Blessing deck and blessing of the gods card

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hi all,

Am I missing something or is the blessing decks primary purpose to act as a count down clock? Secondarily as a modifier for the Blessing of the Gods card(s)?

A secondary question on B.o.t.GS; if I choose to treat it as the top blessing in the blessing deck discard pile does the "if this card matches the top discarded blessing recharge it" clause on most non-generic blessings come into effect?


Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As has been stated a number of times on here, you do not copy that part of the blessing.

So I am just teaching myself the game, but if I play BotG, is that last line saying that if the top card of the blessing discard pile is one of the other blessings, that I can use those powers instead?

Sorry if this is kind of obvious.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, specifically the ''2 dice'' power of the specific top Blessing card.

TClifford wrote:
As has been stated a number of times on here, you do not copy that part of the blessing.

In fairness to bobbovine, I had the exact same question. In fact, having read the rules many times now and having read the new "meta" rules, it is pretty clear that the CARD itself says what it can do. Here is the exact meta-rule as quoted from the revised rule book:

"Cards Do What They Say. Read any card as it is encountered or played, and
do whatever it says as soon as it makes sense to do so. Let the card tell
you what to do, and don’t impose limitations that aren’t there." (Key phrase: "don't impose limitations that aren't there")

As such, I read the BotG card as follows:
"You may instead treat this card as if it were identical to the top card of the blessings discard pile." (Key word: "identical")

With no knowledge other than the meta rule and the text of this card, it would be intuitive that the BotG card in my hand "becomes" the top card of the blessings discard pile. And as such, it is identical to that card. Therefore, if there is a Recharge criteria listed on that card, one would assume it is active, by the mere fact that the cards are now "identical".

I'm not trying to be flip, but if the Recharge criteria is *not* allowed, then IMHO the text of the BotG card needs to change (e.g. "has identical POWERS as the top card..."; thereby not copying the Recharge criteria), or a clarification added to the rule manual, since this seems on the surface to be a violation of the meta-rule.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Remusforte wrote:
TClifford wrote:
As has been stated a number of times on here, you do not copy that part of the blessing.

In fairness to bobbovine, I had the exact same question. In fact, having read the rules many times now and having read the new "meta" rules, it is pretty clear that the CARD itself says what it can do. Here is the exact meta-rule as quoted from the revised rule book:

"Cards Do What They Say. Read any card as it is encountered or played, and
do whatever it says as soon as it makes sense to do so. Let the card tell
you what to do, and don’t impose limitations that aren’t there." (Key phrase: "don't impose limitations that aren't there")

As such, I read the BotG card as follows:
"You may instead treat this card as if it were identical to the top card of the blessings discard pile." (Key word: "identical")

With no knowledge other than the meta rule and the text of this card, it would be intuitive that the BotG card in my hand "becomes" the top card of the blessings discard pile. And as such, it is identical to that card. Therefore, if there is a Recharge criteria listed on that card, one would assume it is active, by the mere fact that the cards are now "identical".

I'm not trying to be flip, but if the Recharge criteria is *not* allowed, then IMHO the text of the BotG card needs to change (e.g. "has identical POWERS as the top card..."; thereby not copying the Recharge criteria), or a clarification added to the rule manual, since this seems on the surface to be a violation of the meta-rule.

Which is why Blessing of the Gods has been errattaed to say You may instead treat this card as if it had the same powers as the top card of the blessings discard pile.

Ah ha! OK, thanks. I had not seen that errata. Will go look for the full list of them and print it out for faster reference.

As a suggestion to the developers:
If not already done so, I would include a link on the main webpage for this game which takes you to a concise list of the card errata, to be printed out.

I have seen reference on this Forum to several card changes, but a simple list and link at the top webpage for this game (right next to the link for the revised Rule Book) would surely be handy. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Such a link is right there on the PACG front page.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Such a link is right there on the PACG front page.

Indeed, that was where I was looking for it...

Are you referring to the section entitled "Card Questions" included in the FAQ?

Indeed that is useful, though my suggestion was to make a separately linked document with a simple table of the affected cards and the correct language that should be on them. Rather than marking up the cards themselves (I have seen much debate on that issue in this Forum), you have a one-stop place to look and check for card errata. And don't need to dig through a FAQ to see if a given card has been affected.

Just a thought for simplicity and easy reference while playing. In the meantime, I will copy the FAQ, whittle it down to a list of card errata, and print for reference.

Thanks for the quick replies! Impressive.

What this game needs is a wiki ;)

TClifford wrote:
As has been stated a number of times on here, you do not copy that part of the blessing.

Unfortunately it really should be stated on the card.

h4ppy wrote:
What this game needs is a wiki ;)

Srsly, the FAQ on the Paizo blog is not intuitive or organized properly.

Evolusi wrote:
h4ppy wrote:
What this game needs is a wiki ;)
Srsly, the FAQ on the Paizo blog is not intuitive or organized properly.

I concur. That page is WAY too busy... I start to read then just give up. Respectfully request a new web designer go through the site and make things easier to read and find.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

If you want just the actual changes, simply look at the "Resolution" section of each FAQ answer.

The FAQ entries for the rulebook are organized by page order; the FAQ entries for cards are organized first by set, then by card type (with cards types in the same order that they're initially listed in the rulebook), and then alphabetically.

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