JKalts |

I was toying around with the idea of making a switch-hitting cavalier who dabbles in Ranger (maybe Freebooter/Skirmisher or somesuch so I can reduce bookkeeping on favored foes and terrains) but I'm having some trouble visualizing the final concept. At the end of the day, I'm learning toward spreading my Feats out so I can do melee alongside my mount, atop it, or without it--archery is a secondary concern for Feats (thus going back to the Ranger dip). 15pt buy Human for the skill points and feat, with the Rich Parents (so I can arm myself and my mount adequately) and Civilized traits (backstory reasons due to character's societal caste). All Paizo material, with DM discretion, is allowed but I'd prefer to shy away from anything too cheesy since I'm playing with a new DM.
FirstSister the LN Human Cavalier (Order of the Sword) 1
Str: 16 (14+2 racial)
Dex: 13 (+1 @ 4?)
Con: 13 (+1 @ 8?)
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 12
It's not optimized, but the hell with it, that's why she has a fraternal twin sister with near similar conditions (15 pt Human w/ Rich Parents, other trait could be negotiable and she could specialize much more into whatever style of combat I preferred while at the table).
Main issue is with Feats: trying to find that balance of mounted/unmounted isn't too rough, but it gets a bit more challenging when you have to fit a couple of archery feats (and probably Quick Draw for any switches you'd have to do). Bonus points if you manage to fit sword-and-board in there somewhere via Ranger, seeing they get early access.