Woodcutter Axe Damage?

Homebrew and House Rules

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I was thinking about building a ranger character as a woodsy outdoors sports man. Largely basing it off of my dad who is a Timber Faller and loves hunting and fishing. Probably using the skirmisher archetype.

The main weapon I obviously want to use is an Axe, but not a double bladed axe of war but a single bit felling axe. The Rough and Ready trait from A.A. would get around having to take an exotic weapon proficiency but now I am scratching my head about the damage it would do and how to keep it balanced and reflect the type of damage you would expect.

I was thinking it would be a two handed weapon able to dole out slashing or bludgeoning damage, as a simple spin of you grip and you could bash them with the butt of the axe. As far as damage, should I use that damage dice from the Greataxe, 1d12, which is also a two handed axe, the damage dice from the Battleaxe, 1d8, because the head could be argued would be shaped different, or use 1d10 to place it somewhere in between the two?

The weapon you seem to be looking for is the dwarven waraxe.

Two-handed martial weapon with d10 damage. Special training (exotic prof feat) allow you to wield it one-handed.

I'd advise against creating an improvised weapon to do what you like. While the rules are unclear, an improvised weapon shouldn't be better than the regular weapon choices.

The closest weapon is going to be either a greataxe or a battleaxe. If the tool is designed with two-handed use in mind, it's going to be a greataxe. Remember that your crits are going to be 20/*2.

I'd suggest using the stats for a handaxe but let him use it two handed. A battle axe does 1d8 so the handaxes 1d6 seems reasonable. Maybe make it a bit heavier, say 4.5 lbs. Also, I think a woodsman's axe should be considered a simple weapon, not exotic.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Pupsocket wrote:
The closest weapon is going to be either a greataxe or a battleaxe. If the tool is designed with two-handed use in mind, it's going to be a greataxe. Remember that your crits are going to be 20/*2.

There we go, that seems to make the most sense to me. Trade the crit multiplier for the alternate damage type. Though I might rather go with a lower hit die because that *3 is really sweet. Makes me wish for a earthbreaker/greataxe with the damage reduced to 1d10 or 1d8 or 2d4 to keep the *3

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber
HaraldKlak wrote:

The weapon you seem to be looking for is the dwarven waraxe.

Two-handed martial weapon with d10 damage. Special training (exotic prof feat) allow you to wield it one-handed.

I'd advise against creating an improvised weapon to do what you like. While the rules are unclear, an improvised weapon shouldn't be better than the regular weapon choices.

I do agree that the feller axe normally would not be as good as a battleaxe in a fight and would incur a improvised weapon penalty normally but the rough and ready trait removes the penalty for all tools of your trade when they are used as a weapon.

I think there was something regarding picks, the tool used improvised vs the weapons, that might be a good reference. I need to look back into it.

itschase wrote:

There we go, that seems to make the most sense to me. Trade the crit multiplier for the alternate damage type. Though I might rather go with a lower hit die because that *3 is really sweet. Makes me wish for a earthbreaker/greataxe with the damage reduced to 1d10 or 1d8 or 2d4 to keep the *3

In that case, I suggest you get a greataxe, tell the other people at the table that you're carrying a big honkin' trefellin' ax (and a beard and plaid shirt and suspenders), and tell the first player who challenges your assertion to mind his own f%+!ing character.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

After looking at the damage and weight of a warhammer and the battleaxe I think the build I would use would be a 11 lb slashing and bludgeoning two handed weapon that does 1d8 with a x3 crit range. I think that sounds balanced and keeps the damage dice easy to size up with size increases that would come from enlarge person or a lead blades spell. Would you say that sounds fair for GM's to approve?

Shadow Lodge

You could do something like a handaxe and a ripsaw glaive. The Ripsaw is basically a gnomish chainsaw on the end of a pole, I could totally see a woodsman carrying one of those around so that they can slice through trees more easily and keep enemies at a distance.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Dwarven Maulaxe. But honestly want a two handed weapon like this.

Shadow Lodge

Are you looking to use a weapon that is close enough mechanically or you trying to limit yourself to weapons that might be accessible to the character depending on where he's from? I.e. like not wanting to use racial weapons if he's not from an area or background that would make them easily accessible.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Honestly, I am looking for an existing in game weapon that reflects the concept that I could skin as a felling axe. Hell I could make him a dwarf.

Shadow Lodge

Okay so you're not nessecarily looking for a big 2 handed axe you'd cut trees down with as much as a handy survival tool that also works well as a combat weapon then?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Naw, other tools would be good flavor, but the tree cutting down axe is what I really what I want primarily. Hell a saw back sword would be simple enough for a utility tool.

Shadow Lodge

itschase wrote:
Naw, other tools would be good flavor, but the tree cutting down axe is what I really what I want primarily. Hell a saw back sword would be simple enough for a utility tool.

If you're going that route then I would just say greataxe then, it's big two handed, and will probably be the fastest at felling a tree of any axe you can select.

Now if your looking for something a bit more exotic and unique I would say check out the Ripsaw Glaive, it's basically a polearm with a hand revved chainsaw at the end. This could be a cool and unique option if you wanted to do something like a logger with a more futuristic bent. Also the Glaive still works if you don't pull the ripcord and rev it.

A miner's pick in gear uses the damage of a Heavy Pick but is two handed and improvised and heavier. So you could take the battle axe as a base for damage then 2 handed, improvised and heavier.
IRL work tools need to be a lot heavier and tougher than weapons, they are also designed around doing one thing very well rather than being balanced for wielding in combat.

If you are just doing it for flavour just choose the axe you like from the weapons list and say it looks like a felling axe.

Yeah, there are reasons weapons that began as tools didn't stay the same when converted to war. Non-war weapons are heavier, slower, and not meant for repeated abuse against armored targets (well, most tools aren't). I recall there being a tool that mixes a sledgehammer and axe (splitting maul?).

That felling axe would be inferior to the war version, so I'd say just use a dwarven maul axe stats.

I had a PC do exactly this in my Kingmaker campaign.

I simply used the battle axe stats and increased the weight by a pound and adjusted the weapons DR/HP accordingly.

It has been working fine for months.

Make a gnome, take the traut that gives you proficiency in any weapon you make, make your two handed maulaxe.

I had an Andoran forester (don't call him lumberjack) named Ronny Timbers that used two battleaxes twf. It never occurred to me to go waraxe.

(DM allowed the 3.5 feat where you could use a larger off hand weapon)

Devastation Bob wrote:
I had an Andoran forester (don't call him lumberjack) named Ronny Timbers

And don't make fun of his sister, Shivermee!

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