Cleric Patron Help

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hey we are getting ready to start a new campaign and I elected to be the cleric as I always do. We decide to go evil from the start and I need help finding a patron that give both the Magic and Animal domains.

I don't think there is one but you can go here to pathfinderwiki and look up religion to search by domain for gods.

Shadow Lodge

Separatist Archetype. Done.

Fallen Aasimar wrote:
Hey we are getting ready to start a new campaign and I elected to be the cleric as I always do. We decide to go evil from the start and I need help finding a patron that give both the Magic and Animal domains.

Have you spoken with your GM about creating your own deity that way you aren't trying to compromise with the books? It can give you a chance to really create a character instead of building around someone else's creation.

Personally, I couldn't find any that had the animal and magic. Lots of evil deities with animal, but most of them had evil/chaos domains eating up half of their domain slots.

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
Separatist Archetype. Done.

That's a solution. Not the best unless its your only option though. It gives you some freedom you probably should already have, and then weakens the extra domain you get. If you can play a cleric of an ideal it is useless.

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