Tweaking an Adventure Path for less reputable players


Sovereign Court

Not sure if other GM's are experiencing a similar problem, but my players love to live in the "Neutral Zone" (or lower). In a table of 6 players, I usually have five Chaotic Neutrals and either an evil or LN character rounding out the table. I've tried encouraging them to play good characters, which usually results in boo's from the players. So I have decided to not beat them, but to join them!

Paizo Adventure Path's are masterful works of art, but a good number of them assume a "good party". So currently I am looking to tweak an AP to be more suited to an evil party. For this I am looking for something Urban themed, so Kingmaker and Skull and Shackles are out.

Also don't want to start Way of the Wicked for the third time. It's a fantastic AP from Fire Mountain Games and if you haven't heard of it, look it up now and purchase it.

So my question is, how easy would it be to tweak say Council of Thieves or Curse of the Crimson Throne for an evil party?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tierce wrote:

So my question is, how easy would it be to tweak say Council of Thieves or Curse of the Crimson Throne for an evil party?

Easy isn't going to be the word to use, if your players are particularly egregious, Head Banging difficult might be a more accurate term.

Crimson Throne shiny choice. Fanatics always oppoisite. Give PCs reason to want sit on Crimson Throne and done!

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