Drow Society and questions

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

As everyone can see on my avatar, I like Drows. But I know very little of the drows on Golarion, and that bit I know, is basically seen here on the forums. So I have some questions about them.
- The majority of Drow have their origin on the elves that didn't flee on Earthfall, but some are more recent transformation of elves that adore Demon Lords. How exactly works that?
- Lolth is an absolute b~+@@, but for all her faults, she didn't want the Drow society to implode. But here, the Drow are at the service of different Demon Lords. How is that their society not implode without the "supervision" of a superior unifying force like Drow?
- Some more important difference with classic D&D Drows?
- Obviously, Second Darkness can have many information there. What parts exactly? What other books have interesting information on the subject?

Each drow is different.

Some drow society elements can be read about here in the Pathfinder Wiki, while others, as you say, can be found in Second Darkness.

One of the major differences from D&D and Golarion drow is that the latter do not have the affinity for spiders that the former do. Certain groups do, but it's only for a specific demon lord named Mazmezz.

One of the major forces that keep drow from imploding, I'd guess, would be the heavy pressure on the outside, is the dangers of the Darklands, which are really, really dangerous.

But I'll look into more later to help out.

Liberty's Edge

The reasons given for the Drow being what that they originally had to be ruthless in order to survive in the Darklands. Because they were so cruel, the good elven gods began to turn away from the Drow and withheld divine magic from their clerics. Because of this, the Drow had to turn to evil gods that appreciated the Drow's penchant for brutality. As they got worse and more depraved, their bodies started to change and they transformed into the dark-skinned white-haired monsters that we know and love today.

The transformation of Elf to Drow seems specially interesting, and I would love to know more. Specially the fact that happens still now, and some elfs think its some kind of curse of Golarion itself.
I like the ruthless house politics of Drow. Reminds me of Vampire The Masquerade, and is my favourite part of the Drow. The flesh-warping of the Drow of Golarion seems interesting, too. Are there rules for that on Pathfinder somewhere, or only the Second Darkness 3.5 details?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Into the Darkness goes into detail about Fleshwarping, as does Inner Sea Magic.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Into the Darklands is the best place to go at this point to get to know Golarion's drow. After that, the Second Darkness Adventure Path (particularly parts 3 and 4) are good sources.

Thank you, I will look for In to the Darklands when I can. ^^

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