Reckless Infatuation - PFS legal or no?

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 2/5


Just got (effectively) taken out by Reckless Infatuation/Reckless Loathing combo in an Adventure Path.*
Is this spell PFS legal though?

If so, I could just cast it on an NPC villain who knows a Venture Captain (not present), thereby nerfing them to staggered condition for several days & making them leave the vicinity.

Also, does the new save happen for every different dangerous situation, or just once?

Paul H
* I got Reckless Infatuation for an NPC, she got Reckless Loathing so we both taken out for 7 days. (In middle of chained combat situation where time is critical - can't even take time to level up)!

Dark Archive 2/5

The answer to this question, and others as to what is PFS legal is here.

Sovereign Court 2/5


Checked there first.

No mention of the spell being banned.

Paul H

5/5 5/55/55/5

1) Sometimes NPCs have stuff you can't have (an evil alignment for example)

2) They're both un ultimate magic and included in the Additional Resources page

3) I would say no because

If the target moves outside this range, it gains the staggered condition until it is again near the focus of its desire.

The target is not moving outside of that range, he starts outside of that range.

Sovereign Court 2/5


But what if the target of their affections is there at time of casting?

Just seems a tad too powerful to me.

They second part of the question - the extra save may be the key to answer this.

Thanks again
Paul H

Sczarni 4/5

The spells cancel each other out. Any regular combat would ask for a new Will save.

I am not sure if the target on their loathing/infatuation needs to be present at the moment of casting, but I believe it probably does.

The spells are actually quite limited and just need to be read carefully.

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