Converting pathfinder society scenarios to homegame XP based games

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Pretty much as the topic says. I'm starting GM'ing soon, and to begin my campaign off, I'm going to use one of the free pathfinder society scenarios, mostly to let it be easy on myself and because some of the players are new to pathfinder.

My question is there are a set standard as to how to convert these scenarios to an XP based system, or has someone done it already, or do I need to do the entire scenario manually?

I run PFS scenarios in my home game all the time. To make the scenarios fit into my campaign, the only conversion I've needed to do have been in location, story, and plotline.

For example, I added the Season 0 scenario "King Xeros if Old Azlant" to my Runelords campaign. I changed the setting from Absalom to Magnimsr, and the trappings of the ship from Azlanti to Thasdilonian, but otherwise ran it straight. (Well, and converted it from 3.5 to PFRPG.)

Just set the tier of the scenario be appropriate to your party, and you should be all set!

Silver Crusade

Yeah, that I'm all good with, my question is specifically about XP rewards. The scenario I'm looking at doesn't have any listed - presumably because its designed to be used with PFS advancement. Is there a shorthand way to convert it, or something I'm missing in the documentation, or will I just have to do the entire thing manually?

I'm going to be using the To Delve the Dungeon Deep scenario (mostly), and reflavouring it, and its objectives. Mostly I'm just using it as a pre-made stat block, because I just have no experience with putting an scenario together.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Frederik Nordsson wrote:
Yeah, that I'm all good with, my question is specifically about XP rewards. The scenario I'm looking at doesn't have any listed - presumably because its designed to be used with PFS advancement. Is there a shorthand way to convert it, or something I'm missing in the documentation, or will I just have to do the entire thing manually?

You have to do the entire thing manually, using the encounter Challenge Ratings using Chapter 12 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. You will need to guess for any task based Experience bonuses.

A couple of other issues you will find are:

  • How you wish to use any of the faction missions.
  • Ensuring that the encounter CRs are correct. The Society scenarios sometimes fudge (either low or high).

  • Thank yee kindly. I'll add it to the pile of stuff I need to prep.

    Biggest lesson I've learnt so far? I need to buy a printer. :S

    Each encounter lists the total CR, each stat block lists the CR of the creature. XP is based on CR, so check the Gamemastering chapter of the CRB to find out the XP value of each encounter based on either its CR or the CR of the component enemies. Add them up and divide by the number of players.

    About 1/3 the XP needed to take the PC's to the next level.

    Simplest way is just to total up the XP listed in the bestiary, or in the gamemastery section of the CRB in the case of non-NPC encounters, of the enemies/challenges they defeat, and divide by the number of PCs.

    Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
    Simplest way is just to total up the XP listed in the bestiary, or in the gamemastery section of the CRB in the case of non-NPC encounters, of the enemies/challenges they defeat, and divide by the number of PCs.

    That doesn't seem nearly as simple as 1/3 difference between current level and next level. Which, incidentally is what the scenarios are supposed to be.

    Shadow Lodge

    If you're going to do the 1/3-to-the-next-level thing (recommended, if you can), there's likely no harm in using the same experience point mechanic from PFS in a regular Pathfinder game.

    1 experience point per scenario, 3 to level up.

    Just keep in mind how you want to deal with what happens if they have to retreat and can't progress.

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