An important note about creating and distributing content for the PACG

Homebrew and House Rules

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We at Paizo appreciate and value the contributions of our community members. This is why we have published a Community Use Policy that allows you to spread your enthusiasm and creativity while still respecting ownership of our copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual properties.

If you're thinking of distributing any accessories for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, please read and follow that policy. It's not difficult to follow, and it provides legal protection for both you and for us.

We have already released a number of items into our Community Use Package that PACG fans will find especially useful. In addition to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Character Sheets, you'll also find high-quality images of all of the characters in the Iconics package, and you'll find high-quality logos for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path in the Logos package.

We will soon be releasing a full set of blank Pathfinder ACG card templates as a separate package.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Any idea of a timeframe on creating the templates? I ask cause I'm about to start posting a buncha created characters, and would like to make actual character sheets for them. Thanks again!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Unfortunately, the folks responsible for these have been kept very busy with changes to our website these past couple of weeks, but it looks like they should be up next week.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The Community Use Templates for the PACG are available now!

Vic Wertz wrote:

The Community Use Templates for the PACG are available now!


EDIT: Umm... parts of my email address and the date are emblazoned across the top and bottom of every card, even overlapping the card type at the top and community use notice at the bottom. Its similar to other downloads I've gotten, but its actually on the card this time. Is that intentional?

Also, the textured background is missing from all the boons and banes, but appears on the character card and a few others. Is that intentional?

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to take whatever you'll give me for free. I just wanted to make sure it was supposed to be that way. Thanks.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah, it feels like this should get an exemption from the pdf watermarking. I'm also curious as to what the numbers in the corners and sides of the cards mean

I'm fine with the idea of watermarking, I just wish it was isolated more to the border, like in the black at the top or on the sides.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I'm fine with the idea of watermarking, I just wish it was isolated more to the border, like in the black at the top or on the sides.

I'm fine with watermarking.

I'm not fine with watermarking that shares my personal information if I should so desire to share it while following the community use policy.

Nor am I fine with watermarking that actually requires us to manually edit to remove and move said watermarking, not only in order to remove it from the actual usable-part of the item, but also in order to actually keep in line with the community use policy so it's not OVER the text that said community use policy requires to be in a "plainly legible and accessible form."

So, I think (read: hope) this was a bit of an accidental error on the part of the editor that created the template PDF.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yeah, we don't want these watermarked. I'll let you all know when it's fixed.

Thanks Vic! Excellent news. I look forward to making the slightly more close to professional looking Vic Wertz ally I posted a while ago.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

These should no longer be watermarked.

There is a chance that if you have downloaded it already, you'll still get the watermarked version for most of the next 24 hours. There is also a chance that I'm completely wrong about that last part. Can somebody who grabbed the watermarked version try again and let me know?

Vic Wertz wrote:

These should no longer be watermarked.

There is a chance that if you have downloaded it already, you'll still get the watermarked version for most of the next 24 hours. There is also a chance that I'm completely wrong about that last part. Can somebody who grabbed the watermarked version try again and let me know?

Just downloaded it again. No more watermark. Thanks.

What about the texture that is behind the image on the real cards? Is it intentional to not include that? I'm fine with it either way and very thankful for this, just curious. Thanks.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
What about the texture that is behind the image on the real cards? Is it intentional to not include that? I'm fine with it either way and very thankful for this, just curious. Thanks.

We can certainly add that.

Digital Products Assistant

Textures have been added into the card templates.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Textures have been added into the card templates.

Wow. You guys move fast. Thanks a lot Chris. I don't see them yet on re-download, so perhaps I need to wait a bit for it to propagate to my downloads. No problem practicing a little patience. Appreciate the assistance.

You all are awesome. Glad it was just a hiccup. Thanks muchly for the templates.

EDIT: Though, I'm having an issue... it's stuck on:
Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Card Templates Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download

And after waiting 10 seconds... 20 seconds... a minute... when I click the link, it just reloads the page and scrolls down to make the link the top of the page like it's an anchor target.

It's not downloading anything and still says
Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Card Templates Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download

Well, finally managed to get it, however, it's still showing up just the same as it did previously. The account watermark is over the top and bottom portion of the card. The top part overlaps part of the card type text and the bottom part overlaps the community use policy required text.

Should I just contact Support to maybe reset my download or should I just wait longer?

Looks my request caused that. In the speedy response to fulfill my request for the textures the watermark returned. When I download it now, the textures are there, but the watermark has indeed returned. Sorry for creating the additional headache.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looks my request caused that. In the speedy response to fulfill my request for the textures the watermark returned. When I download it now, the textures are there, but the watermark has indeed returned. Sorry for creating the additional headache.

Ah, I didn't even notice the change in textures, lol, I just noticed the watermark as my eyes were drawn immediately there so I just figured it was the same one I had downloaded before, but you're right, it has changed.

Digital Products Assistant

Oops, looks like a switch got turned on when the product was updated. The download should be behaving correctly now.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Oops, looks like a switch got turned on when the product was updated. The download should be behaving correctly now.

*crosses fingers*

Yep, it's all good now, thank you all so very much!

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Oops, looks like a switch got turned on when the product was updated. The download should be behaving correctly now.

Looks good for me too, textured background, no watermark.

Thanks for the great customer service on this. Paizo not only listened to us when we said we wanted the card templates, you delivered them for free, tweaked them when we asked for a bit more, and worked out the bugs for us quickly.

That is fantastic. Thanks for being awesome.

Sovereign Court

These are awesome, thanks for getting these out.

Quick request. Would it be possible to get 3-check bane templates? So we can do things like "X or Y, then Z", or for those of us that are particularly cruel, "X then Y then Z"?

Thanks for making these available, it is appreciated.

What a very nice offering for everybody. Thanks guys, these are great! Now, any recommendations for printing? Paper weight, etc? And just wondering, why no back for the cards? Matching color with the pre-printed ones would be too difficult, given the huge variety of printers and inks out there?

How many people are going to make an ally card of one of their pets? :)

I've updated my Vic Wertz Ally card. He's more powerful than before.

Now its on to Blessing of Selinker and Tome of Chad Brown.

Wow. These are so easy to use. I just knocked out the other two so quick. Here they are for all to enjoy: %20Cards.pdf

They are all pretty powerful and perhaps game breaking. Especially with Restoration. Tome of Chad Brown is really about understanding the intricacies of the rules, because I think the first thing I read from Chad was his post clarifying Ezren's Evoker power to add 2 to a check with the Force trait. So, in that spirit, it has subtle little combo potential for a particular character.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Why the hell do *you* get the martini if *I* am the one who's supposed to be recharged?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Red Harvester wrote:
And just wondering, why no back for the cards? Matching color with the pre-printed ones would be too difficult, given the huge variety of printers and inks out there?

No back because it failed to cross my mind. We'll add it to the package in the near future.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Can't believe I didn't catch that either.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We have added the backs, and also tweaked some little bitty alignment issues.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. These are so easy to use. I just knocked out the other two so quick. Here they are for all to enjoy: %20Cards.pdf

Those are really quite brilliant and inventive Hawkmoon - nice job!

Awesome. Now if only there was an online card generator to do the heavy lifting... ;)

Flat the Impaler wrote:
Awesome. Now if only there was an online card generator to do the heavy lifting... ;)

You might want to check out this folder here. I first linked it in the Tips and Tricks thread.

It's a template that you can install for Magic Set Editor. It's fairly quick and simple to make any cards you want.

Does anyone know what the font is that's used on the character cards - and is it one that's generally already installed on programmes (like Elements), is a freely-downloadable one, or is it one that needs to be purchased (and if so, from where)

Actually, never mind that last post - I've started using the Magic Set Editor instead.

WoodManZX - did you create the template? I'm just having one or two issues - like removing boxes for upgrades that aren't available.

Vic gave the list of fonts over here in case anyone does ever want to know.

Just a friendly reminder to update the Community Use Package with Support and Ship cards. Puh-LEASE! :)

Also, can we get the templates updated to remove the "Recharge" boxes? :)

And boons/banes with no check would be a nice option. Thank you! :)

The loot card is missing the Community Use Policy statement.

Vic Wertz wrote:

We at Paizo appreciate and value the contributions of our community members. This is why we have published a Community Use Policy that allows you to spread your enthusiasm and creativity while still respecting ownership of our copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual properties.

I hate being "that guy", but I grabbed the board game simulator from Steam and there's a PACG mod in the Workshop that basically contains all the card images for download into the sim.

Probably won't matter much once the polished digital version Obsidian is working on hits, but it's one of those things you have to do to prove you're protecting your IP by C&D'ing I suppose.

hfm wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

We at Paizo appreciate and value the contributions of our community members. This is why we have published a Community Use Policy that allows you to spread your enthusiasm and creativity while still respecting ownership of our copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual properties.

I hate being "that guy", but I grabbed the board game simulator from Steam and there's a PACG mod in the Workshop that basically contains all the card images for download into the sim.

Probably won't matter much once the polished digital version Obsidian is working on hits, but it's one of those things you have to do to prove you're protecting your IP by C&D'ing I suppose.

I saw that as well. Despite the IP issue, it's also not a great system for card playing of any type. I wouldn't want my card game IP any where near it. Regular game pieces with boards work just fine, for what it's worth.

Deekow wrote:
hfm wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

We at Paizo appreciate and value the contributions of our community members. This is why we have published a Community Use Policy that allows you to spread your enthusiasm and creativity while still respecting ownership of our copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual properties.

I hate being "that guy", but I grabbed the board game simulator from Steam and there's a PACG mod in the Workshop that basically contains all the card images for download into the sim.

Probably won't matter much once the polished digital version Obsidian is working on hits, but it's one of those things you have to do to prove you're protecting your IP by C&D'ing I suppose.

I saw that as well. Despite the IP issue, it's also not a great system for card playing of any type. I wouldn't want my card game IP any where near it. Regular game pieces with boards work just fine, for what it's worth.

Agreed. I actually bought it to try what they did and it's not worth the trouble. Setting up the physical version and playing over Google Hangout would be 10 times better. There's a .NET version that uses the community use card templates that plays great and is a good fix for soloing, even though there's a few bugs I've noticed.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Wow. These are so easy to use. I just knocked out the other two so quick. Here they are for all to enjoy: %20Cards.pdf

They are all pretty powerful and perhaps game breaking. Especially with Restoration. Tome of Chad Brown is really about understanding the intricacies of the rules, because I think the first thing I read from Chad was his post clarifying Ezren's Evoker power to add 2 to a check with the Force trait. So, in that spirit, it has subtle little combo potential for a particular character.

Hawk - I'm wondering when we're going to get Gary and Janis (and possibly other) homage cards.

Good question. I'll have to see what I can come up with this weekend.

I am so glad this thread got bumped. These are awesome, Hawkmoon. :)

Not sure if (a) this belongs in homebrew or in the general discussion, and (b) if it's OK to distribute.

I made an Excel sheet for the digital card game, to keep track of which characters had completed which scenarios, and which feats are awarded and when. (Anything to cut down on the amount of tapping tiny buttons on my phone screen...)

It lists characters, adventure/scenario names, and feat awards. I thought maybe other people would find it useful and I wanted to post a link to it. Is that OK, and where do I post it?


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Kreniigh wrote:

Not sure if (a) this belongs in homebrew or in the general discussion, and (b) if it's OK to distribute.

I made an Excel sheet for the digital card game, to keep track of which characters had completed which scenarios, and which feats are awarded and when. (Anything to cut down on the amount of tapping tiny buttons on my phone screen...)

It lists characters, adventure/scenario names, and feat awards. I thought maybe other people would find it useful and I wanted to post a link to it. Is that OK, and where do I post it?


DISCLAMER: Not a lawyer.

That sounds to me like a perfectly reasonable thing to distribute, as long as it's for FREE and doesn't use any images that aren't in the community use package.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Will the card templates be updated with the new card layout after the new Core set s released? Please and thank you!

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