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Blessings add dice to checks. The 1d4+1 random cards that get cured by the Cure spell aren't a check. Thus, the Cure can't be improved by blessings, allies, or anything else that affects checks. To my knowledge, there are no cards currently in the game that can boost the amount of healing from a Cure spell.

Captain Bulldozer |

I concur with Fromper. In fact, its not even clear to me whether you could use that blessing's special power to aid in a recharge check for cure. (You could always use it for an extra die, but could it give 2 extra dice in this case? I think not, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, to answer the original question, if a card directs you to roll a specific die/dice as part of an action which is NOT a check, there is generally no way to add/replace/modify those rolls.

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Wow there really isn't a lot of healing spells in the game. I can only find Cure [B,C], Major Cure [3], & Mass Cure [4]. I guess you could add Raise Dead [5] and Restoration [4], but not sure what their mechanics are going to be.
Ultimately, you are stuck with just your Cures until Hook Mountain. May have to rethink some of the items I've been seeing in the game.

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That wand of minor heal suddenly seems even more useful!
I love that item. I especially liked getting it in my starting hand with the spyglass once. Discard the spyglass to rearrange the top two cards, then play the wand to recharge it while it was still the only thing in my discard pile.

Captain Bulldozer |

Wow there really isn't a lot of healing spells in the game. I can only find Cure [B,C], Major Cure [3], & Mass Cure [4]. I guess you could add Raise Dead [5] and Restoration [4], but not sure what their mechanics are going to be.
Ultimately, you are stuck with just your Cures until Hook Mountain. May have to rethink some of the items I've been seeing in the game.
This might be another reason to consider including Kyra in all your party adventures ;)

Nathaniel Gousset |
Currently healing is a no issue in our game. Lini with 3 cure roll her own deck extensively, Valeros play a few cards and recharge his weapons, Merisiel can get a bit low by game end because of the discard and Seoni just work by concentrating on rechargeable spell and item so she work better with a smaller deck.

Chad Brown Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer |

Good evening,
I just received this blessing and I wonder how this blessing would effect the Cure spell. If I cast the cure spell can I play this blessing to get 1d4+1 +1d4?
Thank you.
In addition to the excellent answers given above, I will say this: there are currently no boons that increase the number of cards recharged by Cure, or, in general, that affect any rolls that are not checks. While I do ascribe to the `never say never' philosophy, it's very unlikely we'll ever break this principle; it has the potential to create very weird corner cases.
If you're finding that you need more healing during the scenarios than you have available, I can heartily recommend Lem, Lini, Seelah, and especially Kyra for your party.
P.S. Clerics are awesome. That is all.

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Currently healing is a no issue in our game. Lini with 3 cure roll her own deck extensively, Valeros play a few cards and recharge his weapons, Merisiel can get a bit low by game end because of the discard and Seoni just work by concentrating on rechargeable spell and item so she work better with a smaller deck.
So that is four characters and one of your examples states you need 3 full cure spells for her to function, Merisiel needs to discard to be truly effective in combat, and one of Seoni's main abilities requires a discard....and where are all of these spells she is going to choose from? She fails one recharge and she has lost 1/3 of her spells...
So explain to me again how healing is a non-issue in the game?

h4ppy |

For us Seoni is the most often in need of healing spells. One really bad encounter and she loses 4-6 cards, and she's often on the brink of death (i.e. with 6 or less cards to draw from).
She's also the only character I've played with that's ever had to sit down and be quiet for a turn or two because she's so close to death.
Part of me thinks she could really do with some armor, but where would be the fun in that?!? If all characters are the same then there's no variety.

Captain Bulldozer |

Nathaniel Gousset wrote:Currently healing is a no issue in our game. Lini with 3 cure roll her own deck extensively, Valeros play a few cards and recharge his weapons, Merisiel can get a bit low by game end because of the discard and Seoni just work by concentrating on rechargeable spell and item so she work better with a smaller deck.So that is four characters and one of your examples states you need 3 full cure spells for her to function, Merisiel needs to discard to be truly effective in combat, and one of Seoni's main abilities requires a discard....and where are all of these spells she is going to choose from? She fails one recharge and she has lost 1/3 of her spells...
So explain to me again how healing is a non-issue in the game?
Agreed that healing is something that needs to be carefully considered (and included) in your playstyle. That being said, I'm not seeing how you guys have such a rough time with Merisiel. I play her with 2 light crossbows (our Harsk has already managed to get better goodies, so he was happy to pass them on), so as soon as she has one, her combat rolls are generally 1d12 + 1d8 + 1d6 (from recharging an item or other unneeded card). With such a roll, the expected roll is a 14.5. That's more than enough to perform extremely well in most combat settings, and that's without other bonuses from things like blessings (blessings would add another d12 each or better). If a monster should come up that's not likely to be beaten, she can just evade. Not sure how you guys are playing, but the Merisiel in our group takes almost no damage.... healing her has never been an issue.
Seoni, on the other hand... wow... talk about needing healing... my group won't use her anymore, believing she's too fragile. We're finding Ezren to be a bit more hearty (and just as useful in combat usually).
The only time I would say healing can be an issue in this game (so far) is when you're playing without thinking about having some healing; or perhaps playing solo, but then only with certain characters.

Nathaniel Gousset |
Nathaniel Gousset wrote:Currently healing is a no issue in our game. Lini with 3 cure roll her own deck extensively, Valeros play a few cards and recharge his weapons, Merisiel can get a bit low by game end because of the discard and Seoni just work by concentrating on rechargeable spell and item so she work better with a smaller deck.So that is four characters and one of your examples states you need 3 full cure spells for her to function, Merisiel needs to discard to be truly effective in combat, and one of Seoni's main abilities requires a discard....and where are all of these spells she is going to choose from? She fails one recharge and she has lost 1/3 of her spells...
So explain to me again how healing is a non-issue in the game?
Liri doesn't NEED the 3 cure for her to function, it is just that with the 3 cure she spendt all her time with a full deck so she never really care about healing... because she is always healed. I even lowered to 2 Cure now that her recharging roll is D10+D4+3.
Our Merisel nearly NEVER discard in combat, she use a heavy crossbow, D12+D10 basic with 2 boost of dex for D12+D10+2, sometimes she did recharge for the extra +D6 and that's it. She perhaps discard once every 2 game but that is all (when facing henchman or vilain). So she is not really in need of healing.
Seoni require a discard... if she doesn't have an attack spell in hand. Our Seoni got 2 and one Detect magic and use cards that recharge. Her goal at game start is to acquire more spell she can recharge. After she discarded some blessing and ally she usually have no more trouble because she had 6 cards in hand, about 2-3 of them she recharge each turn and usually draw the other recharged cards. She is the one that we seldom heal, but that is because one of her 3 items is the candle that bury. I perhaps heal her once every two games too.
Oh, and I think you need to play the game or learn it before commenting anymore. Seoni automatically recharge her spell... she never lost one.
Valeros never need heal. Either he have an armor on hand or he recharge his cards to empty his hand. Anyway he just rarely loss a fight.
So, yes healing is not an issue for our groups. Perhaps it will become in AP2. but AP1 was a breeze.

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Oh, and I think you need to play the game or learn it before commenting anymore. Seoni automatically recharge her spell......
Next time you make a statement like that maybe you need to check the boards to see how long I have been on here helping people out. Okay, I made a mistake by not having her character open in front of me and to be honest, Seoni isn't my favorite PC, but she still only has 3 total spells in her deck and even with a hand of 6, there are times she has to use her ability.
Maybe you need to try playing a game with more then just those 4 characters to see how the others deal with needing Healing before you make blanket statements about how healing is worthless.

Nathaniel Gousset |
No big deal, I am like that myself, especially with gruff veteran that shouldn't think they are right because they are louder and older than anyone else ;)
BTW I am in a bad moody myself too so that could explain the fact I was a bit rude. But I think TC and myself will simply never agreed on anything because we view things far too differently.

kysmartman |
Yeah, I almost never needed to heal Merisiel in my game either. Once she gets a better weapon, she almost never discarded, and finding a Staff of Minor Healing for Seoni makes her darn near invincible since she recharges her spells. You keep cycling the spells and the Wand plus the random card which will usually be something to give another explore (ally or blessing), and she's exploring twice every turn for free.
Honestly, Lini, Ezren, Sajan, and Kyra needed the most healing in my games.

Dave Riley |

Two staves of healing + Father Zanthus + Returning Throwing Axe has made my Merisiel basically invincible. I use them mostly to spam blessings for explores. I don't think I've used the discard portion of her power more than once or twice. I play in a duo with my wife, who plays Kyra, and she hasn't needed to heal me since the first couple games we've played together.
Did make it a bit of a shock when we tried two different characters with starting decks, though. :D

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This is a bit off topic, but I personally find the posters on these forums to be quite rational and respectful when compared to most other forums I've looked at. Gruff veteran/bad moods not withstanding, I'd like to thank everyone for doing such a great job keeping things civil and respectful.
I resemble that remark....