Witch Questions


Liberty's Edge

I am considering a Beast Bonded Witch for PFS play. So only up through 11th level. Probably the Animal or Transformation patrons make the most thematic sense, but I'm not thrilled with either.

Planning to primarily use hexes as my offense, spells for utility and buffing, and try to stay our of the fighting if at all possible.

If I take the Compsognathus dinosaur familiar it will grant me a +4 to initiative in addition to the other familiar benefits. That’s so nice I might even not want improved familiar.

If I want to fight or run at 8th level I can turn into any tiny to large dinosaur. Correct?

Or I could take the scorpion and then change into tiny to large vermin. Correct?

In PFS can you use the clone spell to make another body to make use of the 10th level twin soul ability?

If you took the Compsognathus you would be able to turn into a tiny or large dinosaur as per the spell Beast Shape II. RAW you would not be able to use the Beast Bonded Witch's Familiar form with a scorpion because the ability functions as Beast Shape II, which does not allow vermin forms. Similarly if you took Improved Familiar you wouldn't be able to use most of those shapes as well because they don't fall under what Beast Shape II can do.

In regards to Clone and Twin Soul, it specifically calls out the use of Clone as valid, so yes.

Liberty's Edge

You can only use familiar form if your familiar is of type animal?!?

If true, that is a drastic reduction in the possibilities.

I think the only 2 improved familiars you could do are celestial hawk and fiendish viper since it doesn't say it changes the type.

Hmm... I thought sure there was a feat to increase the DC of the hex, but I can't find it now. Am I remembering wrong or am I just missing it?

Does a hex have to beat Spell Resistance? If so is there something like spell penetration to help you succeed? Or does spell penetration already work with hexes?

Guess I'm kinda thinking the following feats:
Human - improved initiative
1st - extra hex
3rd - accursed hex (if they make save vs a 1 ea day only, can try again)
5th - iron will
7th - imp iron will (planning to dump wisdom)
9th - extra hex
11th - extra hex (to get a major that the beast bonded archtype loses)
13th - split hex (if I ever get to that level)

So I can pretty much have all the normal hexes that I want.

My PFS Lavode De'Morcaine wrote:

Does a hex have to beat Spell Resistance?

No, it doesn't have to. See Supernatural Abilities

In regards to boosting Hex DCs there is Ability Focus but it may not be PFS play approved because it is classified as a Monster feat.

I have one and pretty much accepted that you just lose on the beast form ability. One of the cool things about this this archetype is that you can feed your feats to the familiar. Between familiar melding and twin soul, I eventually plan to be my familiar. I haven't worked out the carting the body around bit yet. I am still trying to find a way to keep it close but safe.

I expect to see some table variation when this happens because I think there is a lot of grey area on this class. I tried to ask some questions about it in the past but got nothing.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2pywn?Several-Beast-Bonded-and-Familar-Melding# 1

Liberty's Edge

chaoseffect wrote:
In regards to boosting Hex DCs there is Ability Focus but it may not be PFS play approved because it is classified as a Monster feat.

Nope, not allowed in PFS.

Sitri wrote:
I have one and pretty much accepted that you just lose on the beast form ability...

Hmm... I don't think I want to do that. Beast form was one of the things I was most looking forward to with this archtype.

On additional resources it says some feats and spell from the Core are not allowed, but I am not seeing what they are. Ability Focus is from Core right? I am willing to bet a normal character couldn't take it, but if your beast bonded is in your familiar......

Liberty's Edge

Specifcally says none of the feats in the bestiary are legal for play.

Might be able to weasel in having the familiar take it. Then have it to use only when in my familiar. But I would have to give up a hex I can use all the time. Not for me.

Here is a weird suggestion.

Take the Hawk as your familiar and (somehow) give it a point in Ride. Then, give your familiar the Mounted Combat feat.

At 1st level, when the hawk is perched on your shoulder in combat, it can negate one attack per round with a +3 bonus (Hawk has a 17 dex). Considering your AC is going to be between 12 and 13 w/o Mage Armor, you're looking at rolling equal to or greater than your AC over 50% of the time - not bad for an instant action.

Though, I'm not sure how to give your familiar skill points....

LibraryRPGamer wrote:

Though, I'm not sure how to give your familiar skill points....

Don't familiars inherit your skill ranks?

My PFS Lavode De'Morcaine wrote:

Specifcally says none of the feats in the bestiary are legal for play.


Might be able to weasel in having the familiar take it. Then have it to use only when in my familiar. But I would have to give up a hex I can use all the time. Not for me.

Ahh, I just saw it was listed as Core on pfsrd and didn't bother to double check the source.

Halinn wrote:
LibraryRPGamer wrote:

Though, I'm not sure how to give your familiar skill points....

Don't familiars inherit your skill ranks?


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