Equipment for Steam-Punk / Magitech soldiers?


Running a campaign that has a small but powerful colonial city-state. They have the most advanced level of technology.

What are some reasonable equipment choices for basic/elite soldiers, that fulfill functions similar to equipment used by modern soldiers? Anything of CL 12 or less can be in general circulation.

currently, they are all armed with breastplates, Musket, bayonet and saber. (scimitar).

I really want to play up the modernity/effectiveness of their technology, their discipline, and thus why they should be rightly feared.

Thanks in advance!

It would be as much what equipment they have as what they're fighting against. Remember that the Mongols were supposedly immortal because they wore a simple silk shirt underneath their armor--arrows would be caught in the shirt and thus not severely injure the rider. Given your city-state's level of technology, it's plausible they "invented" a substance similar to modern Kevlar (either a covering, tech-spell, etc) for use in their standing army.

Another vein would be improving their weaponry, be this by output of ammunition, improvements in accuracy, or just plain old-fashioned reliability. You could lump consumables under this umbrella as well, such as grenades.

Your basic equipment list looks good for a 'generic soldier' type of loadout. A few thoughts...

1. Alchemical equivalents of the utility grenades used by modern militaries - thunderstones/flashstones to simulate flashbangs, smoke bombs that do sickened/nauseated effects to simulate tear gas, alchemist's fire to simulate incendiary grenades. Perhaps, if you're feeling crazy, some kind of anti-magic bomb that does an AOE dispel magic. Look at the alchemist class for inspiration here - maybe alchemist is one of the more common classes in the region? If each soldier had a few grenades that were the equivalent of a bomb from a low to mid level alchemist, that'd set them apart as interesting and varied opponents, and give you some interesting treasure that the PCs would be interested in capturing.

2. Nothing says steampunk like a gatling gun. Perhaps the elite troops are wearing clockwork plate armor that enhances their strength and lets them carry large gatling guns, with alchemically treated lenses in the helmet that lets them see through smoke? A few of the regular guys throw smoke bombs in and sicken/nauseate the PCs, then the elites open up with gatling guns into the crowd. Nasty combination.

Some of the stuff from this AP seems like what you want, especially the consumables.

I run them as level 1 Gunslinger, level 1 Fighter for the base units. (Characters are level 3, I use a slow leveling model, typically.)

As it currently stands, this city-state is the only major user of firearms, and has what amounts to a a monopoly on their mass production.

Airships are a thing: Most use the typical galleon style, bound air elemental for propulsion system. This city-state uses armored steam airships, using the interaction of water and fire elementals to produce near-infinite amounts of steam.

I will look into loading them out with alchemical items. Usually there is a wizard/sorcerer attached to every squad or two as support.

I would love to see some sort of cheap night-vision goggles, grenade launchers, etc., things along that line.

The Clockwork Armor idea fits well; an ancient "Master" race utilized magic and technology to a great extent, and in fact the party just ran into some clockwork soldiers left over from that bygone era. Could be prototypes developed from said clockwork soldiers...

Most of a 'modernization' of tactics already exists in the game, it simply requires the DM to use it properly. Modern soldiers will use ranged weapons that can be fired from prone or kneeling positions, which translates into firearms and crossbows in D&D/Pathfinder. They will fight in such a way that they take advantage of cover and concealment, training to work as a team instead of individuals.

This means you might need a little practice, but it works something like this... one or more move into position from behind cover (+4 AC) and either take a knee (+2 AC) or go prone (+4 AC), stacking their defenses up to +6 or +8 that also applies against touch attacks. These will attack if possible, but if the enemy is to be attacking them or trying to escape, they will use readied actions to attack foes that move into view. Then their allies will leapfrog up and do the same thing. Any attack against one will likely involve others being able to attack, and they may have multiple squads that approach from different directions to deny the enemy cover.

If you're avoiding firearms, go with the Double Crossbow, but dig up the old 3.5 rules. It can load two separate bolts which can be fired independently of each other or both at the same target (with a single attack roll at -2). Use one for direct damage and use the other for special ammunition such as Tanglefoot Bolts or ones with alchemical substances such as Achemist's Fire, Thunderstones, or the like. They may use Poison as a side one, or as part of the primary attack (not Con poison, due to its cost and lack of reliability, they would instead favor Dex to make it easier for allies to hit and for possible nonlethal capture of foes). You can also add bayonets, or even go with the 'all metal' modification which allows the crossbow to be used as a melee weapon without damaging it (so your soldiers can use it to butt-strike foes should they get close).

If you're going with Firearms, it's best to go with the advanced ones, or at least use ones that can store multiple rounds such as the Pepperbox pistol and rifle.

Perhaps that nation is advanced enough that it counts as a "Guns Everywhere" place and thus their Gunslingers get Dex to damage at low levels, or they even have access to the Trench Fighter archetype.

In both cases, they will likely use comparatively 'cheap', effective ammo for their missions, such as the seeking ammo that ignores cover and concealment, or even Bane rounds specifically picked out for their foes.

Then there would likely be soldiers who fulfill the role of special forces or SWAT. Some, for instance, would carry Tower Shields and small crossbows so that they can set up cover where it doesn't exist, for themselves and for their allies (think Riot Police). Some might use bows instead of crossbows and focus on rapid fire instead of the single shot, leapfrogging tactics, and be put on a squad such that their allies can safely move them into position so they could machinegun the enemy. Alchemists would definitely count here, especially if they took the discovery that allows their allies to use their spells, since then they could pass out effects to their allies to use at no cost. In addition, they make perfect grenadiers or could focus on becoming a melee brute with their mutagens. There are also cheap spells that work here (light, glitterdust, detect invisibility, obscuring mist) and which Alchemists can use. They could also have wands of Cure Light and serve a backup purpose as healers.

Cathulhu wrote:

Running a campaign that has a small but powerful colonial city-state. They have the most advanced level of technology.

What are some reasonable equipment choices for basic/elite soldiers, that fulfill functions similar to equipment used by modern soldiers? Anything of CL 12 or less can be in general circulation.

currently, they are all armed with breastplates, Musket, bayonet and saber. (scimitar).

I really want to play up the modernity/effectiveness of their technology, their discipline, and thus why they should be rightly feared.

Thanks in advance!

Dragon Mech has Steam punk weapons for D&D

I really like the idea of well-equipped grunts. A kit of one-shot Wonderous items could be scary. Each gunslinger has a catching cape and arrow magnet to give them advantage at range. They have an ioun torch and nightdrops to augment vision. A stubborn nail is used for tons of stuff including detaining perps. They carry war paint of terrible visage for close assault, which is much of why they are feared. 2-3 feather tokens round out the kit depending on the detail. One carries a travellers all tool and iron rope. For a bit more coin, they each have an immovable rod as a nightstick and they do all kinds of coordinated stuff with them.

Maybe the squad leader is a level 1 order of the land, luring, Musketeer cavalier who grants a teamwork feat with tactician. Instead of a wizard or sorcerer, maybe support is a slightly tougher level 1 summoner who is like a K9 unit with an automaton eidolon and a backpack full of fire-and-forget combat automatons (summon monster 1). He is also the medic with a wand and UMD.

Don't start trouble in their city.

If they're very advanced, use advanced firearms. Rifles and revolvers make a huge difference, and is sufficiently advanced compared to 'standard fantasy' settings to really feel different.

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