austinmonster |

Well, I've never played "just one character" before. Every time I've played solo I've controlled at least two characters. I find it best to play a pair that can USE all of the boons you acquire. Ideally, you'd want a divine caster, an arcane caster, and a weapons-type to take full use of everything.
I run with the fighter and the bard.

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The game isn't designed to be a solo game. It designed to have roughly 4 specialist working together. The traditional group is a fighter, cleric, mage (now wizard) and thief (now rogue).
However, if you were to play a solo character. If you are going to use one character,perhaps a druid, or a cleric might be a good choice. The Druid has an animal companion to help him out. The cleric has some decent combat ability, armor use, and spells.
I hope this helps

sc24evr |
The game isn't designed to be a solo game. It designed to have roughly 4 specialist working together. The traditional group is a fighter, cleric, mage (now wizard) and thief (now rogue).
However, if you were to play a solo character. If you are going to use one character,perhaps a druid, or a cleric might be a good choice. The Druid has an animal companion to help him out. The cleric has some decent combat ability, armor use, and spells.
I hope this helps
Yes thank you. With super MINIMAL RPG experience, it has been really tough for me figuring out how i want to setup the game. So far I have played solo with Seoni but I haven't finished the base adventure just yet.

austinmonster |

Is it much more difficult controlling more than one character at the same time? Should I be aiming at using 3-4 characters?
Depends on what you enjoy. It's possible to solo with only one character, but I think you'll have a funner time with a pair. Controlling TWO characters is a breeze for me. If I had to wrap my head around four, I'd likely have a hard time keeping things straight.
This game IS designed to be solo game. The druid is one of the worst characters to play solo with. She has utility and can heal, but she's got almost no way to roll high combat scores herself. If I had to suggest one character to go with alone, it would be the Rouge. She can recharge to increase her own rolls (since she'll always be alone at her location). This gives you another benefit of cycling though your deck for her few weapons quicker.

sc24evr |
sc24evr wrote:Is it much more difficult controlling more than one character at the same time? Should I be aiming at using 3-4 characters?Depends on what you enjoy. It's possible to solo with only one character, but I think you'll have a funner time with a pair. Controlling TWO characters is a breeze for me. If I had to wrap my head around four, I'd likely have a hard time keeping things straight.
This game IS designed to be solo game. The druid is one of the worst characters to play solo with. She has utility and can heal, but she's got almost no way to roll high combat scores herself. If I had to suggest one character to go with alone, it would be the Rouge. She can recharge to increase her own rolls (since she'll always be alone at her location). This gives you another benefit of cycling though your deck for her few weapons quicker.
Which two character have you been using?

austinmonster |

Which two character have you been using?
I've gone though twice - once with the monk and priest, and once with the fighter an the bard. I've found the later to be the most effective. When I went though with the monk/priest, I felt like I was loosing almost every weapon/armor I found, and I WAS loosing every arcane spell I found.
Note - when I say "loosing" I am referring to when you rebuild your decks after the mission is complete.
austinmonster |

I've tried all the characters solo. I really like Lem, because you can always get the Cure spell back with his power. Expect long games with him though, because his fighting is not very strong.
I love that using his ability, you can "cycle" though your deck REALLY fast. Really, having him and the Fighter back each other up is a really great combo. The fighter gets an extra 1d4 to everything, and the bard gets an extra 1d4 to combat checks. It's a win-win!
What weapon do you usually have for Lem? He's had a dagger for ages with me, but the Sling looks good too. Once he gets his first power feat, I'll make sure he can use weapons and it'll open him up to all manner of bows.

Tracker1 |

Currently, i'm playing Kyra solo. She seems pretty solid alone, and has made it up to local heroes, i'll see how the rest goes. I was looking for a character that could keep at least 1 of each type of boon at the end of the scenario.
i played Sajan and Lini solo, and they did fine, but I found them less interesting to play because they had pretty solid and simple strategies, that it did not matter to much what cards I was acquiring, since Ii did not want to change their decks to much because they seemed to dependent on certain cards.
I've taken Miersiel through all of Burnt Offerings, she is perfect for solo.
I've done all the characters in groups of 2 through Burnt offerings, and those games seemed to be the most dynamic, for solo. I did not enjoy 3-4 character games solo.

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Myriade wrote:I've tried all the characters solo. I really like Lem, because you can always get the Cure spell back with his power. Expect long games with him though, because his fighting is not very strong.I love that using his ability, you can "cycle" though your deck REALLY fast. Really, having him and the Fighter back each other up is a really great combo. The fighter gets an extra 1d4 to everything, and the bard gets an extra 1d4 to combat checks. It's a win-win!
What weapon do you usually have for Lem? He's had a dagger for ages with me, but the Sling looks good too. Once he gets his first power feat, I'll make sure he can use weapons and it'll open him up to all manner of bows.
I've been able to get a Light Crossbow. It's a great weapon for him and since I'm playing solo it doesn't matter that he doesn't get the weapon profficiency power of the weapon.

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The game isn't designed to be a solo game. It designed to have roughly 4 specialist working together. The traditional group is a fighter, cleric, mage (now wizard) and thief (now rogue).
However, if you were to play a solo character. If you are going to use one character,perhaps a druid, or a cleric might be a good choice. The Druid has an animal companion to help him out. The cleric has some decent combat ability, armor use, and spells.
I hope this helps
I think you might have missed that you're in the card game forum, not the RPG forum...

I've tried all the characters solo. I really like Lem, because you can always get the Cure spell back with his power. Expect long games with him though, because his fighting is not very strong.
I really enjoy Lem solo as well, though have beefed him up with some attack spells and didn't use the suggested deck in the rule book.
He takes a lot longer to play, but I felt a real sense of accomplishment when I finally took Black Fang down tonight with about 5 blessing cards left in the deck.

NariusV |

My favorite character to solo with is by far Ezren. This has all to do with the thematic and role-playing elements that I enjoy as a player and not much to do with the game mechanics.
Using the quick-start list of cards recommended in the rule-book I quickly lost two games during the first or second scenario of the introductory adventure.
After having a bit of experience with the game and tweaking the starting card list, I was able to do better.
What I dislike with Ezren is that he has no blessings. This presents a unique challenge. Unlike any other character, he cannot rely on getting extra dice for any random check. This makes choosing your few allies and items a critical factor, especially during solo play when you don't have anyone else to throw blessings at you.
I like the deck cycling and re-charge ability he has. Oddly enough I also like the lack of blessings in that it makes each card played, and each game decision much more meaningful, since there is no guarantee of pulling a blessing to help you out with unskilled checks. Frequently you come upon barriers or boons that are simply impossible to pass checks on due to the lack of blessings. Knowing this in advance and planning which boons /barriers to use your boosts on is what makes playing Ezren more challenging and thus more fun. Risk analysis with Ezren not having free boosts like all the other characters really is a game changer.

Captain Bulldozer |

I've played multiple scenarios solo with Kyra, Valeros, Harsk, Merisiel, Ezren, Sajan, and Seelah. Of these, all of them did fine, but I personally didn't enjoy Seelah as much. Additionally, Harsk and Valeros both have powers that are meant to help other players, so you won't be able to use them solo. Merisiel, on the other hand, is best when solo due to one of her powers. Kyra is also quite good solo.
I think Harsk is probably my favorite to play with solo. Ezren is a lot of fun to play, but lack of blessings can be a challenge in a solo game. Sajan is a bit of a one trick pony; he's great at combat (as long as its once or twice per round max) but mediocre at most other things.
I've never done it, but now that I've played a bit more with Lini, I think she could be quite good solo as well. Currently I prefer to play her with Valeros so he can help her sometimes lacking combat skills, but after she's built up a bit I'll bet this would be less important.

Oroniss |

I don't play too much solo (i.e. one character) but in my experience Kyra was the least likely to get squashed. She can always just heal herself, and since in a solo game the blessings deck doesn't really put much of a timer on you, losing the exploration to do this is not much of a problem. She also gets at least one of every type of boon in her deck so you don't automatically discard stuff. It was very disheartening with Seelah getting a really good item but having to banish it at the end of the scenario.
Harsk also worked pretty well, since he is a well rounded character, just don't expect him to acquire too many allies.
Amiri and Valeros were ok, but they often come across situations that they have no way of beating.
Regarding playing multiple characters on your own, it's pretty straightforward. I have played a couple of 6 character games on my own without too much trouble. It just takes a bit longer and you need to organise your space well. Otherwise it's fine.
I would recommend starting with 2 and working upwards though. The suggested combination of Valeros and Lem is a really good one. I also found that Sajan and Seelah complement each other pretty well. They both fight well, their decks are almost exact opposites, and if one finds a challenge they can't beat, the other should be able to deal with it.
Just my 2c.

Chad Brown Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer |

The game isn't designed to be a solo game.
This is not correct; the game is designed and tested all the way through all of the adventure path for solo play (1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 characters). After playtesting, we included a note about playing solo but controlling two characters. We added this because there are a few specific points where it becomes really hard to succeed with only one character, but it's been done, multiple times. We also learned that some people find it un-fun to have to throw away a lot of cards that their one specialized character doesn't want.
Each character was designed to have a distinct play-style, and some of those are much more fun and effective when there are other characters present. For example, Lem, Harsk, and Valeros all have powers that let them help other characters, so these characters are weaker without companions. These characters are still capable of making it all the way through the Rise of the Runelords, and have done so.
I hope that helps!
ETA: Vic noted that you might be in the wrong forum, which is a good catch. I'll not delete this reply in case it helps someone else. Thanks, Vic!