StarSlayer |
After reading all the way through this. I crossed one article that the rule from Mike had me confused on.
In combat.
Monster shows combat, strength 13.
Character shows Strength d10.
Character reveals weapon (great axe) which notes roll Strength or Melee die + d12.
I took this to mean you would roll a d10 and a d12, but the ruling was that you roll:
d10 for strength
d10 and d12 for weapon
for a range of 3 to 32.
I can see both aspects, but which is really correct? And which way are you playing?
This is important to learn, I have volunteered to spend the day teaching people how to play and this would be a very basic item that will show up in every game.

StarSlayer |
Another quick though I can't remember if I have seen or understood,
If the monster has combat to defeat.
If you use a ranged weapon do you start with base strength die, then add the bow/crossbow bonus?
you could then end up with:
Strength die to start with
Dexterity die and bonus d6 (for bow).
It makes sense that if you are a range attacker like the rogue you would want to be able to default to dex as combat, but that seems against the core of combat starts as melee, using strength as the base.
I guess the easy way to ask this would have been.
Do all normal combat checks start with Strength? Any that would start with Dexterity as combat die?

Mike Riley 302 |
Whoa! Completely wrong.
Greataxe text: For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength of Melee die +1d12.
When you reveal the Greataxe, you change your combat check to Strength of Melee + 1d12. It does not get added on top of your default Melee die.
With revealing, if you have a D10+2 for Melee, your total roll(s) would be: 1d10+2 (default Melee) + 1d12 (revealing Greataxe) for a range of 3-25.
If you DISCARD the Greataxe, you add an additional Strength die. So that would be: 1d10+2 (default Melee) + 1d12 (reealing Greataxe)+ 1d10 (unmodified Strength for discarding axe) for a range of 3-34.

Mike Riley 302 |
Pg 11, Determine Which Die you are Using:
Most monsters can be defeated with a combat check. Weapons
and many other cards that can be used during combat generally
tell you what skill to use when you attempt a combat check; IF YOU DON'T PLAY SUCH A CARD, use your Strength or Melee skill. (A few items
that can be used in combat don’t use any of your skills; they instead
specify the exact dice you need to roll or the result of your die roll.)

StarSlayer |
The way I was playing is when you reveal a weapon you change the die and get a bonus.
the question had me confused reading "What is an unmodified Strength die"
It looks like. reading it again I "think" I see where my confusion is coming from in the decision.
I will keep playing the way I thought was correct.

Mike Riley 302 |
Starslayer and Myriade:
I'm just trying to clarify which way to you think is correct.
Example: Character with Melee of d10+2 reveals a battleaxe (Melee + 1d12).
Are you using:
A) 1d10+1d12+2
B) 1d10+2+1d10+1d12 (doubling your Str die)
It should be A. It would be B if you discard the Battleaxe (since that says to add your unmodified STR die). I think unmodified is simply your raw die roll. Modified would be if you gain a skill feat and add an additional +1 to all STR-based skills and checks.

paganeagle2001 |

Went back and checked a few videos.
So, it should be A.
You get a D10 for your strength and the D12 (plus any modifier you have) for revealing the weapon.
Now, you might get extra dice if you discard the card after revealing it. It depends on what it says.
New at this, so that's why I said, wait for a confirm. Better to double check. Lol.
Hopefully I have it right now.
All the best.
Great Uncle LROG

StarSlayer |
I stayed with the original way of I was playing, one strength die and the bonus d12.
As a side note, the teaching lessons today went over very well. After teaching people to play, 3 of them walked out with the game, 2 more put it on the next buy list and the store owner sat with the first group to play and gave it two thumbs up!
Great day and had 2 games where we won, and one that time just kicked our butts.