Consolidation and Creation of a New Skill List

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm personally working on consolidating the list even further than PF already did for my home game. Some of the changes:

Acrobatics, climb, fly, swim, and the endurance parts of survival become Athletics. Athletics will be modified by your strength, dex, or con, depending on the situation.
Disable device, disguise, escape artist, sleight of hand, and stealth rolled into Skullduggery.
The creation of a skill called Monster Lore. In my homebrew there are adventurer's guilds with libraries of bestiaries.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Stealth is a popular enough that you probably don't need to roll it together with all of the thievery skills as well.

In one of my games we pretty much use the 4e skill combinations, works pretty well.

I'm also considering cutting perception entirely, in order to increase clever roleplaying.

Liberty's Edge

DarthPinkHippo wrote:
I'm also considering cutting perception entirely, in order to increase clever roleplaying.

If you cut Perception entirely, then what is the point of having the Stealth skill? Stealth doesn't have DCs, it is always opposed by a Perception check of the creature you're going to hide from.

Also, Perception has so many uses I really don't think you should cut it. Noticing secret doors, finding traps, hearing creatures who are lurking beyond the room, waking up from sleep if you're attacked, etc.

If you don't give the players this kind of information once they roll their Perception checks, and instead require them to ask you for information based on the room and their surroundings, you're going to end up wasting a lot of time while they do their clever roleplaying. Combat already takes up a lot of time in PF, if you don't streamline Perception it's going to be a nightmare for you.

Plus, how will you handle enemies sneaking up on the party? The party would have no reason to roleplaying attempting to hear enemies if they were unaware of them, and if the enemies just automatically make their Stealth checks because no one has Perception, then...there's no way for the party to avoid getting ambushed. Perception is an important part of a player's character, it helps define their passive alertness as well as their scrutinizing gaze.

I do perception as a save thats rolled in secret by the DM, and leave the skill in as search.

I'm going to be going old school and use a d6 for determining surprise.
I am rolling some of the more passive things about perception into the insight skill along with all of sense motive. Stealth will go against insight. I'm Also moving towards stealth is hiding in plain sigh, not actively hiding.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Acrobatics should remain as the Dex based skill while Athletics takes over the Str based skills.

See this link for more ideas.

I ended up doing that.

My full list is below:

Acrobatics (Dex) includes Fly and Ride
Athletics (Str) includes Climb and Swim
Arcana (Int) includes Knowledge Arcana, and the arcane part of Use Magic Devise and Spellcraft
Bluff (Cha)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Heal (Wis)
History (Int) includes nobility
Insight (Wis) includes Sense Motive and parts of Perception
Intimidate (Cha)
Linguistics (Int) almost cut this, might for my next campaign
Monster Lore (Int) all monster knowledge
Nature (Int) includes Geography
Religion (Int) includes Planes
Sciences (Int) includes Engineering and Dungeoneering
Streetwise (Int) renamed Local
Stealth (Dex)
Survival (Con)
Thievery (Dex) includes Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Sleight of Hand

Drop Fly from the Skill table and make fly checks just like Concentration checks.

as i suggest here

Juda de Kerioth wrote:

Drop Fly from the Skill table and make fly checks just like Concentration checks.

as i suggest here

I can dig it.

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