Claxon |

Most ability score increases do not stack. They end up being enhancement bonuses. So you pretty are limited to a source of enhancement bonus (belt is best) a source of inherent bonus (tome) and applying your ability score increase from levels to it.
What you're really looking for is items that provide an increase to dex that isn't an inherent or enhancement bonus.
I'm not sure anything actually exists. And it's on purpose, to keep you from benefiting too much. Dex provides a bonus to AC, is used for ranged to hit, can be used for melee to hit with a feat, can be used for damage with item enhancement, and contributes to several skills, and adds to reflex save.
Counter that with strength, which adds to melee to hit, damage, and carrying capacity (which is mitigated by bags of holding and many other items), and a couple relatively unimportant skills.

Drejk |
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The basics go more or less the same for all ability scores:
Starting ability score 20
+5 leveling increases
+5 inherent bonus
+6 enhancement bonus
Optionally +2 profane bonus from succubus
Undead anatomy IV spell grants +8 size bonus to Dexterity if you take on form of Tiny undead.
Was there anything else?

Drejk |

D&D 3.0/3.5 had a cleric spell that was Dexterity and speed-based equivalent of righteous might but I don't recall if anything similar was written for Pathfinder yet.
Size bonuses from wildshape or polymorph spells will stack, but alas, they are temporary...
Yes, but a high-level druid can remain wildshaped into air elemental practically all the time for a +6 size bonus to Dexterity.

Tels |

Sounds to me like you're looking for a Dexterity equivalent of a blood rage spell. Unfortunately, no such thing exists. :(