New to PFS: Looking for game and help

Online Play

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I was introduced to pathfinder society play over the weekend at a local convention, and I am interested in getting started. I was curious if anyone had advice in getting into a game, or where to look online. My local area doesn't seem to support it very much.

I was also curious if there were any handy resources for starting out in play. I am a bit confused about the 'tiers' talk I keep hearing about. Also, how many points are used in character creation for stats.

Thanks once again, guys.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Sending you a private message with some beginner information

I do not suppose I too could get that information?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Sensuna wrote:

I was introduced to pathfinder society play over the weekend at a local convention, and I am interested in getting started. I was curious if anyone had advice in getting into a game, or where to look online. My local area doesn't seem to support it very much.

I was also curious if there were any handy resources for starting out in play. I am a bit confused about the 'tiers' talk I keep hearing about. Also, how many points are used in character creation for stats.

Thanks once again, guys.

Where about are you? Some local PFS groups are a little harder to find than others.

In the meanwhile, there are plenty of online options available, as I'm sure Arthur has already pointed out to you =)

Scarab Sages 5/5

For some reason I can't send JuMGa a private mail.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

I do believe that means that JuMGa needs to go into settings and allow messages. In the top right corner go to Account, then scroll down to Privacy Settings on the left and click the box under Private Messages ("Members of may send me private messages") and click Save Changes.

Dark Archive

Is there any chance I, too, could get that information?

I have a local playgroup - that all play while I'm working, so online looks like my best bet.

I would love some beginner information as well!

Shadow Lodge 3/5

If you're new to PFS, it's helpful to mention if you're also new to Pathfinder, or if you've played it before.

Join the chat room accessible from the front page of if you want to talk any kind of Pathfinder (including PFS), and don't leave immediately if nobody immediately responds because while it's an active channel, it's not active every minute of the day. The trick is to leave it open and multitask if you're waiting on someone to wake up - that's what all the regulars do.

If possible, I'd like access to that information as well, please.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Being a newish play-by-post GM and PFS player, myself, I was working on something of a 'how-to' that I've been posting on the Campaign page of games that I'm running.

It might be helpful to you, and I'd appreciate your thoughts and criticisms.

Thanks, Matt/FurtiveZoog

Scarab Sages

Arthur, I would also appreciate a PM with whatever information you've been sending.

I am new to Pathfinder. I have played D&D 3.5 for about 3 years (started with 4e a year before that), but I have never played a session of Pathfinder. I bought the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide from a local comic/gaming store a week ago. I have discovered a gamer's organization in my area, but they don't always play Pathfinder. When they do, it's Pathfinder Society, so I want to learn more about that, specifically. I also am interested in exploring my options for online play, as I'm not sure yet if my schedule will work well with this local gaming group.

I've started generating a character that I'm rather excited about. He's a half-elf summoner using the synthesist archetype from Ultimate Magic (I found it on the PRD).

Sovereign Court 4/5

Kevin Templeton wrote:
I've started generating a character that I'm rather excited about. He's a half-elf summoner using the synthesist archetype from Ultimate Magic (I found it on the PRD).

Welcome to PFS, I hope your stay will be much enjoyable!


I do not want to dampen your enthusiasm here, but sadly not all archetypes, items, feats, etc. included in the Pathfinder RPG rules are legal for PFS. One of these is the synthesist archetype. Please don't take my word for it. There is a handy reference document here which has what is and isn't allowed in the organized play campaign. Other things include many of the special races (goblin, ifrit, kitsune, sylph, undine, etc etc.), specialty classes like Red Mantis Assassin, Vivisectionist Alchemist, and others, and pretty much anything to do with crafting objects.

It can suck sometimes, but it does help (try) to level the playing field somewhat... so I've been told, haha.

Based on the number of "I'd like that info too" requests, perhaps Arthur can post it here?

Scarab Sages 5/5

This website is under development, and currently only has information related to getting started with PFS. You can find a large majority of what is needed to play here, looking through all the categories. If you have any questions, feel free to use the twitter or the email address provided on the website.

Not sure if this is helpful but just stumbled on it. This link has the process of PBP character creation and how to format the character sheet. Proofed it briefly and it is well written.

Also I am trying to run my first Play By Post PFS adventure. The few players that have shown interest are also new with PBP. I am more than happy to take on a full group of new to PFS Play By Post. Here is the link, honestly it is a fun first level adventure that will make you think and roll play more than have to worry about the rules crunch.

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