Nex and Count Ranalc: Inmates?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I've been reading a bit about Count Ranalc while doing some research on the First World, and seeing the ties between him and Nex. I don't see a lot of discussion about Ranalc here on the forums, though, sadly. He seems like a real interesting personality, albeit one with little canon info on him so far.

One thing that I started to wonder: Ranalc disappeared around the time Nex besieged Absalom, but his followers still receive spells (so he's most likely not dead).

Nex disappeared from Golarion after his notorious battle with Geb, and has also not been heard of since. Other people that disappeared into the Refuge of Nex where he fled have not been heard from since.

Could Nex and Count Ranalc both be prisoners together in the Refuge?

Count Ranalc certainly seems to have some connection to Nex, but it may be pure in-canon speculation, as there's no definitive answer, yet.

Renalc disappeared around the same time Nex laid siege (unsuccessfully, I might add) to Absalom, indicating that Renalc may, in fact, have been summoned and bound in the Spire of Nex, which was attached to his demiplane the Crux of Nex... parts of which were used to create the Refuge of Nex.

Those three different places, all connected, create an interesting series of ideas, especially with the possible connection with Nex and Ranalc.

(In our games, my Kingmaker character may actually be a fragment of Nex who attempted to escape the Refuge of Nex by magically combining the Body of Ranalc, the Soul of Dou-Bral, and the Spirit of the Peacock Spirit. It obliterated the old Nex - which may have just been a fragment - and wiped most of his power away, returning him to a level one creature with a combination amnesia and False Memories (based on a dream) shoved back into the real world from the material plane. Either that, OR, he's a really, really, really misplaced and slightly nuts Kalashtar from Eberron. I don't know. The GM does. :))

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