A question about the campaign traits

Wrath of the Righteous

Forgive me if I spoil something (I hope not, since this is the area to discuss the AP0, but I wanted to ask a question about the campaign traits in this AP.

I heard a rumor that the traits improve as the AP goes on. Is this true? And if so, does it depend on whether or not you select the mythic path linked with the trait? For example, if I chose Touched By Divinity, will that trait only improve if I select Hierophant as my mythic path?

Thanks. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ask your GM, it will depend on how s/he handles it. But, yes, they upgrade at some point.

King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:

Forgive me if I spoil something (I hope not, since this is the area to discuss the AP0, but I wanted to ask a question about the campaign traits in this AP.

I heard a rumor that the traits improve as the AP goes on. Is this true? And if so, does it depend on whether or not you select the mythic path linked with the trait? For example, if I chose Touched By Divinity, will that trait only improve if I select Hierophant as my mythic path?

Thanks. :)

The traits upgrade at the end of the first book when the characters become mythic. I don't know that there are further upgrades but they are pretty nice. They are linked to the mythic path for the trait so if you do go down a different path they don't upgrade.

That said I've seen a number of DMs mention that they aren't using that rule. So as with all things ask your DM.

Yes, they are supposed to unless your DM/GM changes it. Now that I've looked over the third book I can say that disassociating the path and the trait doesn't seem to change much at all.

Indeed this is a good question. I chose touched by divinity for my Paladin of Iomedae, but now I am leaning towards choosing Champion as a mythic path. That said - I could always choose the "2nd mythic path", but I am tending to think that the Hierophant path is largely wasted on my combat oriented Paladin.

Not necessarily. Beast's Fury can enhance your Paladin mount (if you chose to have one), while the spell-enhancing abilities can increase your versatility. There are several abilities that enhance mounts and the like, improve healing abilities, and the like. And in my opinion, Hierophant path abilities are superior to the Champion ones. Though you may think otherwise. ;)

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