Corsario's Dark Champions of Korvosa

Game Master Corsario

Curse of the Crimson Throne with Level 7 Vigilantes

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Human [Ulfen]* Bloodrager/Bard 1

lol- am I the only one who didn't take many guises?

I kind of like this dynamic though of how I automatically know something is off but I can't see through your disguises.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I also took ranks in perform(acting) - which can also be used for juggling, apparently, and my bluff is good. I wonder if that counts as convincing proof if I had to bluff that I am who I say I am.

Also, I don't think Juliet or Savage took many guises, so you are not alone :)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Post got eaten by paizo maintenance but basically just watching and not saying anything.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Got it

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Think we are waiting on Alika to give us more info?

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Yes we are :P

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat


Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

So... here we differ from "normal" adventuring parties.
The usual is for you to show up unannounced, knock the door, kick ass and take names. No planning, no reconnaissance, no elegance.
In your case it would be different.
- Knowledge(Local), Diplomacy, Intimidate checks to learn (choose one):
- Plans of the building
- Information about who might be there
- History of the place
- Disguise checks to (choose one):
- Infiltrate the place
- Keep watch from the outside
- As always, if you write a nice RP scene of you skill roll, you gain a bonus (+1, +2?)
- Any other ideas of skill uses?

After you get the info, you plan your attack...

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I think that's most of the uses. Maybe some successful finds might give a bonus on other stuff. For example finding out who's there or the layout might help with bluff or disguise when infiltrating since you have some advantage?

On another note, I have followers, and while some of them help with the business, most are to form a spy network or people in places that might help getting stuff done. If you don't mind I'd rather you control that. For example, maybe I have a follower who lives nearby and can host us for our meeting. If you tell me something like that I can keep track of it for the future but also gives you some DM leeway for adventure hooks etc?

I have my follower info in a spoiler on my sheet. I just think that would be easier and not slow down the play by post of the game if I don't have to constantly ask about what my followers might be able to contribute (hey, Joe works here and can get us a key to get in quietly, etc)

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

About Cohorts and Followers:
- Cohorts give you an "extra" roll for getting info
- Followers can do "simple" stuff, but no rolls. The idea of having one living near and using his house is very good, and valid.
- It would be hard for me to "control" them. You handle them, and use them fast and easy, and we will be ok.
About what you gain with successes, I am thinking in:
- The map of the place
- Number of enemies
- Kind, abilities, weaknesses
- Where are they? What schedules? Which patrols?
- Ways to enter, to exit, to infiltrate (they need their phones fixed, they order pizza on Tuesdays, etc.)
- Any other ideas?
The plan is for you to be able to plan, to coordinate, and to get the 1-hit KO the vigilantes seems best suited for.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

That's pretty comprehensive, I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

I got you on the followers. I will just wing it if it seems appropriate and if there is an issue or you don't think it fits just let me know.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map


I have just think, in the future, you can infiltrate organizations (planting a mole) for them to "open the door" or something like that.

Not in this case.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Right, that's the idea :)

Male Human Vigilante 7

How about non-magical tools and materials? Grappling hooks, disguise kits, rope that kind of thing. Could we consider stuff like that in the followers/cohorts' "inventories" and have them stash and retrieve things where we need them or should we pay for them out of our own pockets?

Oh, and how about stealth to hide and case a place rather than disguise?

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Followers / Cohorts can have, and use, mundate items.
But they can't give them out to you. You should have bought what you need.
Stealth and hide is good, but it is different. In one case you can "go in" and interact. On the other you must remain hidden, and what you can do is different.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Robert, I specifically use a strategy for followers and mundane items where they can deliver a care package to a designated location from elsewhere, usually my place of residence. We could use them to do that I think like a gofer as long as we get the gear and have it where they can get it.

For example I don't carry camping gear around with me but have them set aside in my apartment and could have it brought to me if needed. Not that great of an example since if we were going out into the wild I'd probably just stop and get it myself haha.

From my changing guises section: If additional gear is needed for a job, The Rat will notify Yarblek of what and where, and it will be couriered there by one of his henchmen as a care package, hidden and waiting for him.

Human [Ulfen]* Bloodrager/Bard 1

Sorry, my phone (which I do most of my posting from) isn't working, so my posting may be a bit sporadic for a few days. I'll try to get a post up from a computer tomorrow.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I like the planning aspect but maybe we could speed up the gameplay a bit? I think we were shooting for once a weekday at least? It's hard to keep interest when checking for two days and nothing happened and it's not a weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

I think I will do that.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Got a biss mess at work, and have been trying to put off the fire this last couple of days.
Sorry, will post after I sleep a little.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

No problem. My work I'm always putting out fires lol

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Back, and working on the post. Sorry for the delay.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Yep, I'm still here.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Yes, sorry. Lots of work, at the wrong hours. But I am still trying.

Human [Ulfen]* Bloodrager/Bard 1

I'm in a bunch of other games so I'll be around whenever you get time.

Male Human Vigilante 7

Likewise. I'm still kicking about.

F Human Vigilante 7 [ HP: 77/77 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 12 | Fort +4 / Ref +8 / Will +6 | Init +3 / Percept +11 | Angel of Death ]


Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Same. :)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

I'm around! Was gone for a bit with being busy, but finals and graduation are over so I should have a fairly regular posting schedule again.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

I am glad. I have just posted the information you gathered about Lamm's hideout. Now you have to decide how to break in!

Human [Ulfen]* Bloodrager/Bard 1

RL=crazy; plz bot as needed.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Got it!

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I have family over this weekend and a con trip next weekend so probably a little less active. Bot as needed. Should still be around most of the time during weekdays.

Male Human Vigilante 7

Something holding us up? I know Areniel is currently MIA as Nate does his thing.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Just me. Sorry, got an interesting weekend.

Human [Ulfen]* Bloodrager/Bard 1

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the extended silence. I'm overwhelmingly busy still and sadly I'm going to have to take some time away from the boards. You can bot me or write me out, or kill me off spectacularly. Thanks for the opportunity to play, I really enjoyed this idea and the other characters. Sorry I made a mess of it by disappearing right away. Enjoy the rest of the game.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

That is a shame, I really liked Ulfgar.

I am back from my trip but noticed nothing much has occured.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Yeah, sorry for that. Give me a couple of free hours, and we continue.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I really, really want to play this game, but it's ok if you are too busy to run it. I'd rather you say you can't if you can't than to keep checking in on nothing.

Male Human Vigilante 7


Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Lots of work, but want to do this. Sorry for the delay.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

I'm still alive.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

And we continue our adventures at Korvosa. Sorry for the delay.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat

Is everyone still here? (Minus Ulfgar)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

I'm here, just didn't really have anything to say at this junction.

F Human Vigilante 7 [ HP: 77/77 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 12 | Fort +4 / Ref +8 / Will +6 | Init +3 / Percept +11 | Angel of Death ]

I'm here, too.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Teisatsu) 7; HP 64/64; Ki (6/6); Init +5; AC 21/FF 16/T 15; F +4, R +11, W +7; Per +14; Cohort: Yarblek; Vigilante: The Rat


Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

I am glad

Male Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante (Stalker) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC 22, touch 17, FF 16 | Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +5, Perception +10

Hey all, posting this in all my games to let people know I'll be away for a few days. My family is headed to camp later today, and I won't have Internet or my computer while I'm there. I should be back and posting Friday afternoon/evening (Eastern Time), but please push the game as needed, botting my character if you need to do so. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Happy 4th!

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