Tattooed Sorcerers and Greater Focus

Rules Questions

Seeing how Tattooed Sorcerers gain Varisian Tattoo for free even if they don't have Spell Focus, do they still need to take Spell Focus in order to get Greater Focus? Or do they need to take Spell Focus first in order to take Greater Focus? If this is the case, do they have to choose the same school for Spell Focus as they picked for Varisian Tattoo?

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Not having to meet the requirements for one feat does nothing for the requirements for another. Unless Varisian Tattoo specifically states in can substitute for Spell Focus in this way, it can't. You will still need to take Spell Focus to take Greater Spell Focus.

Why would you want to take greater spell focus before spell focus?
Each give a plus one to save DC's, so how would taking the greater be an advantage over taking the lesser?
I'm not trying to be snippy, I'm just wondering if there's an advantage I'm missing.

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