zeroth_hour |
zeroth_hour wrote:If you evade, it does still count as an encounter. The option to evade is a part of the encounter; the fact that you get to ignore the "before the encounter" doesn't change this, it is just an added perk of evading. It's neither defeated nor undefeated, but it is still encountered.Dave, it seems that evading a summoned monster is not an encounter, even if the cards say "summon and encounter". There's a FAQ on this too: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gk#v5748eaic9r4f
Sorry; you're correct and that's actually what I meant to say :)
kysmartman |
That's a little bitter kysmartman, just because you might not have Magic in the check to "beat" her, doesn't mean other characters can't succeed at the check and effectively make it a draw. Lem, for example, is very good at diplomacy. I'm not saying it's likely, but it isn't impossible.
That's why I put in the "One or Two Blessings" part. No one has a high enough Charisma to defeat her without using at least 1 Blessing. So sure, Lem, Seoni, and Seelah can all defeat Iesha with their high Charisma stat, but they have to have at least one Blessing added to do so.
h4ppy |
I think this was the hardest scenario so far, but so much fun!
We had to face down Iesha three times and got hit for some damage each time (after damage mitigation, I think it was something like: 1 damage, 3 damage and a-whole-hand-of-damage).
Thankfully we had found the villain on the first turn and webbed him to the bottom of the Academy so it still wasn't too bad and we finished him off with three turns to spare and no casualties.
More like this please!
RDewsbery |
Whereas we got hammered, almost losing Merisiel in the process. Though I suspect that the fact that we were a full table of 6 characters, had lost Kyra (perma-death) the week before and hadn't planned for the necessary number of evasions won't have helped.
I'm thinking that my team might need to go back a scenario or two (if only to let some of the participating characters "fill in the blanks") and use this as a way to stock up on the necessaries. And maybe work on getting a new Kyra into the party, too.
RDewsbery |
I wasn't paying attention to *what* Merisiel was up to, but there came a point when all of her remaining cards were in her hand, and not in her deck. Partly as a result of some poor decisions being made by the player(s) who had built the character over previous sessions, and the player who was using her this week not asking for healing when they needed it. Which was pretty much how Kyra bought the farm, too - the player using the character just didn't heal herself until far too late in the day.
Whereas my Lem is pretty much always running around on max health; burn through blessings and extra explore cards, then heal them all back. None of which actually helps against Iyesha Foxglove much.
kysmartman |
I will say that my 3-character party made mincemeat out of this scenario as Alden Foxglove starting the game in Sajan's hand meant we ended the game with only 1 Haunt out, and it was the last one left in the game. Oh, it does help to have a horribly-rolling d6 so my rolls were 1, 1, 2, and 6 so they faced her once with Ezren doing the honors with a newly-acquired Web in hand to take care of her. Gotta love that Iesha isn't immune to attack spells which is all Web is.
pluvia33 |
My group played this scenario last night and Iesha caused a LOT of confusion. Luckily, after reading this thread and a few others, most of the questions we had are now cleared up and we can make sure to not make any further mistakes later in the game. But there are a few things that still seem a little off about his card.
First, the immunity to the mental and poison traits. Is this mainly just here as a formality to keep her in line with other undead? I can see some mental effects maybe helping with some of the checks against her or helping to just bypass her all together, but poison? Are there any poison trait cards that could be used against her in the first place? The only ones I've seen all work off of combat checks, which you can't use against Iesha.
Second, is this:
So with all that in mind, it appears that beating Iesha for her ability to reduce the Skinsaw Man's difficulty check would only happen in a very specific circumstance. You'd have to encounter the Skinsaw Man, temporarily close all other locations except one, beat him so he runs to that location, manage to have Kyra draw the Haunt in that location deck, roll high enough to summon Iesha, beat Iesha, pull the Skinsaw Man to the top of the location deck that you're currently at, and then have a blessing/ally allowing you to explore again to encounter him.
If you have to work so hard to actually get a real defeat on Iesha in the first place, it seems kind of lame that you can't even get the full reward for doing so. Maybe if the reward was reworded to something like this:
"If you find him, you may move to that location and set him aside;"
"If the Skinsaw Man is encountered by the end of your next turn, the difficulty of all checks against him is decreased by 5."
kysmartman |
The Mental part is so you can't use the Evade spells to avoid having to deal with her. The Poison part I'd assume is just to keep her in line with the other undead as you stated.
The 2nd part about defeating her and not getting the reward is just not understanding what her role in the scenario is. The Henchmen have no check to defeat making the scenario really easy. She balances it out with the whole "You better use a Blessing or two or face a hand wipe" effect that she is.
The Karmik Bob |
A friend of mine and I are revisiting Pathfinder ACG - I see no new posts for 18 months, so not even sure if this is being monitored any longer.
We're having a deuce of a time with the Skinsaw man scenario, and I'd appreciate suggestions. One thing I noticed, as I read thru these posts, is there seems a mis-understanding in a few, regarding the haunt. Normally the haunt makes checks +1 more difficult for the character the haunt has attached to, but the Foul Misgivings scenario states you roll the 1D6 and add that number of haunts to ALL players. We're playing 2 characters, Amiri and Merisel. Pretty much no charisma, diplomacy, or divine, nor arcane, or intelligence, so when we've run into Iesha, it's been a melt-down. We tried parking Merisel and bringing Ezren into it, so we could better close the locations, but the haunt's just make this mission impossible.
With 2 characters, that's 4 locations. Must close 2, and temp close 1, when attempting the skinsaw man. Given 2 locations are closed, that's at least 2 haunts (and that's assuming we haven't encountered the 3rd). Given an average 3, and 4 roll on a D6, that then makes every challenge at least +7 more difficult (so that 14 & 16 become a 21 & 23), and that's not adding the individual haunts attached to specific characters. Every challenge is harder as these pile up. Without the ally mentioned, or without getting him in your hand, and using him before you encounter the Skinsaw man, this mission just seems impossible. We've wiped 5 times.
I have seen a few suggestions regarding using turn undead - is that implying that turn undead can eliminate these haunts even after you have encountered them? From what I've read, there is no eliminating the haunts until end of the scenario (from the haunt card "at the end of the scenario, banish all Haunts")
Strategy suggestions appreciated. How in the world do you beat this scenario? Thank you, in advance.
elcoderdude |
...the Foul Misgivings scenario states you roll the 1D6 and add that number of haunts to ALL players.
No, it doesn't. The d6 roll is solely for the purpose of determining if Iesha is summoned. You add the number of haunts to the roll. You don't add haunts to the players, beyond the player who encountered the haunt.
This is clear if you read the text carefully.
The Karmik Bob |
This is not how the card reads to me. "When you encounter a Haunt, put it in front of you. Then roll 1d6 and add the number of Haunts in front of all players." There is nothing about this being solely for the purpose of determining if Iesha is summoned, and the haunt card states that the haunts don't go away until the end of the scenario.
I appreciate the observation, but believe that interpretation is incorrect.
elcoderdude |
This is not how the card reads to me. "When you encounter a Haunt, put it in front of you. Then roll 1d6 and add the number of Haunts in front of all players." There is nothing about this being solely for the purpose of determining if Iesha is summoned, and the haunt card states that the haunts don't go away until the end of the scenario.
I appreciate the observation, but believe that interpretation is incorrect.
See this thread
Hawkmoon269 |
A friend of mine and I are revisiting Pathfinder ACG - I see no new posts for 18 months, so not even sure if this is being monitored any longer...
This particular thread has no new posts for 18 months, largely because I think most people don't have many questions about Iesha Foxglove at this point. As elcoderdude said above, what the scenario telling you to do is this: Count the number of haunts you have in front of all players. Roll a d6. Add those two numbers together (displayed haunts + d6), if that calculated number is 5 or greater, then you have to summon and encounter Iesha Foxglove. If it is 4 or less, you don't.
When you encounter a Haunt, put it in front of you. Then roll 1d6 and add the number of Haunts in front of all players. If the result is 5 or more, summon and encounter the villain Iesha Foxglove.
For it to be telling you to get more Haunts from the box, the bolded "the" above would need be a "that" instead.
But don't worry. This was a common problem, very common. For now, just get back in there and put that Skinsaw Man down.
Throught |
Attempt a Charisma/Diplomacy/Divine 13 check.
1. Fail the check by a certain number, take damage, no free search, done.
2. Succeed on the check, don't use magic, doesn't count as a victory, don't get free search.
3. Succeed on the check, use magic, counts as a victory, get free search.
What are you referring to when you say "free search"?
Hawkmoon269 |
Defeating Iesha Foxglove lets you search a location.
If defeated, choose a location deck and search it for the villain The Skinsaw Man. If you find him, set him aside; shuffle the rest of the deck and put him on either the top or bottom of that deck. If you encounter the Skinsaw Man this turn, the difficulty of all checks against him is decreased by 5.