Neal Litherland |
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I've noticed that most players tend to forego alchemical items. They're expensive at lower levels, and at higher levels their effects are easily eclipsed by magic. However, an alchemical bonus is nothing to sneeze at, and if used properly these items can be serious game changers. I've compiled my list of what I feel are the best items, and the levels they're typically useful at. Which items are your favorites?

Kalvit |

Another solid alchemical item is the Liquid Blade, found in Ultimate Equipment. A simple vial that contains effectively an instant shortsword. Great for those instances where you've had to put your regular weapons in storage or lockup. Sure, it's fragile as a blade. But you can reuse the vial for other things after 10 minutes.
I also like the Alchemist's Kindness. Hangover cure of the gods, and a great way to play an enterprising alchemist. Just find the nearest wild party and start cranking out doses of this for the morning after. Make a small mint in people wanting to get rid of the horrid headache.
In terms of grenade weapons, I favor the Alkeli Flask for serious dungeon crawls. When you think there are possible oozes at work, bring a couple of these for extra ammo. It's regular acid for most things, but oozes get another hit of damage.

pipedreamsam |

- Impact foam, poor mans feather fall
- Fungal stun vial, a DC 20 will save is nothing to sneeze at and being stunned is a nasty condition. Some basic planning can ensure that there is bright light deep within a dungeon.
- Alchemical Grease, +5 to CMD to avoid being grappled for 4 hours. That is pretty significant all on its own and it is dirt cheap too.
- Anti-plague and Antitoxin, so the cleric can save his spells.
- Do not forget that many alchemical items can be used as power components for spells as well.

Neal Litherland |
Thank you Umbranus!
I just realized about a year ago that alchemical items are one of the great levelers. They ignore SR (something a DM of mine has an absolute fetish for), they're easy to carry, they make one hell of a debuff, and they can really and truly save your butt when the chips are down. I should have died first session of the Curse of the Crimson Throne, but the 50% miss chance provided by a smoke screen saved me. Good times all around.