Starting from scratch after adding Adventure 1

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

What is the protocol for start at the beginning if the cards from the 1st adventure pack are already shuffled into the decks (items, spells, monsters, etc)? Should a beginning character running through brigandoon encounter any cards from pack #1? Do we just take them out prior to starting that game? I apologize if this has already been answered or is in the FAQ. I honestly couldn't find it.

EDIT: also, what about when all 6 add-on decks have been shuffled in? It seems like it'd be a tough haul for a new player if they encounter a monster from deck 6!

In a previous post I read that when doing Perils of the Lost Coast you only shuffle in cards sets B and C. Once completed then you add Adventure Path 1. Hope this helps.

jaredsimonsnz wrote:
In a previous post I read that when doing Perils of the Lost Coast you only shuffle in cards sets B and C. Once completed then you add Adventure Path 1. Hope this helps.

Right, but what if I want to go back and play Perils with new characters after I've already shuffled in subsequent adventure decks? Down the road that could prove difficult for new characters. Separating out all the cards from pack 1 (and 2, 3, 4, etc) would be tedious.

What's the official word on this? Does the game work for starting characters with extra decks shuffled in or do we have to comb through and pick out each set if we start a new game?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Per the rules. Take them out. But it is your game, you can do what you want. One person suggested that if you are playing the Perils adventures, and come across as 1 card, then just put it back in the box and pull another one.

I think it depends on your character too. If you've completed Burnt Offerings it would seem appropriate to level the 1 Cards in play.
OTH, if you're beginning new characters I would remove the 1 Cards.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The power level scales upward with each set, so you'll really want to pull out high-level cards when you have low-level characters. Otherwise, you'll be unable to make a lot of checks, and you'll die a lot.

After playing Burnt Offerings just now it looks like it'll be pretty easy to swap out numbered cards for just the B and C cards during gameplay. My fear was that after collecting all 6 add on sets and wanting to play through with a new party I'd spend a week meticulously sorting cards.

At least you don't need to completely sort Character, Adventures etc, Villains, Henchmen or Loot...

Personally, I like the small added challenge that comes with the first adventure deck with the base set. If I do die, which hasn't happened yet, it's only 1 or 2 scenarios I need to retry. Plus if I happen to acquire a create boon, that is my reward for the extra challenge. Plus I am lazy and play to many characters to keep pulling cards out every time. Try it both way.

Silver Crusade

Or has been suggested - if you encounter a card with a 1, just pull a different random card to encounter instead. That way, you make sure you only get B or C cards.

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