it set to ship now, or combined with your May subscription.


Thanks Sharaya! The order looks good. Just ship it as soon as possible! :)

Sharaya wrote:
Soridor wrote:

Same problem for me!

Shopping cart -> checkout -> Please sign in -> site front page ->

I am also unsure where to put my discount code.

Could anyone help me out here?

To enter the promo code, try these steps:

After clicking the "Proceed to Checkout" button in the shopping cart-
Click on the "Step 3 - Payment Method" button
There is a section labeled "Promotions and Gift Certificates"
Enter the appropriate promo card in the box and click "Apply"

If you having problems checking out, please let us know, and we can try to submit the order from our side of the system, if you would like.


Thats the problem. After i click proceed to checkout i get thrown back to main page.

If you can see my shopping cart, it should contain 62 items. I would like you to submit my order from your side so i can secure these items before they go out of stock! :) And if possible add they may discount code since i cant do it from my end.

Same problem for me!

Shopping cart -> checkout -> Please sign in -> site front page ->

I am also unsure where to put my discount code.

Could anyone help me out here?