Winter_Born |
Looking to make a spooky middle aged human conjurer for my second PFS character.
Trying to keep my sources down as right now I only have Core, and Advanced Player's Guide (and a few others sources), but I'm willing to buy something if it's essential to my build.
Will middle age screw me up or can it be worked around? I don't see him buff (STR as a dump), but I do still want to try and keep my DEX and CON respectable given PFS needs.
Just looking for guidelines as I've never built a spellcasters for PFS, as my only other character is a paladin.
Thank for any guidance in advance!
Winter_Born |
Can't be middle aged in PFS.
Also, Haramaki armor. +1 armor bonus to AC, No penalties
From page 7 of the 5.0 guide:
A character can not be younger than the minimum age listed on Table 7–1 of the Core Rulebook, or listed on Table 5–1 of the Advanced Race Guide, and must be younger than venerable, as listed on Table 7–2 of the Core Rulebook and Table 5–4 of the Advanced Race Guide.
Middle Age seems fine. It just doesn't alter ability scores.
ArmouredMonk13 |
Oh, I thought you were going middle age for the stat buff. You can still say you are middle aged, yeah. What are you looking for in this teleporter? A Gish, A buffer, A Bad touch, a Save-Or-Suck? I think the teleportation ability would mean you might be able to use a touch spell than teleport back 5 feet and be away from melee.
Finlanderboy |
Honestly you will want INT as high as possible. Casters need one stats and that is their bread and butter. Having more will make your spells harder to resist and give you more spells.
Being a wizard you run out of spells the quickest. Since you mustpick your spells before hand often times you will run out of spells you need.
After that It depends on what you want to do with your guy.
Mergy |
I've got a middle-aged half-elf conjurer with the teleportation subschool! :) Keep in mind that all age categories are strictly fluff, and give no mechanical benefits or disadvantages.
Stats: Int before everything, but don't shortchange constitution or dexterity. Strength, wisdom and charisma CAN flounder, but make sure that you know what you're giving up.
For a conjurer, there are two basic ways to go: Summoning and battlefield control. For the first, pick up Augment Summoning by level 3 or 5 so that your minions have +2 to attacks and damage rolls; for the latter, just concentrate on getting your DCs up through feats and intelligence bumps. While most wizards pick all of their spells beforehand, by mid-levels I would try to keep one space open in each spell level so that you can prepare things as you need them. There's a level 5 wizard discovery that reduces the time that it takes to prepare a spell from 15 minutes to 1 minute.
Pearls of power are your friend. I would make a 1st level one my first purchase in PFS. Also don't forget to make use of your prestige to pick up some useful wands or scrolls. My wizard has evocation as an opposition school, but he spent 2 pp to get a wand of magic missile so that when he has nothing better to do, he can hit someone for force damage.