New Race 3 Vindani

Homebrew and House Rules

Silver Crusade

Yes I've been busy lol.

The Vindani are one of the harder challenges I've had. I had the idea in my head, and I knew what I wanted them to be, but translating it to paper was really much harder than I thought it would be. Anyway as always input, feedback and constructive criticism are welcomed and needed so I can get better at this stuff. :)

The Vindani (humanoid): The Vindani are a contemplative people concerned with the greater harmony of the world and trying find its center. They believe that their creator god, The Vedic, made them for the purpose of helping people to alleviate suffering,to help restore harmony to the world, and to travel the path to enlightenment. They do not like violence as a whole, but will fight when necessary to protect others or to establish a greater harmony in the universe. If possible they will try for nonviolent solutions to problems that can be dealt with in that manner, but when they must they are a deadly enemy in combat.

The Vindani don't have cities in the traditional sense. They build grand temples where many may live and work together, much like a city or village/town. Most are welcome within their walls, though any who wish to cause trouble are gently asked to leave lest they disrupt the harmony of the place. They are not ones for alcohol, and are generally a vegetarian people (Note: they are not psycho everyone must eat like me vegetarians when they are out in the world. They know that their ways are not for everyone but within their temple cities one is not likely to find meat or alcohol given their beliefs. Such requests are gently rebuffed and explained.)

Appearance: The Vindani appear as blue skinned humanoids, similar in height and weight to humans. They typically have long black hair, dark eyes and exude a sense of calm about themselves. (similar to depictions of Vishnu actually. The picture is where I got the idea for the race)

+2 Wis, +2 Con -2 ?
Low light vision
Languages: Vindani, Common (starting); Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Gnome, ?
Eternal Hope: +2 racial bonus vs fear and despair effects; 1/day on a roll of nat 1 on d20 may reroll & use 2nd roll
+2 to Heal Skill, +2 Perception
Weapon Familiarity: Temple Sword, Vindanni Kriss Weapons
Special: Vindani Monks may be any non-chaotic

New Feat: Zen Warrior
Prerequisites: Vindani monk,
The Vindani monk may use his Wisdom in place of his Strength for attack and damage rolls when attacking in melee combat.

New Weapons:
Vindani Kriss: The Vindani, while preferring nonviolence, are not a foolish people and have long ago learned the riddle of steel. Taking a different than the Elves or the Dwarves the Vindani created a style of weapons that suited their more introspective nature and keen observational skills. (I'm considering a feat or a racial trait that would allow a Vindani to use their Wis modifier for att roles instead of str when using a Kriss weapon. Str would still apply to damage)

Exotic Weapon:
Light Melee:
Kriss Dagger (simple) 2g 1d3/1d4 18-20 x3 10ft P or S Monk
Kriss Short Blade 10g 1d4/1d6 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

One Handed Melee
Kriss Long Blade 15g 1d6/1d8 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

The Vindani's core belief is that The Vedic created them to help alleviate suffering in the world, and to learn its causes so that the following generations would have the wisdom to learn from. Interestingly they have only a few gods, and only three major dieties.

The Vedic: When the world was formed and the gods created their mortal races it is said that The Vedic fashioned the Vindani from water. Giving them a sereneness that would allow them to stay calm amidst the storms of life but also the ability to crash like the waves should the need arise. The Vedic is mysterious even to the other gods of Allaria in that he always seeks a peaceful solution before resorting to violence, even when dealing with corrupt powers like Azazel. Many are those that have mistaken his gentle nature for weakness and learned too late that he is a power to be reckoned with when moved to action. (working on a Cleric archetype that follows the teachings of the Vedic more in depth)

Alignment: Neutral Good (The Vedic is not known to have a Paladin Order. Though there are warrior schools dedicated to his service)
Portfolio: The Vindani, Healing, Good, Creation, War (when necessary), Light
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Sun, War
Favored Weapon: Unarmed

Akasha: Akasha is relatively unknown even to the Vindani. She is their goddess of knowledge but she has never been know to openly speak. It is believed by many Vindani that she is the sum total of all mortal knowledge. That which can be known, has been known, or ever will be known. They believe that, unlike all others, Akasha is one of the only beings not caught in the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth as she may be connected to the Higher Ones. She is generally depicted as a gentle looking woman, with eyes deeper than any can comprehend, and a veiled face. They say to hear her speak would shatter the mind of the person listening.

Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Teaching, Learning
Domains: Knowledge. Magic
Favored Weapon: Bo Staff

Shirak the Defiler: Shirak was once the Vedic's most trusted ally among the gods of the realm, but he slowly grew to despise mortals for their lack of piety and selfish desires. He saw that they were perfectly willing to inflict suffering on themselves and grew to utterly hate and revile them and any who thought they were worthy of any kind of redemption. Slowly he decided to play a game. He chose a mortal and tempted him, drawing him ever closer to damnation seeing how long it would take for him to break. Pleased with what he saw he chose a second target and began his game again only to be stopped midway by the man looking up sadly and appearing before Shirak in the heavens as The Vedic himself. Angered and saddened by Shirak's betrayal The Vedic cast him out of the heavens into the lower planes where he forged a new home for himself. Now calling himself Shirak the Defiler he seeks to ruin The Vedic's people and to push the world into eternal torment. To corrupt and defile all that he sees, if only to prove that the mortals that The Vedic so loves are unworthy of such kindness and should never have been made in the first place.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Corruption, Evil, Hatred, Defilement
Domains: Evil, Darkness, (Will have to come up with new Domains to cover those not in PCR)
Favored Weapon: Kriss Long Blade (Longsword esque weapon. Still working out the kinks)

Silver Crusade

Very minor update. I noticed some poor wording on my part in a couple areas and fixed them. It was too late to edit the post so I decided to post this by reply.

Update V.1.1

The Vindani (humanoid): The Vindani are a contemplative people concerned with the greater harmony of the world and trying find its center. They believe that their creator god, The Vedic, made them for the purpose of helping people to alleviate suffering,to help restore harmony to the world, and to travel the path to enlightenment. They do not like violence as a whole, but will fight when necessary to protect others or to establish a greater harmony in the universe. If possible they will try for nonviolent solutions to problems that can be dealt with in that manner, but when they must they are a deadly enemy in combat.

The Vindani don't have cities in the traditional sense. They build grand temples where many may live and work together, much like a city or village/town. Most are welcome within their walls, though any who wish to cause trouble are gently asked to leave lest they disrupt the harmony of the place. They are not ones for alcohol, and are generally a vegetarian people (Note: they are not psycho everyone must eat like me vegetarians when they are out in the world. They know that their ways are not for everyone but within their temple cities one is not likely to find meat or alcohol given their beliefs. Such requests are gently rebuffed and explained.)

Appearance: The Vindani appear as blue skinned humanoids, similar in height and weight to humans. They typically have long black hair, dark eyes and exude a sense of calm about themselves. (similar to depictions of Vishnu actually. The picture is where I got the idea for the race)

+2 Wis, +2 Con -2 Str (?)
Low light vision
Languages: Vindani, Common (starting); Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Gnome, ?
Eternal Hope: +2 racial bonus vs fear and despair effects; 1/day on a roll of nat 1 on d20 may reroll & use 2nd roll
+2 to Heal Skill, +2 Perception
Weapon Familiarity: Temple Sword, Vindanni Kriss Weapons
Special: Vindani Monks may be any non-chaotic

New Feat: Zen Warrior
Prerequisites: Vindani monk,
The Vindani monk may use his Wisdom in place of his Strength for attack and damage rolls when attacking in melee combat.

New Weapons:
Vindani Kriss: The Vindani, while preferring nonviolence, are not a foolish people and have long ago learned the riddle of steel. Taking a different than the Elves or the Dwarves the Vindani created a style of weapons that suited their more introspective nature and keen observational skills. (I'm considering a feat or a racial trait that would allow a Vindani to use their Wis modifier for att roles instead of str when using a Kriss weapon. Str would still apply to damage)

Exotic Weapon:
Light Melee:
Kriss Dagger (simple) 2g 1d3/1d4 18-20 x3 10ft P or S Monk
Kriss Short Blade 10g 1d4/1d6 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

One Handed Melee
Kriss Long Blade 15g 1d6/1d8 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

The Vindani's core belief is that The Vedic created them to help alleviate suffering in the world, and to learn its causes so that the following generations would have the wisdom to learn from. Interestingly they have only a few gods, and only three major dieties.

The Vedic: When the world was formed and the gods created their mortal races it is said that The Vedic fashioned the Vindani from water. Giving them a sereneness that would allow them to stay calm amidst the storms of life but also the ability to crash like the waves should the need arise. The Vedic is mysterious even to the other gods of Allaria in that he always seeks a peaceful solution before resorting to violence, even when dealing with corrupt powers like Azazel. Many are those that have mistaken his gentle nature for weakness and learned too late that he is a power to be reckoned with when moved to action. (working on a Cleric archetype that follows the teachings of the Vedic more in depth)

Alignment: Neutral Good (The Vedic is not known to have a Paladin Order. Though there are warrior schools dedicated to his service)
Portfolio: The Vindani, Healing, Good, Creation, War (when necessary), Light
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Sun, War
Favored Weapon: Unarmed

Akasha: Akasha is relatively mysterious to the Vindani. She is their goddess of knowledge but she has never been know to openly speak. It is believed by many Vindani that she is the sum total of all mortal knowledge. That which can be known, has been known, or ever will be known. They believe that, unlike all others, Akasha is one of the only beings not caught in the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth as she may be connected to the Higher Ones. She is generally depicted as a gentle looking woman, with eyes deeper than any can comprehend, and a veiled face. They say to hear her speak would shatter the mind of the person listening.

Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Teaching, Learning
Domains: Knowledge. Magic
Favored Weapon: Bo Staff

Shirak the Defiler: Shirak was once the Vedic's most trusted ally among the gods of the realm, but he slowly grew to despise mortals for their lack of piety and selfish desires. He saw that they were perfectly willing to inflict suffering on themselves and grew to utterly hate and revile them and any who thought they were worthy of any kind of redemption. Slowly he decided to play a game. He chose a mortal and tempted him, drawing him ever closer to damnation seeing how long it would take for him to break. Pleased with what he saw he chose a second target and began his game again only to be stopped midway by the man looking up sadly and appearing before Shirak in the heavens as The Vedic himself. Angered and saddened by Shirak's betrayal The Vedic cast him out of the heavens into the lower planes where he forged a new home for himself. Now calling himself Shirak the Defiler he seeks to ruin The Vedic's people and to push the world into eternal torment. To corrupt and defile all that he sees, if only to prove that the mortals that The Vedic so loves are unworthy of such kindness and should never have been made in the first place.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Corruption, Evil, Hatred, Defilement
Domains: Evil, Darkness, (Will have to come up with new Domains to cover those not in PCR)
Favored Weapon: Kriss Long Blade (Longsword esque weapon. Still working out the kinks)

Scarab Sages

I really like it! Kinda gives me an idea for my own race!

Silver Crusade

Vyranos wrote:
I really like it! Kinda gives me an idea for my own race!

Many thanks :)

The idea came together from many sources but the idea for their look came from Hindu portraits of Vishnu. I always like the artwork and when the idea for the Vindani first started to form that's the appearance that came to mind immediately.

Their philosophy was harder to hammer out, at least on paper. I knew in my head what it was, but i had to research other philosophies and religions to get an idea of how to describe it best.

Silver Crusade

Well I made a couple of changes here and there, some fluff and a little crunch. Clarified a thing or two and altered the Zen Warrior feat quite a bit.

So here's V.2 of the Vindani

The Vindani (humanoid): The Vindani are a contemplative people concerned with the greater harmony of the world and trying find its center. They believe that their creator god, The Vedic, made them for the purpose of helping people to alleviate suffering,to help restore harmony to the world, and to travel the path to enlightenment. They do not like violence as a whole, but will fight when necessary to protect others or to establish a greater harmony in the universe. If possible they will try for nonviolent solutions to problems that can be dealt with in that manner, but when they must they are a deadly enemy in combat.

The Vindani don't have cities in the traditional sense. They build grand temples where many may live and work together, much like a city or village/town. Most are welcome within their walls, though any who wish to cause trouble are gently asked to leave lest they disrupt the harmony of the place, those who choose to press their luck are often deposited outside the city into a designated safe zone while they are sleeping or are apologized to gently before being frog marched to what amounts to their version of a jail (really a meditation chamber) where they are asked to remain until one of the temple priests can come speak with them about their impulse control issues. One thing the Vindani dislike is rudeness and disruption to the greater harmony of others, but they still try to help those that they can. They are not ones for alcohol, and are generally a vegetarian people (Note: they are not psycho everyone must eat like me vegetarians when they are out in the world. They know that their ways are not for everyone but within their temple cities one is not likely to find meat or alcohol given their beliefs. Such requests are gently rebuffed and explained.)

Appearance: The Vindani appear as blue skinned humanoids, similar in height and weight to humans. They typically have long black hair, dark eyes and exude a sense of calm about themselves.

+2 Wis, +2 Con -2 Str
Low light vision
Languages: Vishkala (Vindani language) , Common (starting); Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Orc, Giant
Eternal Hope: +2 racial bonus vs fear and despair effects; 1/day on a roll of natural 1 on d20 may reroll & use 2nd roll
+2 to Heal Skill, +2 Perception
Weapon Familiarity: Temple Sword, Vindani Kriss Weapons
Special: Vindani Monks may be any non-chaotic

New Feat: Zen Warrior
Prerequisites:Wis 13 +, BAB+1 or Monk lvl1 or higher, Exotic Weapon Proficiency:(any Kriss Weapon), or Weapon Familiarity: Vindani Kriss Weapons
Benefit: You may use your Wisdom in place of his Strength for attack rolls when attacking in melee combat with a Kriss Weapon, Monk Weapon or unarmed. (Damage is still determined using Strength)

New Weapons:
Vindani Kriss: The Vindani, while preferring nonviolence, are not a foolish people and have long ago learned the riddle of steel. Taking a different than the Elves or the Dwarves the Vindani created a style of weapons that suited their more introspective nature and keen observational skills. (I'm considering a feat or a racial trait that would allow a Vindani to use their Wis modifier for att roles instead of str when using a Kriss weapon. Str would still apply to damage)

Exotic Weapon:
Light Melee:
Kriss Dagger (simple) 2g 1d3/1d4 18-20 x3 10ft P or S Monk
Kriss Short Blade 10g 1d4/1d6 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

One Handed Melee
Kriss Long Blade 15g 1d6/1d8 18-20 x3 P or S Monk

The Vindani's core belief is that The Vedic created them to help alleviate suffering in the world, and to learn its causes so that the following generations would have the wisdom to learn from. Interestingly they have only a few gods, and only three major dieties.

The Vedic: When the world was formed and the gods created their mortal races it is said that The Vedic fashioned the Vindani from water. Giving them a sereneness that would allow them to stay calm amidst the storms of life but also the ability to crash like the waves should the need arise. The Vedic is mysterious even to the other gods of Allaria in that he always seeks a peaceful solution before resorting to violence, even when dealing with corrupt powers like Azazel. Many are those that have mistaken his gentle nature for weakness and learned too late that he is a power to be reckoned with when moved to action.

Alignment: Neutral Good (The Vedic is not known to have a Paladin Order)
Portfolio: The Vindani, Healing, Good, Creation, War (when necessary), Light
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Sun, War
Favored Weapon: Unarmed

Akasha: Akasha is relatively mysterious to the Vindani. She is their goddess of knowledge but she has never been know to openly speak. It is believed by many Vindani that she is the sum total of all mortal knowledge. That which can be known, has been known, or ever will be known. They believe that, unlike all others, Akasha is one of the only beings not caught in the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth as she may be connected to the Higher Ones. She is generally depicted as a gentle looking woman, with eyes deeper than any can comprehend, and a veiled face. They say to hear her speak would shatter the mind of the person listening.

Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Teaching, Learning
Domains: Knowledge, Magic
Favored Weapon: Bo Staff

Shirak the Defiler: Shirak was once the Vedic's most trusted ally among the gods of the realm, but he slowly grew to despise mortals for their lack of piety and selfish desires. He saw that they were perfectly willing to inflict suffering on themselves and grew to utterly hate and revile them and any who thought they were worthy of any kind of redemption. Slowly he decided to play a game. He chose a mortal and tempted him, drawing him ever closer to damnation seeing how long it would take for him to break. Pleased with what he saw he chose a second target and began his game again only to be stopped midway by the man looking up sadly and appearing before Shirak in the heavens as The Vedic himself. Angered and saddened by Shirak's betrayal The Vedic cast him out of the heavens into the lower planes where he forged a new home for himself. Now calling himself Shirak the Defiler he seeks to ruin The Vedic's people and to push the world into eternal torment. To corrupt and defile all that he sees, if only to prove that the mortals that The Vedic so loves are unworthy of such kindness and should never have been made in the first place.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Corruption, Evil, Hatred, Defilement
Domains: Evil, Darkness, (Will have to come up with new Domains to cover those not in PCR)
Favored Weapon: Kriss Long Blade* (see above)

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