Umbriere Moonwhisper |

possible lolis to propose
Sickly Half-Nymph Countess?
Oblivious Angelkin Holy Knight with a slightly oversized hand and a half sabre?
Nekomimi wearing Dhampir Pharmacist, Librarian, Doctor and Magical Girl?
Atlantean Fey Geneticist whom dabbles in the Arcane?
Socially Awkward Swordswoman of decent expertise?
Elven Hex mistress whom bends fate?
Elemental Blooded Flame user whom works for the Vatican as a Secret Operative and Carries a vast amount of Holy Weapons?
Sylph Street Urchin, Performer, Thief, Vagabond, Lowlife, Cutpurse, Burglar, Pickpocket, and Small time Criminal wanted in 7 Metropoli for skipping community service after racking up seemingly minor and insignifficant thefts? (mostly cheap items like an apple, a sandwich, a bar of soap, or a cheap skin of water)
Undine priestess of the Azure Dragon? with a convenient modesty providing scale pattern on the torso portion of her body?
Neptunia CPU inspired Aegis? borrow a bit of Noire
ghost sorcereress whom works as an apprentice to the Sanzu Ferryman?
Elven huntress, geurilla horse archer, swordsman, tracker, and apprentice locksmith?
Skinwalker who tries to make her self look cute, obscessed with appearance, eats cute things in an attempt to absorb their DNA so she may gain their desired features at will?

Umbriere Moonwhisper |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

more ideas
dhampir broodmaster whose 5 eidolons are a group of Pixie Dhampir Maids?
nekomimi huntress whom embodies the white tiger celestial and fights with claw, fang, and foot?
bakeress whom uses magical pastries to do stuff Deirdre style?
socially awkward tiefling library assistant inspired loosely by Koakuma?
a socially akward young and prodigal yet sickly and highly intelligent purple haired mage inspired by a Combination of Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou, Aisha from Elsword, and Lute from Fire Emblem, the sacred stones?
vampire summoner whose shapeshifting eidolon resembles a weretiger. the two are a married couple?
a pokemon trainer with the 8 evolved stages of Eevee as her minions, strengthens her bonds by cosplaying as her pokemon servants?
group can vote on my character from both lists
everybody gets 15 votes, no more than 5 on one character, not all need to be used.

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

One vote for Socially Akward Librarian Tiefling (the salt of any good party!)
what about your other 14, you can put up to 4 more on the tiefling if you wish and pick any of the others from both lists from 1-5 votes each with the remainder, even if the numbers don't match
dancing with the stars style

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

possible lolis to propose
Sickly Half-Nymph Countess? Umbriere Moonwhisper
Oblivious Angelkin Holy Knight with a slightly oversized hand and a half sabre? Lumiere Dawnbringer
Nekomimi wearing Dhampir Pharmacist, Librarian, Doctor and Magical Girl? Sweet Nicolette
Atlantean Fey Geneticist whom dabbles in the Arcane? Ilina Aniri
Socially Awkward Swordswoman of decent expertise? Akane Saitou
Elven Hex mistress whom bends fate? Rina Shadowsong
Elemental Blooded Flame user whom works for the Vatican as a Secret Operative and Carries a vast amount of Holy Weapons? Pyrus 'Dante' Iscariot
Sylph Street Urchin, Performer, Thief, Vagabond, Lowlife, Cutpurse, Burglar, Pickpocket, and Small time Criminal wanted in 7 Metropoli for skipping community service after racking up seemingly minor and insignifficant thefts? (mostly cheap items like an apple, a sandwich, a bar of soap, or a cheap skin of water) Rin Cloudstrider
Undine priestess of the Azure Dragon? with a convenient modesty providing scale pattern on the torso portion of her body? Tsui Shui Feng
Neptunia CPU inspired Aegis? borrow a bit of Noire; will most likely be stealing laststation's CPU wholesale
ghost sorcereress whom works as an apprentice to the Sanzu Ferryman? Tsukiko Tsumura
Elven huntress, geurilla horse archer, swordsman, tracker, and apprentice locksmith? Selene Moonchild
Skinwalker who tries to make her self look cute, obscessed with appearance, eats cute things in an attempt to absorb their DNA so she may gain their desired features at will? Bleeding Rain
nekomimi huntress whom embodies the white tiger celestial and fights with claw, fang, and foot? Nekogami Shinkuro
bakeress whom uses magical pastries to do stuff Deirdre style? Su-Li
socially awkward tiefling library assistant inspired loosely by Koakuma? Kleiner Teuffel
a socially akward young and prodigal yet sickly and highly intelligent purple haired mage inspired by a Combination of Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou, Aisha from Elsword, and Lute from Fire Emblem, the sacred stones? Iris
dhampir brood master whose 5 eidolons resemble pixie dhampirs? Sabrina Nicoletti and her Adopted Daughters, Artemis, Selene, Luna, Tsukuyomi and Isis Nicoletti
vampire summoner whose shapeshifting eidolon resembles a weretiger. the two are a married couple? Sabrina and Julian Nicoletti
a pokemon trainer with the 8 evolved stages of Eevee as her minions, strengthens her bonds by cosplaying as her pokemon servants? Madison Hawkins
group can vote on my character from the compiled list
everybody gets 15 votes, no more than 5 on one character, not all need to be used.

Generic Dungeon Master |

What if the setting for this game involved two worlds, one with generally normal Pathfinder characters and rules, and the other a derivative “pony-esque” world?
While the characters are “real” in the pseudo-pathfinder world (searching for nine legendary weapons needed to be joined together in order to control a raging flesh/gear golem that is out of control) – they appear as Yokai like entities in the ‘pony-esque” world and simultaneously there are pony characters in their own world on a similar quest who appear as Yokai like entities in the pathfinder-esque world
And the two separate character groups must learn to cross the dimensions and help each other in order to save both worlds…

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

What if the setting for this game involved two worlds, one with generally normal Pathfinder characters and rules, and the other a derivative “pony-esque” world?
While the characters are “real” in the pseudo-pathfinder world (searching for nine legendary weapons needed to be joined together in order to control a raging flesh/gear golem that is out of control) – they appear as Yokai like entities in the ‘pony-esque” world and simultaneously there are pony characters in their own world on a similar quest who appear as Yokai like entities in the pathfinder-esque world
And the two separate character groups must learn to cross the dimensions and help each other in order to save both worlds…
sounds fair enough
how will you distribute your votes on the compiled list?

Terquem |
Who can explain the game better. So far it's just a title.... pm me if needed :-)
to be honest, actually, this isn't a game at all. it could be, but it isn't, not yet, not really.
It is more of a thought experiment on how a game could be crafted so that unique character concepts can be used without having to bend a setting to make them work.

Merisiel The Silent |

A Snowflake review
1) Sickly Half-Nymph Countess? Umbriere Moonwhisper
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, in essence this is a simple character build, a halph-nyph might be problematic, but is workable in just about any scenario I might imagine. Sickly, okay, but what does that mean, will you dump Con as a stat and choose a Drawback to support the role-play concept? And finally, being a countess is easy, and is covered by a few Traits
2) Oblivious Angelkin Holy Knight with a slightly oversized hand and a half sabre? Lumiere Dawnbringer
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down, first, I’m not intrigued by this character, and the 0 votes are based solely on that, but here’s the rest, Anglekin can be covered by a few approaches, bloodline and template come to mind immediately (half-celestial, or are you thinking something stronger?). Holy Knight is a Paladin unless you have a different idea. The oversized hand could be a Drawback or not, I’d be okay with it as just a descriptor with no game impact. Stating a half-sabre shouldn’t be a problem, if by half you are talking about size or shape, if you mean something different, tell me about it.
3) Nekomimi wearing Dhampir Pharmacist, Librarian, Doctor and Magical Girl? Sweet Nicolette
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, we could blend the Catfolk and Dhampir races, that wouldn’t be a chore. The professions are covered by Skills, and I could see this character as an Alchemist or not. Magical Girl is a fine descriptor, and there are a few TRraits that could be used to fulfill the meaning, but you’d have to be more specific. In essence saying, “Magical Girl” could mean just about anything.
4) Atlantean Fey Geneticist whom dabbles in the Arcane? Ilina Aniri
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again, this character doesn’t intrigue me, but at the same time it is the first entry that draws me into a discussion about campaign settings specifically. See, what is supposed to be meant by “Atlantean” ? Do you mean thematically, as in a “race” (some core or other race) from a mysteriously vanished lost empire (Pathfinder has one of these, and just about any setting could have one of these) or do you want to actually play a character that claims to be from the lost city of Atlantis, of Earth, this would be hard, but not impossible to incorporate. Fey, piece of cake, never a problem in my settings. Dabbles in the arcane, take as many levels of arcane caster classes as you like.
5) Socially Awkward Swordswoman of decent expertise? Akane Saitou
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Nothing to break down here and a solid beginning point for any hero. One point, “Socially Awkward” can be a role playing choice or can be defined by Drawbacks and traits, I’d want to work on this to nail it down.
6) Elven Hex mistress whom bends fate? Rina Shadowsong
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again nothing to break down here either, unless you have an idea about what a “Hex-Mistress” is that varies significantly from what can be done with the Witch class.
7) Elemental Blooded Flame user whom works for the Vatican as a Secret Operative and Carries a vast amount of Holy Weapons? Pyrus 'Dante' Iscariot
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Similar to 4 above we have a little setting defining to work out. Both of my usual campaign settings have organizations similar to what might called the “Vatican” (the world of Hamth has the Sovereign Sisterhood a militant arm of the Church at Sesth Theeth that are a kind of warrior nun) but if you want to play a character that is actuall working for a “fictional” version of the Vatican of Rome, that would be a little harder, not impossible, to fit into a campaign setting that was not already on a fictional version of Earth. But it is an interesting character concept. Elemental Bloodlines are covered by a couple of rules , and nothing else about the character is unworkable.
8) Sylph Street Urchin, Performer, Thief, Vagabond, Lowlife, Cutpurse, Burglar, Pickpocket, and Small time Criminal wanted in 7 Metropoli for skipping community service after racking up seemingly minor and insignifficant thefts? (mostly cheap items like an apple, a sandwich, a bar of soap, or a cheap skin of water) Rin Cloudstrider
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, not a very interesting character idea, but a good solid start for any hero, and nothing that could not be worked out with templates, traits and drawbacks
9) Undine priestess of the Azure Dragon? with a convenient modesty providing scale pattern on the torso portion of her body? Tsui Shui Feng
A) Votes 2, why – let’s break it down. Cleric of a unique religion, always welcome in any setting I am running. Race is well established in the rules and there shouldn’t be any problem getting it to work in a way that is acceptable to both you and I.
10) Neptunia CPU inspired Aegis? borrow a bit of Noire; will most likely be stealing laststation's CPU wholesale
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Votes could be 4, if you are referring to the Genus Neptunia, the flowering plant of the Mimoseae Tribe (a plant based character would be interesting), but I think you probably mean a Video Game themed character. Without more details of the actual Race and Class you are looking to play, it is difficult to tell what this would be, but I’d keep the lines of discussion open. A CPU based character is doable, and the laststation based build would be alright as long as you are willing to mold it enough to keep the character in line with the game’s central plot. The minute your character tries to create a different game from what we are trying to create (you want the party to chase after a goal based upon your character concept, and this wasn’t something we predetermined would be part of the overall game story), well, that becomes a different game, doesn’t it?
11) Ghost sorceress whom works as an apprentice to the Sanzu Ferryman? Tsukiko Tsumura
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. I am usually reluctant to allow starting characters with too much in game power, and immaterial characters are hard to adjudicate, but it is not a show stopper. The other aspect of the character is similar to 4 and 7 above, our game setting can easily have a “ferryman over the river that leads to the afterlife” symbology, but if you want to be this specific theme, then we again have to tie our setting to Earth directly, somehow, not impossible, but questionable and easier if we do it as an “in house” theme.
12) Elven huntress, guerrilla horse archer, swordsman, tracker, and apprentice locksmith? Selene Moonchild
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again, nothing needs to be broken down here as everything stated is achievable through generic Class and Race options
13) Skinwalker who tries to make herself look cute, obsessed with appearance, eats cute things in an attempt to absorb their DNA so she may gain their desired features at will? Bleeding Rain
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Are you referring to the Native American Cultural tradition or is this a special type of character that I am not familiar with. The shape shifting would be workable with a modified Druid build, I suppose, and then everything else is simple (working in the ability to become a thing that you have been exposed to by eating it is tricky, but doable). However, the character doesn’t seem interesting to me.
14) Nekomimi huntress whom embodies the white tiger celestial and fights with claw, fang, and foot? Nekogami Shinkuro
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Catfolk are established, and I could fit them into any setting I can imagine. I could see this as a Monk or Barbarian, but it is basic Class choice, nothing odd here.
15) Baker’ess whom uses magical pastries to do stuff Deirdre style? Su-Li
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Deirdre as in Celtic Mythology, or a video game character? I once had a player play a Cleric who was a Baker before he became an adventurer, and this player worked baked goods into everything he did. This is an easy build, but I’d like to know more about what you mean by Deirdre style
16) Socially awkward tiefling library assistant inspired loosely by Koakuma? Kleiner Teuffel
A) Votes 5, why – let’s break it down. A solid and interesting beginning for any hero, doable with race/class options already established. Socially Awkward, again could be a role playing choice fleshed out with drawbacks and traits.
17) Socially awkward young and prodigal yet sickly and highly intelligent purple haired mage inspired by a Combination of Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou, Aisha from Elsword, and Lute from Fire Emblem, the sacred stones? Iris
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Much like what has already been said. The character behavior based upon the references you make are entirely up to you and how much you want to role-play that. Everything else is text book.
18) Dhampir brood master whose 5 eidolons resemble pixie dhampirs? Sabrina Nicoletti and her Adopted Daughters, Artemis, Selene, Luna, Tsukuyomi and Isis Nicoletti
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. There is nothing here that is not covered by general rules, and as always, working in a Dhampir to any setting is tricky unless it is already established, but not a show stopper
19) Vampire summoner whose shapeshifting eidolon resembles a weretiger. the two are a married couple? Sabrina and Julian Nicoletti
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Being honest here, vampires are tricky, and I am not a fan of “good” vampires and generally not a fan of non-good aligned player characters. A Dhampir would be easier for me to accept, otherwise same as 18 above.
20) Pokemon trainer with the 8 evolved stages of Eevee as her minions, strengthens her bonds by cosplaying as her pokemon servants? Madison Hawkins
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. This could be reskinned as a summoner easily, right, but wait. It is a more complex variation of 4 and 7 above in that the setting would have to be expanded to allow and acknowledge the existence of “Pokemon”, not impossible, but could have an impact that would be unwelcome to manage, or the character could be plane shifted, separated from the origin world where these “pokemon” exist, and still made to work, but how much of the “pokemon” thematic you want incorporated into the setting you are a part of could be a problem, I can see some negotiations there that might not be satisfying for everyone.

Umbriere Moonwhisper |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A Snowflake review
1) Sickly Half-Nymph Countess? Umbriere Moonwhisper
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, in essence this is a simple character build, a halph-nyph might be problematic, but is workable in just about any scenario I might imagine. Sickly, okay, but what does that mean, will you dump Con as a stat and choose a Drawback to support the role-play concept? And finally, being a countess is easy, and is covered by a few Traits
i would prefer to use a half-nymph race, but it could easily be a reskinned half elf bard, will likely dump both strength and constitution, a few variant racials could help the ties
2) Oblivious Angelkin Holy Knight with a slightly oversized hand and a half sabre? Lumiere Dawnbringer
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down, first, I’m not intrigued by this character, and the 0 votes are based solely on that, but here’s the rest, Anglekin can be covered by a few approaches, bloodline and template come to mind immediately (half-celestial, or are you thinking something stronger?). Holy Knight is a Paladin unless you have a different idea. The oversized hand could be a Drawback or not, I’d be okay with it as just a descriptor with no game impact. Stating a half-sabre shouldn’t be a problem, if by half you are talking about size or shape, if you mean something different, tell me about it.
i was considering a Variant Aasimaar from blood of Angels, a Battle Oracle, Dumping Wisdom, and using a Reskinned Katana, the other name for a bastard sword is a hand and a half sword, it wouldn't be large, just on an upper end of medium (no damage boost). not a literal oversized hand or a half sabre as you misread
it's a sabre sized for hand and a half use, that is slightly oversized
3) Nekomimi wearing Dhampir Pharmacist, Librarian, Doctor and Magical Girl? Sweet Nicolette
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, we could blend the Catfolk and Dhampir races, that wouldn’t be a chore. The professions are covered by Skills, and I could see this character as an Alchemist or not. Magical Girl is a fine descriptor, and there are a few TRraits that could be used to fulfill the meaning, but you’d have to be more specific. In essence saying, “Magical Girl” could mean just about anything.
it would be an alchemist focused on medicine, doubles as a longspear wielding melee combatant
4) Atlantean Fey Geneticist whom dabbles in the Arcane? Ilina Aniri
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again, this character doesn’t intrigue me, but at the same time it is the first entry that draws me into a discussion about campaign settings specifically. See, what is supposed to be meant by “Atlantean” ? Do you mean thematically, as in a “race” (some core or other race) from a mysteriously vanished lost empire (Pathfinder has one of these, and just about any setting could have one of these) or do you want to actually play a character that claims to be from the lost city of Atlantis, of Earth, this would be hard, but not impossible to incorporate. Fey, piece of cake, never a problem in my settings. Dabbles in the arcane, take as many levels of arcane caster classes as you like.
it's a character descended of a race from a long lost empire that collapsed several millenia ago
5) Socially Awkward Swordswoman of decent expertise? Akane Saitou
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Nothing to break down here and a solid beginning point for any hero. One point, “Socially Awkward” can be a role playing choice or can be defined by Drawbacks and traits, I’d want to work on this to nail it down.
socially akward means dumping charisma
it's a reskin that could be applied to fighter, samurai, barbarian or ranger
6) Elven Hex mistress whom bends fate? Rina Shadowsong
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again nothing to break down here either, unless you have an idea about what a “Hex-Mistress” is that varies significantly from what can be done with the Witch class.
it's a witch with a butterfly familiar and a few exotic 3.5 inspired spells for inflicting a variety of irksome conditions
7) Elemental Blooded Flame user whom works for the Vatican as a Secret Operative and Carries a vast amount of Holy Weapons? Pyrus 'Dante' Iscariot
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Similar to 4 above we have a little setting defining to work out. Both of my usual campaign settings have organizations similar to what might called the “Vatican” (the world of Hamth has the Sovereign Sisterhood a militant arm of the Church at Sesth Theeth that are a kind of warrior nun) but if you want to play a character that is actuall working for a “fictional” version of the Vatican of Rome, that would be a little harder, not impossible, to fit into a campaign setting that was not already on a fictional version of Earth. But it is an interesting character concept. Elemental Bloodlines are covered by a couple of rules , and nothing else about the character is unworkable.
it's a militant priestess of an organization similar in concept to the Vatican, but need not neccessarily be the Vatican, the soveriegn sisterhood worls
8) Sylph Street Urchin, Performer, Thief, Vagabond, Lowlife, Cutpurse, Burglar, Pickpocket, and Small time Criminal wanted in 7 Metropoli for skipping community service after racking up seemingly minor and insignifficant thefts? (mostly cheap items like an apple, a sandwich, a bar of soap, or a cheap skin of water) Rin Cloudstrider
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down, not a very interesting character idea, but a good solid start for any hero, and nothing that could not be worked out with templates, traits and drawbacks
Sylph is a race in the ARG, she would likely be a wizard with a handful of roguish skill choices, maybe swap scribe scroll for trapfinding and gain rogue talents in place of wizard bonus feats
9) Undine priestess of the Azure Dragon? with a convenient modesty providing scale pattern on the torso portion of her body? Tsui Shui Feng
A) Votes 2, why – let’s break it down. Cleric of a unique religion, always welcome in any setting I am running. Race is well established in the rules and there shouldn’t be any problem getting it to work in a way that is acceptable to both you and I.
good enough, the Azure Dragon is a good aligned Aquatic Dragon
10) Neptunia CPU inspired Aegis? borrow a bit of Noire; will most likely be stealing laststation's CPU wholesale
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Votes could be 4, if you are referring to the Genus Neptunia, the flowering plant of the Mimoseae Tribe (a plant based character would be interesting), but I think you probably mean a Video Game themed character. Without more details of the actual Race and Class you are looking to play, it is difficult to tell what this would be, but I’d keep the lines of discussion open. A CPU based character is doable, and the laststation based build would be alright as long as you are willing to mold it enough to keep the character in line with the game’s central plot. The minute your character tries to create a different game from what we are trying to create (you want the party to chase after a goal based upon your character concept, and this wasn’t something we predetermined would be part of the overall game story), well, that becomes a different game, doesn’t it?
it is a reference to the series of JRPGs for the PS3 Hyperdimension Neptunia, kind of a Science Fiction/Fantasy
the CPUs, are like Royal Bloodlines in their home nation, and "Goddess" is a fancy word for "Queen." the nation of Laststation is a strict and structured nation, and Noire, is the CPU of Laststation.
Aegis is a class in Psionics Expended that dons a Psychic skin, a customizable Armor of mental Energy
the CPUs in Hyperdimension Neptunia, have an ability called Hard Drive Divinity, where they transform into a state with enhanced attributes and boosted defenses, the Aegis's Psychic skin, will be reflavored to Resemble HDD and Power Points will be Called Share Energy (Essentially Faith Energy)
11) Ghost sorceress whom works as an apprentice to the Sanzu Ferryman? Tsukiko Tsumura
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. I am usually reluctant to allow starting characters with too much in game power, and immaterial characters are hard to adjudicate, but it is not a show stopper. The other aspect of the character is similar to 4 and 7 above, our game setting can easily have a “ferryman over the river that leads to the afterlife” symbology, but if you want to be this specific theme, then we again have to tie our setting to Earth directly, somehow, not impossible, but questionable and easier if we do it as an “in house” theme.
i was thinking River that leads to the afterlife, the Symbolic aspect, need not be tied to the true earth. Earth again, was just a comparison to explain the concept
12) Elven huntress, guerrilla horse archer, swordsman, tracker, and apprentice locksmith? Selene Moonchild
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Again, nothing needs to be broken down here as everything stated is achievable through generic Class and Race options
it's an elven switch hitter urban ranger
13) Skinwalker who tries to make herself look cute, obsessed with appearance, eats cute things in an attempt to absorb their DNA so she may gain their desired features at will? Bleeding Rain
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Are you referring to the Native American Cultural tradition or is this a special type of character that I am not familiar with. The shape shifting would be workable with a modified Druid build, I suppose, and then everything else is simple (working in the ability to become a thing that you have been exposed to by eating it is tricky, but doable). However, the character doesn’t seem interesting to me.
it would simply be a reskinned Druid with a few modifications, focused more on the shapeshifting, and would be based off the native american cultural tradition loosely. once she has dissected or consumed an animal for familiarity, she gains enough understanding of the form to take it as long as she can remember the biology.
the eating isn't the source of the shapeshifting, merely eating allows her to taste the DNA and achieve a greater undertanding more expediently.
she eats animals and humanoids as part of research in gaining their features, because she wants to be "cute."
14) Nekomimi huntress whom embodies the white tiger celestial and fights with claw, fang, and foot? Nekogami Shinkuro
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Catfolk are established, and I could fit them into any setting I can imagine. I could see this as a Monk or Barbarian, but it is basic Class choice, nothing odd here.
i was thinking barbarian, oddly flavored
15) Baker’ess whom uses magical pastries to do stuff Deirdre style? Su-Li
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Deirdre as in Celtic Mythology, or a video game character? I once had a player play a Cleric who was a Baker before he became an adventurer, and this player worked baked goods into everything he did. This is an easy build, but I’d like to know more about what you mean by Deirdre style
Deirdre, the Naruto Character, it would be an alchemist build, Deirdre did a lot of fancy magical stuff with clay, merely, instead of using clay, i'd do similar stuff with pastries
16) Socially awkward tiefling library assistant inspired loosely by Koakuma? Kleiner Teuffel
A) Votes 5, why – let’s break it down. A solid and interesting beginning for any hero, doable with race/class options already established. Socially Awkward, again could be a role playing choice fleshed out with drawbacks and traits.
low charisma, to represent the social akwardness
17) Socially awkward young and prodigal yet sickly and highly intelligent purple haired mage inspired by a Combination of Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou, Aisha from Elsword, and Lute from Fire Emblem, the sacred stones? Iris
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. Much like what has already been said. The character behavior based upon the references you make are entirely up to you and how much you want to role-play that. Everything else is text book.
low Charisma, Strength, and Constitution, could be done with a Samsaran to get the intellect boost and the purple hair
18) Dhampir brood master whose 5 eidolons resemble pixie dhampirs? Sabrina Nicoletti and her Adopted Daughters, Artemis, Selene, Luna, Tsukuyomi and Isis Nicoletti
A) Votes 1, why – let’s break it down. There is nothing here that is not covered by general rules, and as always, working in a Dhampir to any setting is tricky unless it is already established, but not a show stopper
19) Vampire summoner whose shapeshifting eidolon resembles a weretiger. the two are a married couple? Sabrina and Julian Nicoletti
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. Being honest here, vampires are tricky, and I am not a fan of “good” vampires and generally not a fan of non-good aligned player characters. A Dhampir would be easier for me to accept, otherwise same as 18 above.
swap vampire for "Dhampir", solved enough. i could always drop this idea
20) Pokemon trainer with the 8 evolved stages of Eevee as her minions, strengthens her bonds by cosplaying as her pokemon servants? Madison Hawkins
A) Votes 0, why – let’s break it down. This could be reskinned as a summoner easily, right, but wait. It is a more complex variation of 4 and 7 above in that the setting would have to be expanded to allow and acknowledge the existence of “Pokemon”, not impossible, but could have an impact that would be unwelcome to manage, or the character could be plane shifted, separated from the origin world where these “pokemon” exist, and still made to work, but how much of the “pokemon” thematic you want incorporated into the setting you are a part of could be a problem, I can see some negotiations there that might not be satisfying for everyone.
it could be a planeshifted pokemon trainer that happens to be a reskinned summoner. idea could also dropped if too complex
my "pokemon" would breed more new pokemon as i leveled up and would mimic the appropriate "pokemon"

Generic Dungeon Master |

It is a bit of a challenge to generate a medium sized quadreped (I've created the Maetaur, a small pony/halfling quadreped that ends up being a medium sized creature for my campaign settings and got into some interesting discussions on these boards about the movement base for the race)
But otherwise completely doable
Moonwhisper - I like your details, makes things easier to see. I laughed myself silly when I realized how I misread that "oversized hand and a half" comment (I don't know why I imagined a comma in that, you know; oversized hand, and a half sword, really felt silly). Also, I might disagree with anyone on the "Socially Awkward" equals dumb stat charisma concept (I really do not like to see charisma dumbed as often as it is) but that's your take on the character and I respect that.
I prefer to think of charisma as a combination of many factors; attractiveness, social ability, and self awareness being the first three that come to mind.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

As I play a lot of Charisma-focused characters & I seem to play them at about a ninety degree angle from how others view Charisma, I understand your point GDM. Personally, I view Charisma as 'Force' of Personality & 'Socially Awkward' more as 'untrained'. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact I've played a character who could be considered both mechanically, since he had a Charisma Mod of +2 & no ranks in any of the 'Social Skills': Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate...
Granted, he did have ranks in Sense Motive & a truly Socially Awkward character might be argued to be 'socially clueless' as well but YMMV.

Umbriere Moonwhisper |

I have some ideas for weird characters, and would be fine playing in such a game, EXCEPT...
I have never watched MLP, and don't know anything about it. Is that a prerequisite for this game? Or is it just a general "weird characters" game?
MLP isn't a prerequisite as far as i can assume
despite the title, i beleive it's intended for the odd characters our DMs didn't approve, within reason. here are some previously used homebrews for DM approval for whomever takes the mantle, toned down from their original variations
Houri (Half-Nymphs)
Attributes; +2 intelligence +2 charisma -2 strength; Houri are charming and creative, but slight of frame due to a combination of their nymph blood slimming their frames, softening their features, bestowing enhanced youth and improving their persuasive tendencies, and their human blood boosting their creativity, their ambition, their adaptability and their drive to learn
Fey Type; a Houri bears the fey type but also possesses the (Human) Subtype
Medium Size; a Houri Takes no bonuses or Penalties due to her size
Fey Eyesight; a Houri receives darkvision out to a range of 60 feet; this replaces the low light vision possessed by most fey. Most Houri are more Photosensitive than either their human or their nymph parent due to an odd genetic interaction; A trait that often leaves them with Migraines in bright sunlight.
Nymph Blood; a Houri counts as both a human and a nymph for all intents and purposes pertaining to race, such as prerequisites for racial options (such as archetypes, spells, feats, or favored class bonuses), effects that target race (such as favored enemy or bane weapons), or items that work differently for specific races
Fey Heritage; a Houri Receives Fey Foundling as a bonus feat due to her fey heritage. (see the pathfinder inner sea world guide for fey foundling)
Light Sensitivity; Houri are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light due to the photosensitivity derived from the odd interaction between their mixed human and nymph heritages
Able Learner; a Houri due to her human ambition, tends to pick up new skills rather quickly, this works exactly like the skilled racial trait possessed by humans, giving her a bonus skill point per level. (if playing 3.5, multiply these bonus skill points by 4 at 1st level)
Normal Speed; a Houri has a base land speed of 30 feet
Persuasive; a Houri receives a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks In addition, when she uses Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, she can do so up to three steps up rather than just two. She tends to be quite influential and quite able to pass her words in some pleasing manner of delivery
Languages; Common, Sylvan, Bonus Languages; Any
Grugach (Wood Elves}
+2 Strength +2 Dexterity -2 Charisma, Wood Elves are Stronger and Hardier than most Elves due to the harsh lifestyle of the intense heat of the Southern Rainforests. learning to toughen their bodies to adapt. the harshness of the hot and harsh woods leaves many Wood Elves with a Gruff and Harsh Attitude and Crude Disposition
Darkvision; due to the darkness of the jungles, provided by intense foliage that blocks the sun, Wood Elves have adapted a greater level of Photosensitivity than most elves. granting them darkvision out to 60 feet, however a wood elf is dazzled in bright light
Woodsman's Weapon Familiarity; Wood Elves, like any other race, depend on firewood for warmth at night, and to cook their food, and wood to construct their shelters, they use the bow for silent and stealthy hunting. a Wood Elf Receives Proficiency with the Handaxe, Machete (Treat as scimitar) Shortbow (including composite shortbow) and longbow (including composite longbow) in addition, a Wood Elf treats all Weapons with "Elven" in their name as a martial weapon
Silent Hunter; a Wood Elf Reduces the penalty for moving at her full speed while using the stealth skill by 5. allowing her to move at her full speed while using stealth without penalty and run while using the stealth skill at a -20 penalty. (already factoring this reduction)
Child of the Moon; a Wood Elf Receives a +2 Racial Bonus on Will Saving Throws
Keen Senses; a Wood Elf Receives a +2 Racial Bonus on Perception Checks.
Normal Speed; a Wood Elf has a base land speed of 30 feet
Medium Size; a Wood Elf takes no special bonuses or penalties due to her size
Elven Blood; a Wood Elf counts as an Elf for all effects and prerequisites pertaining to race.
Languages; See the Elf.
New Wizard Archetype/School; Slum Magician
Not all wizards, come from grand academies, some honed their talents in the streets, performing, begging, and the like. These wizards, known as Slum Magicians, are different from your traditional wizards, replacing a great many class features of their school to gain whole new talents. A Slum magician replaces the specialty school of the wizard
Arcanist of the Sums; a Slum Magician gains 2 additional skill points per level, in addition, she gains the following skills as additional class skills, Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Disable Device, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, Appraise, Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Climb, Swim, Use Magic Device, and Disguise; this ability also replaces Scribe Scroll gained at 1st level
School of the Slums; a Slum Magician may not Choose Illusion, Transmutation or divination as an opposition school if she chooses to specialize in the school of Slum Wizardry, a Slum Magician must otherwise choose two opposition schools. This replaces the arcane school of the wizard and effectively functions as an arcane school
Arcane Bond; a Slum Magician must choose a familiar as her Arcane bond
Magician of the Slums; as a 1st level wizard, a slum magician gains the ability to cast Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Sift and Ghost Sound at will with a caster level equal to her wizard level as if she had them prepared as 0 level wizard spells. In addition, she gains trapfinding as a rogue of a level equal to her wizard level, classes that gain trapfinding, stack their levels to determine the total effective level
Spontaneous Casting; a Slum Magician does not gain the traditional bonus slots for specializing in an arcane school, instead, she gains a handful of spells she may cast spontaneously by sacrificing a prepared spell or unused spell slot of the appropriate level on the fly. These replace the bonus spell slots gained for specializing in a school of magic
1st level; Obscuring Mist, Vanish, Detect Secret Doors, Ventriloquism, Color Spray, Silent Image, Disguise Self, youthful appearance, blend, magic aura
2nd level, Invisibility, Blur, Knock, See Invisibility, Locate object, Track Ship, Disguise other, Alter Self, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Spider Climb, blood transcription, create treasure map, detect thoughts, fog cloud
3rd level; nondetection, arcane sight, tongues, discern value, displacement, invisbility sphere, major image, fly
4th level; greater invisibility, communal nondetection, communal tongues, locate creature, arcane eye, illusory wall, dimension door, lesser age resistance,
5th level; teleport, telepathic bond, persistent image, shadow evocation, seeming, mirage arcana, overland flight, polymorph, telekinesis, planar adaption
6th level; Getaway, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Mislead, Shadow Walk, Permanent Image, Programmed Image, Veil, age resistance
7th level, greater age resistance, greater teleport, plane shift, phase door, greater arcane sight, mass invisibility, project image, mass fly, mass planar adaption, greater polymorph
8th level, mind blank, discern location, Scintillating Pattern, Screen, Greater Shadow Evocation, Polymorph any Object
9th level; freedom, communal mind blank, interplanetary teleport, teleportation circle, foresight, Astral Projection, Etheralness, Time Stop, Shapechange
Rogue Talents; at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, 20th level and every 5 levels from wizard levels, she may select rogue talents in place of bonus feats or arcane discoveries, at 15th level, she gains the ability to choose advanced rogue talents. This is in addition to the standard arcane options
Shrouded Casting; at 8th level, a Slum Magician has learned to disguise her casting efforts. she may attempt to deceive a foe on what spells she is casting by making a sleight of hand check opposed by her opponents spellcraft check. In addition to her sleight of hand bonus, she gains a circumstance bonus equal to her intelligence bonus on the check. If her sleight of hand check beats her opponents spellcraft check by 4 or less, she can fake them into thinking you are casting another spell of the same level, if she succeeds by 5 or more, she may make them think she is casting any spell she desires, or assume she is not casting a spell at all. This may potentially make her spells harder to identify. This ability Is useable as a non-action as part of casting the spell, at will but only once per spellcasting action. For this purpose, a standard action and swift action are separate spellcasting actions, as are a full round spell and a swift action spell.
Scion of Humanity; (Tiefling Alternate Racial) Some Tiefling's Fiendish ancestry is extremely distant. A Tiefling with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Free Choice of Infernal or Abyssal language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Fetchling Alternate Racial) Some Fetchling's Umbral ancestry is extremely distant. A Fetchling with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Free knowledge of the Shadowtongue Language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Suli Alternate Racial) Some Suli’s Elemental ancestry is extremely distant. A Suli with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the free choice of Ignan, Auren, Aquan or Terran as a language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Ifrit Alternate Racial) Some Ifrits' Blazing ancestry is extremely distant. An Ifrit with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Ignan language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Oread Alternate Racial) Some Oreads' Terran ancestry is extremely distant. An Oread with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Terran language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Undine Alternate Racial) Some Undines' Aquatic ancestry is extremely distant. An Undine with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Aquan language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Sylph Alternate Racial) Some Sylphs' Auren ancestry is extremely distant. A Sylph with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Auren language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (the Aasimaar alternate Racial the above 7 were based upon) Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
Scion of Humanity; (Dhampir Alternate Racial) Some Dhampirs’ Vampiric ancestry is extremely distant. A Dhampir with this racial trait counts as a Humanoid (Dhampir) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait modifies the Dhampir Subtype
Scion of Humanity; (Changeling Alternate Racial) Some Changeling' Hag ancestry is extremely distant. A Changeling with this racial trait counts as a Humanoid (Changeling) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait modifies the Changeling subtype

Divinitus |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wow, just wow! I thought I'd seen it all and then I saw this! I've never seen MLP, but I think this would be utterly hilarious to run. I'm GM'ing in 3 campaigns right now, one of which is a Skull&Shackles game, but IF I were to have the free time for it, what would the characters look like and would everyone be okay with this being very Tower of Dork-ish or Phil&Dixie-ish? I could see it now, Adventurers in Blunderland, the only campaign where you can expect to fight a giant animated pastry, break-dancing zombies, and hippopotami with great skill at hypnotism!

Generic Dungeon Master |

What if the setting for this game involved two worlds, one with generally normal Pathfinder characters and rules, and the other a derivative "pony-esque" world?
While the characters are "real" in the pseudo-pathfinder world (searching for nine legendary weapons needed to be joined together in order to control a raging flesh/gear golem that is out of control) – they appear as Yokai like entities in the ‘pony-esque" world and simultaneously there are pony characters in their own world on a similar quest who appear as Yokai like entities in the pathfinder-esque world
And the two separate character groups must learn to cross the dimensions and help each other in order to save both worlds ...
This idea I had keeps calling to me...might be hard to resist running this game after all.

Generic Dungeon Master |

Pages from the Lithographipedia Cyclacalico-Kaleidoscopica: Chapter One, All Champions Great and Small
Phalona rose early, as she almost always did in the late spring. The tease of a nearly summer like day hung out of her window showering the morning with sunlight and the smell of salty sea air.
She placed a kettle on the stove, tea would be nice this morning, she thought too herself, instead of making a fresh pot of coffee. The recently cleaned rugs felt crisp and soothing on her toes as she moved from one room to another of the small cottage that sat on a hill above the beach. The window from the study was still open, from the night before, and she looked down at the flocks of seagulls that milled about pecking at the poor lifeless jellies and crabs left behind by the receding tide.
"Miss Damberbun, are you ... Damberbun ... this ... can ... time."
The sudden sound of the childlike voice from the crystals of the plannar scanner in the corner of the room startled Phalona.
She rushed over to the device that sat on the tall round table. With one hand she checked her robe, no reason to appear indecent in this kind of communication, while with the other she adjusted the colored stones that rolled from one indentation to another on the dish below the suspended crystals.
"Millicent, is that you?" Phalona Damberbun spoke into the machine as she tried to bring the image of the small creature into focus.
Millicent Verysparkles was a Thaloptoequunoman, a small, highly intelligent, horse like creature, much smaller even that a regular pony of Phalona's world. Millicent lived on another world. Actually, she lived in another reality completely.
" ... Damberbun ... must not ... the collection is not stable ... prevent ... catastrophe ... " Millicent's voice was on the verge of pleading, but nothing Phalona could do with the machine that allowed her to communicate with other guardians in other realities was helping to bring Millicent into a clear configuration.
"Millicent, sweetheart, slow down, adjust the plannar scanner on your end. I can't understand you. What is the nature of the distress? Is there danger of a collapse?" Phalona could not hide the rising panic in her own voice. The very idea of another collapse, so soon after the last one, why it had only been a hundred fifty years or something like that, made her skin tingle with fear.
" ... cannot ... They should only ... collected in time ... " Millicent's words came in broken garbles, and then the machine went silent.
But it did not remain silent for long.
A black silhouette formed in a small yellow crystal, and then began to expand, and as the image grew it carried over into other crystals near it, onto a blue crystal and then a green one, growing, growing. It became larger and larger until the dark image drained the color from all of the world crystals that Phalona had collected through her travels.
In a flash of silver light the dark image coalesced into the head and shoulders of the Dark Queen of Vinasspetha. Her name was Kaminnea Ophelia Khromnull and she was a terrible woman of immense power that was once banished to the Aetherspharia for her terrible crimes.
Phalona drew back from the plannar scanner in horror.
"Hello Sister," the voice from the image was clear and loud. A smile spread across the thin lips of the pale skinned woman's face as she brushed a strand of her blood red hair away from her cheek.
Phalona had to think fast. One mistake now could be her undoing. There was no time to reason with the dark woman, no time to appeal to the bonds they once shared. Thinking quickly, Phalona dove for the floor near the base of the round table, and as she felt the first wave of magic assault her body she reached with all of her strength and toppled the table to the side sending the delicately arranged crystals of the plannar scanner scattering across the floor.
"I will not be denied my rightful place!" the dark queen screamed as her image was split into a dozen fragments, and was then silenced.
Phalona rolled onto her back, unable to close her eyes or move her arms she knew that she had failed to resist all of the magic of the curse that had been thrown at her. But she was alive. Was Millicent? Was that what Millicent was trying to warn her about. Kaminnea had escaped, returned to some stable world, and this was more troubling than a collapse, the simple folding of the barriers that separated the tremendous magical forces in constant struggle for dominance across the Aethersphere. This was a threat to every reality, every material thing was in danger of being reduced to the simplest of energy forms. If she succeeded, this time, Kaminnea would rule everything by destroying it in all its forms and rebuilding it in her own likeness, the very darkness that she was made from.
How long would she have lie like this, Palona wondered, before someone would find her? How long before she would – a knock at her door answered her question.

Generic Dungeon Master |

Character creation guidelines and game set up paramaters coming soon.
Level 3 characters
Limited to 4 players
Core races only
One Fighter, one Cleric, one Wizard, One Rogue
These will be the "Alpha" Characters, and any alias should include a capital "A" with a period before the character name.
The Beta characters will be each of a different unique race (using the race builder rules) and can be of any class. Beta characters will have the same name as Alpha characters and be alternate versions of the Alpha characters.
more details to follow.